

Lily arrived at Amber’s company and paid the taxi driver. She tried to walk into the company but was stopped by an employee who stopped her and started checking her out.

"Who are you looking for, Miss? You don’t look like you work here. Do you?" he inquired.

"No, I don’t. I am here to see your boss," she said.

"My boss, how do you know her when you use taxis as your means of transportation?" he asked rudely.

"Stop talking about my social status. You barely even know me. Are you going to tell me where she is or not?" She asked, glaring at him. He scratched the back of his head.

"She went out a long time ago. I don’t know if she went home or somewhere else. Come with me. I will take you to her secretary and you can ask him." he said, leading her into the company. Lily smiled as she walked into the company, admiring the huge company and staring at the gigantic statues of perfume that were in the place.

I didn’t know she was so rich. Wow, just look at this place. She must be the real deal. Lily thought as she followed the employee into an elevator. She stood back when he pressed the button. She started tapping her foot on the floor impatiently. She hoped Mason hadn’t reached the border of the city.

Amber and Bella were led into a special room that was filled with designer dresses. There was a woman in the room, she was styling a mannequin with a measuring tape around her neck and little office pins in her mouth.

"Ma’am, she is here." the security guard said to her and exited the room. The woman was backing them up, so they couldn’t see her face. She removed the pins from her mouth and shoved them into the dress in front of her and turned to look at Amber and Bella. 

Amber gasped in surprise as she also gasped. Her eyes landed on Amber; she was Elsa, the trouble queen and Mason’s ex-lover in school. What was she doing in their city? And how did she become a famous designer? And why did Xavier send her to Elsa’s store? Something was fishy. A lot of unanswered questions were running through Amber’s mind. She turned around in utter shock, avoiding Elsa’s gaze. 

Bella noticed the awkward tension between them and battled her lashes. *Ahem!!* She faked a cough and grabbed Elsa’s attention. Elsa was also surprised to see Amber, and she couldn’t believe she still recognized her after so many years, and the bad things she did in the past replayed in her mind.

Bella placed her hand on Amber’s back.

"What is wrong, Amber? Aren’t we here to try on your wedding dress?" Bella asked in a soft tone, jolting her out of her trance.

"Ye-ye-yes, that’s what we are here to do." Amber stuttered and turned around with her head held high. She wanted to act as if she didn’t know Elsa.

"Am…" Amber put her hand in the air, preventing Elsa from speaking. 

"I am here to try on the dresses my fiancé chose for me." Amber said, standing tall.

Elsa looked rather surprised? Why was Amber suddenly pretending? She thought. She had left her city a long time ago with her mother when they wanted to put her behind bars for a crime she committed, and now she was a designer and also a model. The elegant dress she was wearing had a beautiful diamond stone in the breast region that showed that she was a designer.

"Come with me." Elsa said, walking to the other side of the huge room, and they followed her. Amber held tightly to her bag. She didn’t want to speak to Elsa. There was nothing to talk about. She thought.

Elsa took them to a separate hanger that had three wedding dresses there. They all looked beautiful and elegant, and the middle one caught Amber’s eye. She knew it would suit her. The dress was a backless gown that had a little sparkle that created a subtle effect with lighter-coloured sequins. It had a plunging neckline, it was big from the hips down, like a ball gown, and was an elegant white. Amber had fallen in love with the dress at first glance. 

Elsa stole a glance at Amber and touched the first dress, "This dress will look great on you. It will enlighten your curves and bring out your hair colour." Elsa said with a smile and touched the lace dress at the other end, omitting the middle dress.

"This dress will look great on you, beautiful. You are tall and have an oval face shape," Elsa said, making Amber lift her lower lip in disgust as old memories came back to her. She was still wondering why Elsa was also pretending not to know her.

"So which one do you want to try first? Your fiancé has great taste. That’s why I separated the dress from the others." Elsa said. Amber’s eyes were still fixed on the middle one. 

"I will try that one." Amber said, pointing at the middle dress. Elsa removed the dress from the hanger and brushed it a little.

"Come with me." she said, and led Amber to the dressing room. She entered the dressing room with Amber and handed her the dress. Amber removed her suit jacket and her gaze met with Elsa’s.

"Are you going to stay here while I try it on?" Amber inquired with a frown.

"No, I will be outside, call me if you need my help," Elsa said and exited the dressing room. Bella was waiting out the dressing room in a waiting chair and also reading a magazine, Amber finished putting on the dress and needed someone to adjust the back of the dress for her.

"Bella, come I need your help!" she yelled but Bella didn’t hear her she was lost in the world of the magazine. Elsa ran into the dressing room and observed the dress before knowing what to do, she adjusted the back of the dress, it was showing Amber’s sexy back, the dress looked like it was made for her.

"Thank you." Amber said and slowly turn to her, her smile faded as she saw that it was Elsa.