

"Mason!! Please don’t go." Lily begged with pleading eyes, holding tightly to Mason’s luggage. They were standing in the hotel’s parking lot, close to Mason’s car. He had already made up his mind to leave the city as soon as possible because he couldn’t take it any longer.

"What is wrong with you? Shouldn’t you be happy that I want to leave?" he asked.

"You know, I followed you here because I didn’t want my parents to know we were divorced. If you go there, they will know that we are divorced and I will be busted," she said. 

"Please don’t go, you promise to help me," she pleaded, battling her lashes.

"Lily, stop being like this. Look, people are watching us. You can’t hide from the truth forever. You should follow me back home instead of begging me to stay," he remarked.

"No, I can’t go back home, I can’t face my parents. Their faces are too scary. They will reprimand me, and I will be helpless. Please listen to me. You can’t just leave because she refused to get married to you." She whimpered and held tightly onto his bag, hugging it to her chest as she squatted on the floor. He looked down at her. She was getting on his nerves.

"Don’t be like this Lily, I don’t wanna hurt you because you are pregnant, but you are being a pain in the butt, why do you wanna stay here anyway? Don’t tell me you have fallen in love with this city by just staying for a few days." he remarked.

"Yes! Yes! I have fallen in love with this city. It’s more peaceful than ours and there are no racists or bad people acting like they own the world." she explained closing her eyes as he started pulling the bag, trying to remove it from her grip.

"Lily, stop this madness. You can’t change my mind. If you want to stay here, you are free to, but I don’t wanna stay here any longer and this has nothing to do with Amber." He lied through his nose.

"I know it has everything to do with her." she said. He gritted his teeth, pulling his luggage from her. He placed his hand on her head, pushing it away so she would let go of it, but she was adamant. He grasped her hair tightly and she let go of the bag with her mouth wide open. 

"Let go of my hair!" she whimpered.

"I didn’t want to hurt you, but you have pushed my buttons." he said and let go of her hair, she stood up trying to run after him, her leg buckled beneath her and she fell to the ground on her back.

"Ow! Ow!" she cried out on the floor, touching her stomach as she lay on the concrete floor. He tossed the luggage into the trunk of his car and shut it. He felt pity for her and ran to her on the floor, helping her off the ground.

"You shouldn’t be doing all this. You are pregnant. You should try to take care of yourself," he said, brushing the dirt off her face. She stared into his eyes as he patted her face and her shoulder with a worried expression, but he didn’t pay attention to her. He was doing what he was doing. He let go of her and attempted to go when she grasped his right hand, pulling him back.

"Please don’t go, you can always go some other time but not now, I am not ready to face my parents please," she pleaded gazing at him, he was backing her so he couldn’t see her expression. He turned to look at her. 

"Don’t worry, I won’t go to your parents and I will ask my parents not to tell them about my whereabouts. You have nothing to worry about." He assured her with a faint smile and removed her hand from his at a slow pace. She took a step back, watching him as he got into his car and stepped on the accelerator. She moved closer to the car, trying to grab the handle when he drove off. 

"Mason, please listen to me…" She whimpered and turned around, watching the car go. 

I won’t let him go. I have to do something about this before he leaves this city. I have to stop him first. I have to find Amber. She thought and walked to the hallway, waving her hand on the road to stop a taxi. A taxi stopped in front of her. She quickly got into the taxi and closed the door.

"To unique cologne." she declared, she heard that was Amber’s company maybe she would be there, she was her only hope to stop him from living now. 

Amber drove out of her company with Bella beside her, "Do you know the location of the store?" Amber inquired.

"Yes, I do. Don’t worry, I will navigate it to you." Bella assured pressing her phone as Amber drove onto the highway at great speed.

"Your fiancé told me he had already chosen a few dresses for you to try on. If one doesn’t suit your taste, we can still choose another one." Bella said.

After minutes of driving, Amber drove into the lobby of a big fashion store in the city that sells only wedding dresses. Their dresses were top-notch, one of the most expensive and most demanded. Amber didn’t want a grand wedding, she just wanted a wedding that her whole family would be present at, but that dream had been shattered by the death of her father, and Xavier wanted a grand wedding. He wanted the whole world to know they were married.

"Uh, Bella. How many guests did Xavier invite to the wedding?" she asked as she stopped the car and removed her seat belt. Bella put her phone on her back and looked at her.

"He invited two thousand guests. I also thought it was too much, but my husband didn’t have a problem with it and he also gave me ten invitations to invite my friends and family." she said. Amber narrowed her eyes at her. 

"I guess he bribed you with the invitations. I have to talk to him about it." Amber said trying to open the door of the car when Bella placed her hand on hers.

"You don’t have to object to everything your fiancé does. You don’t have to make this all about what you want. He is also a human and he has his own dream. Can you just let this slide for once please?" Bella pleased. Amber twisted her lips.

"Argh, fine! Let’s go check out the dresses. I am exhausted. I need to go home." she said.

"Go home to him, huh, you are in such a hurry, don’t tell me you have started sleeping with him." Bella teased with a smile.

"Geez, how could you think such a thing? I am not that kind of girl; I am not that cheap; no marriage, no sex." Amber declared.

"Hmm, if you say so." Bella said, and they both got out of the car, walking to the huge entrance of the mall that was filled with rich couples elegantly dressed that the security guard at the entrance couldn’t stop from going in.

"Oh, I almost forgot. He said he was going to pay for anything you buy. I want you to get the most beautiful and expensive dress in this store." Bella said.

"Come on, I don’t need to get that. It’s not a big deal. It’s just a wedding dress I only get to wear once in my life. If it was up to me, I would have rented a dress. I don’t want to wreck my fiancé before we even get married." she said, biting her lower lip.

"He is rich." Bella said, rolling her eyes as they approached the security guard, who asked their names and stared at the list in his hand before ticking it off.

"Hey! You take them to the VIP area," he said to another security guard, who smiled and walked over to them, leading them into the huge store that was spotless. The theme was pink and white, giving the store a girly and beautiful look that was welcoming with the beautiful white chandelier that was illuminating the whole place.

 There was a beautiful wedding gown on display in huge mannequins in the middle of the place, followed by huge lines and rows of dresses and their rooms in the massive store with various designs of wedding gowns.

"Wow, this is dress heaven." Bella said as the dresses shone in her eyes.

"Classic Bella," Amber said and chuckled.

"Miss, come with me." The security guard stated that he was standing on the other side of the store on a large staircase.

"Oh, yes, we are on our way." Amber said, absentmindedly, marveling at the beautiful dresses. She knew it would be hard to choose. They followed the security guard climbing up the stairs.

"I heard the designer of this store is an international best seller." Bella commented.