
Nine Wives In A Cultivation World?!

In the Battle of Nine Heavens, Space was shattered and the 10 Treasures of Chaos disappeared. Wandering in the void was A soul From Earth as it was about to be forever erased from the reincarnation cycle it was pulled into this vast mysterious realm into a newborn. What will This Soul from Earth do when he awakens and learns he has to find 9 of the most talented girls to reach the Top?

Daoist_Extremity · Eastern
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5 Chs


Blue Star, Earth, Streets of Hong Kong,

In the Middle of the street you can see a boy looking around 17 years old Black Hair and Shockingly eerie Gray and purple eyes.

If you were to look Closely you would notice a necklace around his neck with an ancient stone emitting an ancient chaotic atmosphere.

"Ugh! Why am I so bored" sighed Jun Xaoyao

' If only I can go to one of those cool Eastern Fantasy world I am always reading about.' He thought to himself.

'I think it's time to end it...even if I don't end up where I want all least I know I can at least...'


Don't get Anything wrong, While he did live a good life what's there to live for when there is no connection. Growing up he was able to mingle to multiple friend groups but he just Did not truly feel connected to them.

Even his own family he does not really feel anything, he feels hes just a practicality.

No matter who he met he just never felt a connection He always felt like he was born in the wrong era or maybe even world he felt incomplete.

He even tried feeling something with the opposite sex well... that did not go good, After all just the sheer amount of stories he's heard is enough to just isolate them from his life.

"I'm Home!" Yells Jun Xaoyao

*Silence* To which nobody responds

'what did i expect? heh' He laughs deprecating as he steels his resolve as he walks to his room.

-An hour Later-

Looking into his hands You can see a Noose with 2 loops you might question how is this possible but don't it's Eastern Fantasy Logic.

As Jun Xaoyao looks at his masterpiece he thinks to himself

'Maybe, just Maybe if I kill myself like this someone is destined to be with me in the afterlife? HEhE' He laughs realizing he might be a little deranged.

He then proceeds to hang himself on the ceiling and jumps off the chair holding himself.

As his body was craving for oxygen he hung there with a relaxed face even though his skin was turning a different color. As he was just there waiting for his impending death he did not notice the stone on his chest absorbing all his loft life force and essence bot how could he after all he is just a mortal.

While on his last breath Jun Xaoyao had a stroke of enlightenment... Maybe due to luck or a third party interfering elevating his mind to a new level.

'Maybe, Just maybe I never wanted to feel a Connection with anybody. I just wanted to be...

FREE' was his last thought as his eyes close and his soul drifts along with the stone to an unknown destination.^.^