
Ninja System Within A New World

Hunters! 'Oh Shit! I'm in a new world' Cesaire shouted. On his birthday, he received a weird Anime Box as a present from his best friend. On his way home, he tried to escape from bad luck only for it to meet him face to face in his house. Cesaire met Kasha, the God Of Luck who reincarnated him to another world as a punishment for trying to escape his luck influence but not without sending the Anime Box to gift Cesaire a Ninja System. Cesaire now in the body of Jeremy Jr. Styles in a new world were people with superpowers exists. These people were called Hunters. They had the power to destroy mountains with a punch, call forth flames from the skies, transform into mythical creatures and move the world with their will. It was a whole new experience for Jae and he had decided. With the Ninja System(that doesnt seem like a Ninja System), he strived to be the best Hunter in existence. =====•=====

MahSammy · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Ch~Seven: System Check and Rewards // Chakra Control Exercises.

Jae and his group were very surprised when they saw the interiors of the building. It looked as if they were in a classroom but at the same time, the whole place looked like a house. On the side where there surposed to be chairs for disciples, there were mats instead. Apart from that, there were also a huge round couch and a table in its center. There were stairs leading to different rooms.

Three of the mats were already occupied by three female disciples. The oldest one in the group stepped forward and said ''Hello fellow disciples, welcome to classroom of the specials. I'm Renée and this is Amanda and Martha. Our homeroom instructor is not around so feel free to do anything for now'' Renee finished her words with a warm smile on her face. She looks like an elder sister.

''Hello Renee, thank you for accepting us. We huh well, we don't know what to do as this was not what we were all expecting. Anyway, my name is Mina'' Mina said.

''Pft trust me, I know your dilemma. Not everyone could get use to this'' Martha snorted as she saw Mina's expression.

''The same couldn't be said for the boys though. They already blended with the mood'' Amanda said while gesturing at the boys. The two enemies were sprawled on the mats while Jae was resting on the couch and once again, lost in thought.

Mina was dumbfounded but she quickly changed the topic and started to chat with the girls.

''So, are we going to talk about our Abilities?'' Mina asked

''We will Mina but we will only do so when our master comes back'' Renee replied.



''Why are those two fighting?''

''*sigh* don't mind them, they are always like that''

Jae on the other hand, was now attending to his System.

'So the energy that flowed into my body earlier was the type of energy the system wanted huh? Fascinating. Now let's start. System!'

<[Ninja God System]>


'Hmm, seems like these are the functions for now. Status!'



[Host Character]

[Name - [Jeremy Styles]

[Race - [Human]

[Rank - [Level 1 Iron /Low Level Academy Student]

[HP - [100/100]

[CP - [100/100]


[Host Stats]

[Strength - [5]

[Dexterity - [5]

[Vitality - [5]

[Intellect - [3]

[Chakra - [5]


[Host Points]

[Chakra Points - [0 / <0/100>]

[Stat Points - [0]

[Shop Points - [0]

'It really looks like a video game. Let's check out the others since the system is not giving introduction on itself. Skills!'






'Hmm, Space!'



[Personal Space]>

[Training Space]>

[Storage Space]>


'Now let's see what Shop has to offer us'



[Jutsu Shop]>

[Bloodline Shop]>

[Skill Shop]>

[Item Shop]>


'Hmm, let's see the most exciting one. Quests!'



[Main Quest]>

[Side Quest]>

[Daily Quest]>

'Hmm, that's all for now. Okay then. I will explore later. Now, I need to practice '

He was about to ask the Renee where was the road to the training ground when he suddenly received a notification from the system.

[Hidden Quest: System Check - Completed. Rewards - Starter Gift Pack has been rewarded. Would you like to open Y/N]

'Gift Pack. Oh, because I checked my system, i triggered a hidden quest. Well, I'll see that reward in ...the training ground'

After Jae got the direction of the training ground, he was led there by his C-Net. He didn't even need to ask as his C-Net was connected to him in mind so it knows what Jae want. Awesome connection but Jae found it creepy.

'Soon, he arrived at the training ground. Thankfully, no one was in sight. He went to a secluded corner and sat down cross legged. 'System, give me the rewards!' He said in his mind.

[Host has received Skills: Chakra Extraction, Chakra Control and Hand Seals]

[Host has received F-Rank Items: Sword x2, Kunai x5, Shuriken x12]

[Host has received Ninjutsu: Three Body Jutsu]

[Host has received Ninjutsu: Lightning Style - Overdrive Jutsu]

[Host has received 100 Chakra Points, 50 Shop Points and 10 Stat Points]

[The rewards has been distributed to Host's Menus]

''!!!'' Shock! That was the only thing that was on Jae's face right now. Even he had to admit that the rewards are too much.

'Wow! The system is being so generous! Kasha really knows how to do his work eh hehe!'

He was so happy that he wanna practice now. But first, he checked his syetm to see if his rewards were really there.



[Host Point]

[Chakra Points - [100 / <0/100>]

[Stat Points - [10]

[Shop Points - [50]




[Ninjutsu [Three Body Jutsu / Lightning Style - Overdrive Jutsu]



[Chakra Extraction [<Lv 1>]

[Chakra Control [<Lv 1>]

[Hand Seal [<Lv 1>]



[Storage Space]

[Sword [x2]

[Kunai [x5]

[Shuriken [x12]

''This is what I call Dattebayo!'' The moment Jae said so, he quickly looked around to see if anyone saw him saying such cringy lines. Fortunately, he was free and so he began his first training, Chakra Control. He did this because, his control of chakra has to be good so he can efficiently cast his Jutsu.

The moment he got the Chakra Control, he already thought of the training he would do. First would be the Leaf Concentration Technique. Finding a random leaf on the floor, he placed it on his forehead and then focus chakra to gather at that spot. He made sure he had adjusted to the structure and texture of the leaf before he sticked it on his forehead. After a minute, the leaf on his forehead couldn't remain stable anymore and fell down.

Jae wasn't dissatisfied, instead he was pleased that he manage to make the leaf stick to his forehead for a minute. Jae's desire to work harder improved. He did the Leaf Concentration Technique again and kept doing it no matter how many times it fell down. Soon, two hours later, he could finally do the technique. He looked his Skill and saw that Chakra Control is now at Lv 12. Even he felt that was very fast.

The next one hour, he spent it sticking leaves to different part of his body and successfully held them in place. His Chakra Control is now Lv 17. After that, he went to take a small rest. If not for the fact that he had to stop his training sometimes to recover his Chakra, he would have leveled up the skill more.

After five minute rest, he decided the next Chakra Control exercise is Tree Walking Technique. He didn't waste anymore time and quickly found a tree in the training ground and then, he started practicing.

He focused Chakra on his feet, steppe on the tree and started walking on it. Because of his experience in the other technique he just attempted, he was able to walk on tree for a bit before falling down with a bang. He got up with a painful back before attempting to walk again and so the circle continues.

Eight hours later, he finally got the hang of it. He had finally perfected it but he didn't look the least bit happy. He took eight hours just to perfect tree walking technique. It seems like Water Walking Technique would he even harder. Releasing a deep sigh, he jumped down from the tree and landed majestically with his feet firmly.

He was about to consult his C-Net if a water location is around or maybe a swimming pool for the disciples but he was interrupted by an uninvited guest.

''So that's your ability? Sticking yourself to a surface? Interesting but not really unique'' the voice came from a girl a little bit older than fourteen. She had a cute round face and slim body which still made her more beautiful. Her black hair was fluttering in the wind as her black eyes continue to stare at Jae.

''Don't you find it creepy to be watching someone when he is training? Miss Renee?'' Jae said without looking back. Indeed, this beautiful girl was their elder sister in the Special Classroom.

Renee didn't answer his questions and continued to talk ''Master said he would be back tomorrow. So since he's not here, why don't you tell me your powers and I will tell you mine. Don't worry, I have no ill intent, just curious'' Renee said with a sincere smile.

''You've guessed it already, sticking myself to any surface. I don't need to know your ability'' Jae said before trying to focus on his C-Net again.

''If your ability is just to stick yourself on things, it won't be unique at all. I've seen many people with these Abilities but, they were just normal Hunters. My Ability is called Void. I can make myself invisible and can teleport. My best technique is to let attack phase through me. Now please tell me yours'' Renee told him her Abilities and demonstrated some without hesitation.

Now, Jae is very confused and surprised. He was confused about why Renee casually told him her Abilities and he was surprised that she really did show her. After all, they might become enemies in the long run.

He looked at her for a good minute before he sighed ''My Ability is Ninja Art. I can cultivate like Ninjas'' after saying that, he quickly went away. Renee looked at the young boy that was quickly walking away ''Ninja huh, interesting'' she went back to the house with a slight chuckle after.