
Chapter 5386: A Small Test

Long Chen's move was fast, accurate, and ruthless. It was done in one go. Amid the painful howling of the Moon-Watching Golden Horned Rhino, the huge bull whip and bull eggs flew into the air.


 Long Chen opened his hands and immediately took it into the Chaos Space. As soon as it entered the Chaos Space, it was sucked into the Qiankun Cauldron.

 The Moon-Watching Golden Horned Rhino suffered great pain, and its breath dropped rapidly. It was much weaker in an instant, as if its body was hollowed out.

 Long Chen realized that the bull whip and bull eggs were of extraordinary significance to the Moon-Watching Golden Horned Rhino, otherwise its breath would not have dropped so much.

 Long Chen looked at the wound, but the wound was as smooth as a mirror, and there was no blood flowing out.

 "Oh my god, you are so cruel."

 Long Chen realized that the moment Longgu Xieyue cut open the Moon-Watching Golden Horned Rhino's body, he sucked away a large amount of the Moon-Watching Golden Horned Rhino's blood. No wonder it became so weak.

 "What are you talking about? I'm afraid that the blood is not enough, so I'm helping the old cauldron get more blood." Longgu Xieyue said dissatisfiedly.

 "Forget it. The essence you absorbed is different from the essence I want. You can keep it for yourself." Qiankun Ding said.

 Qiankun Ding wanted the essence in the essence, and the essence was the purest in these two places. The other essence was meaningless to Qiankun Ding.


 The Moon-Watching Golden Horned Rhino was cut off from its bull whip and testicles, and it was completely crazy. It roared, and although it had lost a lot of essence, it still burned its essence.

 At that moment, its breath suddenly surged to the extreme, and its violent power crushed Wandao. Its furious golden horn glowed, and it slammed into the void and stabbed straight at Long Chen. At

 that moment, the space around Long Chen solidified in an instant, and the sharp golden rhino horn was like golden lightning, stabbing at Long Chen.

 Long Chen looked at the golden rhino horn quietly, feeling its endless destructive power. His soul was trembling, and the threat of death filled his body. This blow, Long Chen would never be able to take it, and would be killed in an instant.

 However, Long Chen was not panicked. He quietly felt the power of death. Long Chen suddenly found that under the pressure of the power of death, Long Chen's spiritual root fire instantly burned up, and the immortal divine runes under the spiritual root began to rise violently. Under the threat of death, they echoed each other, as if they were going to do something.


 However, there was a loud bang, and a broadsword smashed on the golden rhino horn. With a loud bang, the Moon-Watching Golden Horn Rhino was blown away. The huge body rolled all the way and crushed the endless mountains.

 It was Ye Lingkong who made the move. There was no burst of breath, no fluctuation of blood, and even no release of soul pressure.

 Just a broadsword, with the sword and sheath, smashed on the golden rhino horn, and the terrifying Moon-Watching Golden Horn Rhino was blown away.

 Although Long Chen felt that Ye Lingkong was incredibly strong, he did not expect that his strength was so strong.

 You know, at this time, the Moon-Watching Golden Horn Rhino was in a desperate state, but Ye Lingkong just hit it with a casual blow. Obviously, the strength of the two was not at the same level at all.

 "Ye Lingkong, I will fight you to the death."

 Seeing that Wangyue Golden Horned Rhino suffered a loss again, Liao Qingyu's face was distorted. Holding a long sword, she slashed down with one sword, and the flying rainbow was surging, directly hitting Ye Lingkong's face.

 At the moment Liao Qingyu made a move, the other five masters of the same level also made a move. The six masters besieged Ye Lingkong at the same time.

 "Boom boom boom..."

 Ye Lingkong swung the broadsword in his hand quickly, and he was too lazy to even draw the broadsword, but blocked all these attacks.

 Liao Qingyu and others seemed to have known Ye Lingkong's strength for a long time. They did not seek to defeat Ye Lingkong, but only to delay Ye Lingkong.

 "Kill them..."

 Seeing the crowd's attacks, hitting Ye Lingkong like a storm, Ye Lingkong was busy dealing with it and had no time to care about anything else. Liao Qingyu shouted at those disciples.


 At this time, the strong men from the six major forces rushed towards the Hidden Dragon Corps like a torrent.

 "What a pity, a group of such beautiful women are going to be chopped into meat paste."

 "Can you catch a few alive to warm the bed? It's too wasteful to kill them like this."

 "The dead ones are the same. I'm not picky, haha..."

 Those disciples came to kill, each with a hideous face and lustful eyes. In their eyes, the Hidden Dragon warriors were just a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

 "Leave this man to me."

 In the Divine Movement Sect, a tall man roared and rushed straight towards Long Chen. That man was the number one master of the Divine Movement Sect.

 This man's blood and qi surged to the sky, and his blood and qi seemed to be about to burst out. At first glance, he was a powerful and powerful man with a terrifying body.


 The tall man took a step forward, and his blood and energy pressed down like a mountain. Endless black runes flowed on his fist, as if it was crawling with centipedes.

 The force of a punch caused a large area of ​​space to distort, and the momentum was amazing. This person could become the number one master of the Shenxing Sect, and he really had a certain strength.


 Facing the tall man's punch, Long Chen had no expression on his face. He slowly stretched out his big hand, just like that, blocking in front of him, and hit the man's iron fist. "


 Long Chen did not use any strength at all. When the man's fist hit Long Chen's palm, when the two touched, endless stars automatically lit up on Long Chen's palm, and the power of the stars gathered to form a wall of stars.

 The man punched Long Chen's hand, as if he had hit a steel plate. His fist hurt so much that his bones were almost broken.

 "Shining Star Crystal, you are really my good baby!"

 Long Chen deliberately tried the star power after being transformed by the Shining Star Crystal. As a result, the star power of passive defense still has such terrifying power, which makes Long Chen very happy.

 Passive defense has such terrifying power. If it is actively activated, how powerful will the star power be?


 The man punched Long Chen, and Long Chen was unharmed. Instead, he was shocked and his fist hurt. His wrist bone was almost broken. He was shocked and angry. His five fingers were like hooks, and he went straight to Long Chen's throat. His move was as fast as lightning, fierce and hot.


 However, he was quick to move, and Long Chen was even faster. His hand was only halfway extended, and Long Chen's palm had already hit his face. With a loud bang, the man was beaten and turned over in the air, leaving a red palm print on his big face.

 "Wow, the star power can be controlled so finely?" Looking at the handprint on the man's face, Long Chen was surprised.

 If it was before, Long Chen's slap would definitely explode his head, and even if he was gentle, his face would be shattered.

 But now, Long Chen only left a shallow slap mark on his face, which shows that Long Chen's control over the power of the stars has reached an extremely high level, and he has reached the point where he can send and receive it at will.


 The man was stunned by Long Chen's slap. When he woke up, he was furious, with strange visions burning, and his blood was surging. A giant axe appeared in his hands, and endless imperial runes flowed on the giant axe, slashing towards Long Chen.