

"What’s wrong? Surprise to see me?" Elsa inquired.

"Of course not, Amber replied, and packed her wedding dress in her hand. She already loved it, and it made her look beautiful, although she hadn’t worn her veil or stylized her hair like that of a bride.

Elsa stood at the door with her hands folded. "Are you going to keep pretending you don’t know me?" she asked.

"Huh? What do you mean, pretend? I don’t know who you are; you are just a designer my fiancé has hired." Amber said.

"I know you know who I am. Stop pretending. I must admit, it’s nice to see you after all these years," Elsa said in a soft tone.

"Why are you acting so nice? It doesn’t suit you. Are you acting nice because I am your customer?" Amber asked.

"I know you will never like me and you will always hate me, but I want to sincerely apologize for being mean to you back in college. I was young and naïve, I didn’t know anything apart from love, and I hurt a lot of people because of my motives. Including you. I am sorry." Elsa said with a lot of sincerity, placing her hand on her chest. Her gesture and polite nature melted Amber’s heart. She had never thought an evil witch like Elsa would ever apologize to her. It was new and she liked the feeling. 

"You are welcome. I am glad you have realized your mistake," Amber said, and Elsa extended her hand to her.

"Congratulations on your wedding. I don’t know why you chose Xavier, but I guess he is the right choice for you." Elsa said, Amber, let go of her dress and shook her hand when she noticed she was also wearing a ring.

"Are you engaged?" Amber asked.

"No, I am married with two kids." Elsa replied.

"Really?" Amber asked with her eyes wide open.

"Yea, they are twins actually. The greatest thing that has ever happened to me." Elsa said with her eyes sparkling, and Amber could tell that she loved her children a lot.

"Wow, that’s nice. I would love to meet them one day." Amber beamed.

"I will bring them to your wedding. I was invited by your fiancé," she beamed. 

"Oh, really," Amber said. Xavier," she muttered, through her nose.

"Let’s go. I will ask the makeup artist to style your hair, so we will see what you will look like on your wedding day. To be honest, you already look good in the dress." Elsa said, and squatted, carrying Amber’s dress as they made their way out of the dressing room.

"There is no need for that. I want my look on my wedding day to be a secret and I want my husband to be the first person to see my face." Amber said with a smile. Bella spotted them and dropped her magazine on the chair, walking over to them with her mouth wide open.

"Wow! Amber, you look breath-taking. I almost couldn’t recognize you." Bella said as the dress shone in her eyes. The dress was glowing, and it made Amber look dazzling and breath-taking.

"I am going to take a picture of this and send it to Xavier. He is going to love it." Bella said and brought out her phone, attempting to take a picture of Amber when Amber stopped her.

"Stop, don’t take a picture of me. I don’t want him to know the dress I chose. I will just tell him I have tried the dress on and I also don’t know the suit he will be wearing." Amber said, with pouted lips. 

"Okay, if you say so, but I am going to take one for myself." Bella said, and took a picture of her.

"Stop it, Bella, don’t you dare send that picture to him!" Amber yelled. 

"Calm down. I am not going to send it to him. Hurry and go and change into your causal clothes so we can go home." Bella said. 

Two saleswomen pushed a big mirror that was her body length in front of Amber. Amber twirled as she checked out the dress in the mirror.

"It’s beautiful," she muttered.

"Yes, I made it." Elsa said with a smile.

"Alright, go take it off. You don’t wanna get it stained, do you?" Bella inquired.

"She can get it stained. This is just a sample of the dress, not the real deal." Elsa replied and led Amber back to the dressing room. Bella sat back on the chair, staring at the picture she took with a huge smile on her face.

Amber finished putting on her suit and walked out of the dressing room with Elsa. "Pack the dress for me and mail it to my house; you know the time of the wedding." Amber said.

"Of course, don’t worry, I will do that." Elsa said and walked away with a saleswoman. 

Bella stood up and started following Amber out of the room as they spotted the security guard who had taken them there waiting for them at the door.

"This way ladies." he said pointing at a huge staircase and they followed him, Amber was looking around trying to know the time, because it was hard to know the weather in the company. Her phone had also powered off.

"What are you looking for?" Bella asked her standing at the other edge of the staircase with the security guard, Amber was in the middle of the staircase resting her hand on the handrail.

"Uh, what’s the time?" She asked, looking at her, and started walking down the stairs.

"It’s 6:00 pm. I am going home. I wanted to follow you to your house, but it’s already late and my husband will be back by now. I have to prepare something for him." Bella said.

"What about the massive maids he hired the other time?" Amber asked.

"He likes my food more than theirs. You know, a way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Bella said and winked. 

"Okay, I don’t remember the last time I entered the kitchen." Amber remarked as they made their way to the entrance of the company. They both halted as they spotted Lily talking to the security guard at the entrance.

"What is she doing here?" Amber said, staring at Lily.

"Who?" Bella asked and looked at Lily.

"Do you know her?" she asked.

"Yes, she is Mason’s ex-wife. It’s better not be what I think it is." Amber said and as they made their way out of the company.

"I need to see her briefly, please. It’s urgent." Lily pleaded with her hands clasped together. 

"If you don’t have an appointment, you can’t go inside Miss, please try to understand. I am following the rules of the company." he said. Lily paused as she sighted Amber. Her eyes lit up.

"Miss Amber, please, I need to talk to you." She said and ran to Amber, blocking her path. Amber folded her hands with her head held high. 

"What do you want?" Amber inquired.

"I…I need you to come with me. I need your help." Lily said, panting.

"Why do you need my help?" Amber asked. 

"I need to go now," Bella said, attempting to go.

"Please don’t leave; let me hear what she has to say." Amber said.

"M-Mason is leaving this city. I need you to stop him." Lily said, and Amber’s eyes widened.

"He is leaving? Why all of a sudden?" Amber inquired.

"I don’t know, but I need you to stop him for me." Lily pleaded, holding her hand. 

"Why do you want me to stop him from leaving? What will this benefit you?" Amber asked.

"I want him to be here with me because of our baby. My parents will be mad if they find out that we have divorced." Lily said, with tears streaming down her face, she looked pure and innocent and Amber wanted to help her. Bella frowned and pushed Lily away, hauling Amber away with her.

"Don’t listen to her, it has nothing to do with you. She should talk to her husband. What does this have to do with you?" Bella said, leading Amber in the direction of her car. Amber looked back at Lily, who was kneeling on the floor with her head down, crying. She felt sympathy for her and removed her hand from Bella’s grip.

"Sorry Bella, but I need to help her." Amber said and ran toward Lily, helping her off the ground.

"Are you okay? Where is he now?" She asked, staring at Lily, who looked like a soaked puppy with strands of hair on her face. Amber removed the hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear.

"We have to go. We don’t have much time. He must have reached the border by now. Please help me." Lily said, holding tightly to her hand with pleading eyes. Her eyes were watery.

Bella stole a glance at them and stopped a taxi. "You are too kind for your own good. I can’t believe you are falling for her crocodile tears. I am out of here." Bella said, shaking her head before getting into the taxi.