
Chapter 4

"huh ok you better not be lying as even putting the suit is taking my life."

As Sam reached Harlem abomination cam there crashing in to the building, Sam used mask made with the help of Uzumaki clan which shows him stats of things around him he looked at abomination through the mask

Name :blonsky

Lv 70

Hp :20000/20000

Mp :4000/4000

STR 600


Sam looked at the stats and shouted in his mind

'f*cking people this here is a Cheat boss monster I have worked like hell and still not reached even level 25 but this shit reached lv 70 just with some blood if I could kill that doctor who did this I would love to do it. '

While he was thinking this Sam activated the fourth gate and smashed at full speed toward abomination who was trying to kill people by throwing bus at them. Abomination went flying and his Hp decreased by 2000.

After that abomination got up and rushed toward Sam and started punching. Sam dodged the punches by a narrow margin and was being cornered even though he had activated sheringan to help him dodge.

Sounds of repulsores were herd and iron man came in smashing abomination away and another monster came flying and smashing the flying monster to the ground.

Tony started to point the repulsers towards hulk but was stopped by Sam's voice

"Tony he is on our side so do not fire"

Tony looked at the ninja in black still on guard against the hulk.

Abomination got up and them smashed toward hulk both of them started fighting while Sam and Tony were doing their best to save as many people as possible.

Hulk was able to end the fight by smashing theabomination down who was trying to make a helicopter crash.

Shield agents appeared on the scene and started to help people

Sam sat on a building still thinking about the fight when Tony came flying toward him and said

"are you hurt ninja"

"stop calling me that" Sam said as he looked at Tony who was stood in front of him. "

" so do you have a name "asked Tony in an annoyed tone.

" no actually we are not allowed to tell our names "

Replied Sam

Sam looked at Tony and said

" you should stop using that suit you are going to die because of it "

" says the person who called me to help him defeat a 20 foot monster"

Sam stared at Tony and then motioned him to follow . Both of them reached an old abandoned railway station and then Sam stopped and said.

"thank you for helping me today its time you knew about your dad..." Sam talked about how Tony 's dad was one of the founders of shield and about the element model at the stark office.

Tony looked Sam with a serious expression

and asked

"why do you know all this"

Sam looked at him and replied "because he was a good man and had finally made the right decision to spend time with his family but his enemies did not leave any chance and killed him."

Tony's expression turned grim

He looked at me and asked

"do you know exactly who the killer was"

"yes I know who it was"

"tell his name please" Tony looked at me with a tear falling from one of his eyes.

"I can't"

Tony came in slamming and lifted Sam in the air but Sam did not react to it.

Sam said "sorry" and vanished leaving Tony alone.

Sam came back into the pocket dimension and

started training without a break he called the fourth Hokage and learnt the flying thunder god jutsu and he also started mixing elements during his breaks and was able to mix Electricity with some time, space and air energy which enabled him to enter and obtain some power of speed force (for people who don't know flash's power) but it was not as powerful as flashes connection. He could use that power to reach up to a speed of 100 times his normal speed but it was hard for his brain to keep up.

After this he started training in Fūinjutsu spent nearly 5 months without break learning about it and with his high INT he was able to master it to a level where even the Uzumakis were feeling shame in calling themselves Fūinjutsu master


Sam came out of the pocket dimension and wore his costume and vanished intending to meet an old friend.

Sam was right behind Tony as he made a new element and when Tony was finished with it and was going to have a closer look Sam surprised Tony by appearing behind him and saying

"so you really made it"

Tony jumped up in surprise and looked at the ninja in front of him with an odd expression and said

"are you nuts or something Mr ninja"

"well I was passing by so I thought I would drop by and say hi"

"first try making a better excuse and second that pirate came in telling the exact same thing you told me also asked me join his avengers initiative and third you are trespassing and I can sue you for that. "

Said Tony showing he did not want to talk

Sam told in a soft voice "I am sorry but I am bound by a oath and it can not just take my life but life of others also. Sorry, bye and congrats on finding the new element(King of lying)"

Tony heard his voice and felt that Sam was not lying so he asked him

"ahhmm so why were you here"

Sam turn and in a happy voice asked "so do you let it go"

"yes technically you saved me once which I already paid back for but you have to do that oath shit and tell me when you can"

Said tony believing that he had been able to take the situation in his control

"yes I will, and I was actually here to try something new with this element you created


Tony was surprised and asked "clarify please"

"I found a way to produce energy through fusion inplace of fission."

"What" Tony asked in surprise

"Well it is like this..."

Sam explain him everything about how he had made a seal to that uses the element as channel to create a small sun which will provide 1000 times more energy that the element could give normally and when the energy is finished the sun will have a controlled blast after whichthe seal will absorb and block it creating cycle until a new sun in born the estimated time for this to take place was 2 seconds.

Tony was not convinced at first but Sam was able to convince him to put the Fūinjutsu seal.

Once the seal was put the compact characters of the seal appeared on the triangular piece of new element and in its center a blue sun was formed this was the Legendary moment when the never ending source was formed.

Tony and Sam spent three days checking the sun and when the confirmed there was no problem with it Tony spent a month building a suit three times better that the one he was wearing during the time of iron man 2 it was equipped with more that 50 new weapons in a compact form which Sam helped in making by making small storage seals which fascinated Tony. Tony could now store his armour in the reactor it self but it took him a little more time to get in the armour than what nanotechnology normal takes.

Tony and Sam had become good friends in the month they spent together and both had learnt a lot from each other.

They were now sitting on a couch and Pepper comes in (tony had made her the CEO so she was busy) and freaks out, well it is natural as you never normally see a ninja sitting and having a friendly talk with someone, especially Tony.

Tony looks at her and says

"hey pepper how have you been meet Mr ninja"

Pepper sighed and said hello to Sam and the told Tony that she really can't do his job and to her surprise Tony tells her that he had a long break and would be returning soon.

"Tony I will be going now and next time you are dieing try not to run from it and call for help inplace hiding it" said Sam as he got up to leave

and Pepper came to sam and asked him to give a better explanation and you know what happens after you tell someone that a person she was in love with was going to die because of wearing and armour and showing off.

Most events after that went like they go in the movie just that the senator and Justin hammer have it very hard on them as Tony now did not have to care about dieing. But the viplash ivonko still attacked Tony.