
Ninja System Within A New World

Hunters! 'Oh Shit! I'm in a new world' Cesaire shouted. On his birthday, he received a weird Anime Box as a present from his best friend. On his way home, he tried to escape from bad luck only for it to meet him face to face in his house. Cesaire met Kasha, the God Of Luck who reincarnated him to another world as a punishment for trying to escape his luck influence but not without sending the Anime Box to gift Cesaire a Ninja System. Cesaire now in the body of Jeremy Jr. Styles in a new world were people with superpowers exists. These people were called Hunters. They had the power to destroy mountains with a punch, call forth flames from the skies, transform into mythical creatures and move the world with their will. It was a whole new experience for Jae and he had decided. With the Ninja System(that doesnt seem like a Ninja System), he strived to be the best Hunter in existence. =====•=====

MahSammy · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Ch~Twenty>Seven: Encounter With A Jyka // The Academy.

Sword light shone through the forest as Jae took another swing of his sword at the Level 3 Black Tiger in front of him, killing it instantly. He stored the body of the beast in his space before he continued on his journey.

He kept on walking, deep in his thought before he suddenly paused. The gazes, they were gone. As he was about to take action, a large wave of energy suddenly spread out from behind him like a shockwave.

Quickly approaching the place where the incident happened, he saw what he would never forget.


A loud explosion occurred as a man was blasted away by a strange being whose body was emitting terrifying aura. Jae had never seen such a creature before.

The man suddenly stood back up and noticed him "Leave here at once! Go Run Away! Deliver the box safely to Mr. Jackie, we will handle the issue here!" The man said. he was wearing a green tattered battle suit and was holding a greatsword while his mouth was leaking traces of blood.

The man quickly went back to the battle with his colleagues and as he started talking to his C-Net~ Jae heard the man mentioning stuffs like -Jyka on sight! It seems to be a Tier 3 type! What are your orders Forest Kaz'Ta?- etc.

Confused, Jae took one more look at the man before he took off. He didn't know what was happening, and he honestly didn't want to know. All he wanted now was to get to the academy safely. Jae sprinted with all his might away from the battlefield and even used his Lightning Jutsu to increase his speed.

His speed increased significantly as the lightning current shrouded his body. He also took out his weapons and got ready for any unexpected battle, not like he could do anything to defeat the enemy, but still, it was a way of assuring his mind.

He didn't even bother about the beasts he saw on the way, he just passed by them without turning back. He could feel the battle escalating as explosion sounds kept spreading.

"Wtf is that creature? just looking at it made me feel inferior. Like I'm some kind of lower species under it. And those people, they must be the guards the Kaz'Ta sent to protect me.. no rather, the black box. Whatever, I hope they hold that thing back, getting to safe ground is my only goal right now" Jae said as he dashed through the forest. He could feel the chakra in his body draining rapidly under the strain his body was going through and of course, the Pain!

Still, gritting his teeth, he continued to run. After a few minutes, the lightning current on his body faded away and he collapsed on the ground. He was only feeling pain at this moment. His sight was getting blurry, feeling like he would become unconscious. He bit his tongue and ignored the excruciating pain his body was under, and started crawling forward until he was on his feet, walking forward.

The battle sound had stopped for a while now and Jae didn't know which side came out victorious. As he was walking forward, he suddenly felt a huge pressure on his body and went down on his knees. Raising his head with difficulty, he saw what he was running away from.

The Jyka had a pale white skin with black cracking lines over his body. He stood 2 meters tall and was bulky in mass. He had a silver hair mixed with little strands of golden hair. His face was also filled with cracking lines and the inside of his eyes were black but his eyes were grey in color.

The Jyka was missing an arm and there was a huge gaping hole in his stomack bleeding with grey blood. His body had multiple injuries and looked like he was going to die at any moment. But he didn't seem to care. The Jyka looked at Jae with a smirk on his face and said "So it is true, a Styles Blood still exist in this world! I guess our plans aren't anymore hopeless"

Jae was confused. The Jyka seemed to be talking about him? He thought the Jyka was after the Energy Capturing Flower in his possession but now, he was hearing Styles Blood? Damn!

Jae saw the Jyka coming towards him after taking out a little grey orb from his pocket. He grabbed Jae by his neck, opened his mouth and put the little grey orb inside his mouth. Jae struggled to escape from the creature's grip but it was just for naught. He subconsciously swallowed the orb and choked heavily on it before the Jyka left Jae's body to slump on the floor.

After that, the Jyka coughed out grey blood. "I guess I don't have any more time. Anyway, I've accomplished my goal. I will be seeing you soon young Blood of Styles" The Jyka weakly fell to the ground before closing his eyes. The battle with the humans had weakened him seriously. His body gradually stopped moving after a while with Jae next to him.

Jae gradually fell unconscious from the pain he was feeling. The orb he swallowed had already assimilated with his blood and became a part of him. Right now, Jae had become a beacon and a target for the Jykas.


Somewhere in another part of a planet, a place where darkness rules, a lawless region filled with otherworldly beasts and creatures. A realm which divided the world of the humans and the non-humans apart! The Abyss World.

In a large cacophony of castles built on a mountain, in a palace, there was a huge figure seated on a throne. Suddenly this figure opened its grey bright eyes and a very powerful aura exploded forth.

"Hmm, Atlas~ I have finally found a Blood of the Styles Lineage. This is going to be interesting" The figure's voice reverberated everywhere in the palace before it closed its eyes. It was as if everything that happened now didn't happen at all.


Shaking his unclear head, Jae woke up with comfort. He hadn't had this comfortable sleep in a while now. He then looked at his surrounding and found himself on a bed. He saw that it was his room in the Hunter House in the academy.

Then, he remembered everything that had transpired before he lost his consciousness. He remembered seeing the system notifications after he swallowed that orb but he couldn't read it because his whole being felt disoriented at that time.

And now, 'System!'