
Chapter 3

Sam moved fast while channeling Chakra to his feet and gave single chop on to the three men who fainted right after that. Gao had noticed him and she asked while turning towards him"so what has brought the black ninja here" she said as she pushed her palm in the air and Sam was sent flying into the building. Sam had been careless and that hit was hard he could feel the mysterious pressure,sam was forced to activate the first gate. "I must appreciate that power of yours even when you are so old" Sam said and vanished the next second and appeared behind Gao giving her 10 punches and a kick which took her head out. Sam nearly puked it was first time he had used agate against a normal human and killed her by mistake. Sam spent a minute getting back to his senses and when he turned around he found that gao's body was gone.

"These people are really like cats having nine lives. That thing that brings them back from dead should really not exist." said Sam while feeling frustrated he was not in the mental condition to anything more so he returned home.

It took Sam 3 days to get over the killing part after which he started his night patrol again but another problem immerged the shield agents were trying to tracking him trying to discover his identity Sam had a good idea he used the resources he had collected from different gangs to get an Id of a Japanese person staying in Newyork and he lured the ajents to a new house bought on name Sakamoto the new ID he had assumed. The agents from shield must have thought that they were successful as the returned.

The next day nick fury was in Sam's house

While sam looked at him fury said to Sam.

"you did a really good job by fooling my agents"

'shit this old fag really has a good information network' Sam thought but he was still calm at the outside.

"well I give up nick fury you got me there but don't try to recruit me or something OK. I belong to ninja village." said sam giving on oppressive feeling to fury

fury stood there completely unfaced from the pressure and said "so you are like the hand and kanlun and there are more of you"

Sam shook his head and said "the kunlun and hand have lost all their previous power. Our people have not interacted with this world for 500 years and we still retain our power we can crush them in seconds"

"that I can see by how you defeated Gao. Now let me get to the main point tell me what does your village want." fury said this as his voice grew oppressive

"OK calmdown man our logic is simple you don't mess with us we won't mess with you" said while Sam activating the 2nd gate and vanishing and appearing behind fury with a knife and then vanishing after his sentence ended

Fury turned around shaking his head and sighing

"the world is really going through a change I feel something bad is coming"

Sam at his house was having dinner with pepper who was looking sad and was nearly into tears again Sam had wanted to tell her that Tony will be safe but he could not.

That night the scouts Sam had sent had reported telling him that the had found the camp. Next day Sam left for Afghanistan and there one of the his ANBU Scouts led him to the camp. Sam desummoned 20 scouts and then commanded the other scouts to save Dr ho yinsen. After which every thing happened as the movie shows except an scout had taken yinsen's place and faked his death.

Tony landed in the desert and was sad not being able to save his friend and while he was getting out of the armour 5 black figures immerged with yinsen and put yinsen next to him. Yinsen was alive Tony could see him breath Tony could tell that these people were old fashioned ninja and he can never win in a fight against them without a new suit. While Tony was thinking a ninja had already come and kneeled in front of him and giving him a scroll.

hello I know you may have questions but I don't have time to answer them. remember this that you owe me a favour. I sent them to save you because someone important to me can't see you in pain that person is family so don't think I will be there to help you again*

After reading the scroll tony looks up to see that the ninjas were gone and also the scroll started to burn in to ashes.

Then every thing happened in a same way it happened in the movie till the point where stain gets into his suit and starts to fight Tony.

While Tony was fighting Sam appeared and started to save all the people near that place and shield also helped him take care by restricting the people by creating a barricade.

And finally pepper overloaded the reactor powering the building and then Sam opens the 3 gate mode and saves both of them he leaves a scroll in Tony's hand and them vanishes.

Next day Tony declares himself as Ironman.

Tony is standing in his garage where his lab is present and he is running test on the a scroll

"sir this is a normal piece of paper but it has some unknown energy signals but I am not able to determine anything more.

" said Jarvis

"OK, Jarvis switch the camers on" Tony said while getting into his armour and opening the scroll

Tony started to rad what was written in it

"hi Tony, let me answer some of your questions...

The scroll talked about how konoha was a ninja village and how there were only six people the five he met and one that saved him yesterday are the only people that have come out of hiding to interact with the world he also told him that the other five had already returned and how sam is the only one left. After that the scroll burnt away.

At Pepper's house Pepper was sleeping in her room. Today Sam was going to enter the pocket dimension for a month. So he asked an ANBU to substitute himself.

Sam had planned set up a camp over there and then get sharingan and cells of the first Hokage planted in himself by summoning obito for the eyes and first for cells and tsunade for the operation. Operation will take 2 days to finish. So another five days to get used to it. After that he started training with them

The rinnegan granted me seven abilities

Six of them being

control over attractive and repulsive forces with the Deva Path; to mechanise one's body with the Asura Path; soul extraction through the Human Path; the menagerie of summons available to the Animal Path; chakra absorption through the Preta Path; and access to the King of Hell through the Naraka Path.(I got this from some website)

It also granted me a seventh ability elemental combining.

All this was useless as Sam's level was really low and it was impossible for him to use them as Chakra consumption was high for each technique. He needed to be at least level 75 to use them.

Therefore Sam spent 2 years and a month just battling monsters in the pocket dimension

On the last day his stats without using any points from leveling up were

Race- human

Lv 25

Age- 16

STR - 86

DEX - 68

VIT - 156

INT - 68

WIS - 60

Luck - 79

Pp - 120




Sam invested 44 points in vitality and 76 points in INT

Race- human

Lv 25

Age- 16

STR - 86

DEX - 68

VIT - 200

INT - 144

WIS - 60

Luck - 79

Pp -





Photo graphic memory

Will(when Hp is less than 20 % all stats double

for 2 min)

Lucky day

Super strength (doubles STR for 5 min in a day)

Full consentration (for 1 hour in a day)

Chakra control (100%controle over your own Chakra)

Sam looked at the perks and could tell that the perks were a total cheat.

Sam came ot of the pocket world as today a monster was going to attack Harlem.

Sam ran towards Harlem and while going there he informed the police that a monster was going to attack herlem but they laughed it out having no choice he called a person he owed a favour

He called Tony

"hello who ever you are you are disturbing the wrong person and you can be sued for that so call back never."

Said Tony in a half drunk manner

"hey ashole you owe me a favor i am the ninja guy come to Harlem quickly"