
Chapter 5088 Luo Yujiao of the Celestial Race

 Long Chen was originally in a good mood, but when he saw the person in front of him, his eyes turned cold and his murderous intent instantly arose.

 "Celestial Clan"

 Long Chen didn't expect that he would meet someone from the Celestial Clan here, and the person who told him to get lost was none other than Zhang Benzhi, the genius of the Celestial Clan who had one of his thighs removed by Long Chen.

 At this time, Zhang Benzhi was also the Son of Destiny. However, he led a group of disciples from the Celestial Race to clear the way. Behind him, there was a group of people surrounding a woman with an indifferent face.

 The woman has slightly high eyebrows, a pair of sword-shaped eyebrows, and a pair of deep and sinister eyes. Her pupils are much larger than those of a normal person. Although she looks like a human, her aura is extremely cold, like a seductress walking out of hell. Messenger, viscerally terrifying.

 "This breath..."

 When Long Chen saw the woman, he couldn't help but feel shocked. This breath was familiar to him. Suddenly, Long Chen thought of a person - Jiuyou Rakshasa, the woman who claimed to have the blood of Shura.

 "That's right, it's the Shura bloodline. This woman's aura is thousands of times richer than that of Jiuyou Rakshasa. Could it be that she comes from the Shura clan?" Long Chen was secretly shocked.

 The Shura clan is a mysterious clan inherited from the Age of Chaos. It is said that they are the rulers of hell and one of the strongest races in the Age of Chaos. They are as famous as the powerful clans of Jiuli, Zixue and Tiantong.

 However, the Shura clan is an extremely rare race. Most people have heard of it but never seen it. However, Long Chen has fought against Jiuyou Rakshasa several times and is very familiar with this aura.

 When Long Chen looked at the woman, the woman felt something in her heart and looked at Long Chen. When their eyes met, Long Chen's body trembled suddenly and he turned his face away, not daring to look at her. .

 Long Chen was shocked to find that the moment he looked at her, Long Chen's Purgatory Eye instantly became active. If Long Chen hadn't avoided it in time, the Purgatory Eye would have been automatically activated.

 "Does my Purgatory Eye have anything to do with the Shura clan? How could it suddenly lose control?" Long Chen's heart was beating wildly.

 Long Chen's Eye of Purgatory is connected to the Eye of the Inner Demon, and he dare not activate it easily, because once the Eye of Purgatory gets out of control, it may awaken the inner demon, and that is what Long Chen is most afraid of.

 The woman also looked at Long Chen in shock. Although Long Chen avoided her gaze in time, the moment their eyes met, her hairs stood up, and she was filled with a feeling of extreme danger. in her heart.

 "Go away, do you hear me!" Zhang Benzhi shouted angrily when he saw Long Chen standing in front of them with his neck crooked, blocking their way.

 "Zhang Benzhi, shut up!"

 The woman scolded Zhang Benzhi. One moment, Zhang Benzhi was extremely arrogant. The next moment, he retreated like a shrunken turtle, not daring to say a word.

 The woman came to Long Chen, looked up and down at Long Chen and said, "The White Dragon Clan? I didn't expect the White Dragon Clan to have such a master. What's your name?"

 Long Chen turned his head and looked at the woman. This time , he was on guard, did not look into the woman's eyes, and said calmly:

 "I didn't expect that people from the Celestial Clan actually have Shura blood."

 "The name of the Shura Clan is not something that a low-level creature like you can mention. Yes, be careful that trouble comes from your mouth." The woman said coldly.

 Apparently, Long Chen revealed the origin of her bloodline, which made her feel a little uncomfortable and warned her coldly.

 As soon as the woman spoke, Bai Yingxue's face suddenly turned ugly. She actually said that the Bailong clan were low-level creatures. This was a slander and humiliation to the entire dragon clan, which she would never tolerate.

 "Tch, you are a hybrid of human race and Shura race, and you dare to speak so shamelessly. Who gave you the courage?" Of course, Long Chen would not coddle her and directly responded.

 "Looking for death"

 br/>As expected, Long Chen's ability to curse was quite powerful. One sentence made the woman burst into anger. The woman had always been proud of being half of the Shura clan, but Long Chen used her most proud words to express her anger. The thing taunted her, immediately making her murderous intent rise.

 "Want to take action? Come on, come on, hit here!"

 Seeing the woman preparing to take action, Long Chen advanced instead of retreating, pointing at his head and said arrogantly.


 The woman was so angry that she was shaking all over, and the movement here had attracted the attention of the powerful men in the Dangu Valley in the square, especially the Three Meridian Heavenly Saint in the center of the square, who also looked at them coldly, with eyes in his eyes. It's full of warning.

 "You wait for me, dare to humiliate the great Shura clan, the White Dragon clan, right? I, Luo Yujiao, will never return to you in the Sky Fire Demon Realm." The woman revealed her name.

 "Tch, they are indeed bastards. The Shura clan all have the surname Shura. They do not allow non-pure-blooded Shura clan to use this name.

 Therefore, the bastards can only be named Xiu, Luo, or Rakshasa, Wutu, etc. Coming from being noble, tsk tsk, the world has changed, and bastards dare to be so arrogant." Long Chen sneered.

 When he first met Jiuyou Rakshasa, Long Chen also searched for ancient books to study the Shura clan. Although he didn't know much, he knew these most basic things.

 And these most basic things are enough to kill people when used to curse. Luo Yujiao was so angry that she was shaking all over and her teeth were about to be broken. Her pupils began to dilate continuously, black ripples were flowing, and she was almost out of control.

 But Long Chen didn't show any fear at all. He looked at her arrogantly, as if he didn't agree with you and beat me.

 For a time, countless powerful men around them all looked here. When they saw Luo Yujiao's appearance, they all exclaimed. Although they did not look at Luo Yujiao, when they saw her eyes, they suddenly felt a sharp pain in their souls, as if The soul was grabbed by a big hand covered with thorns, and it was as if it was about to be pulled out of the body.

 Countless people were shocked for a moment. When they learned that Luo Yujiao was of Shura bloodline, they were all shocked, and their eyes were full of awe. These four names of the Shura clan were enough to scare a large number of people.

 "Just wait for me."

 Luo Yujiao looked at Long Chen, her voice burst out from between her teeth, and then she walked around Long Chen.

 "Why are you all so arrogant? You asked me to wait. I'm not your father, so why should I take care of you!" Long Chen curled his lips and almost made Luo Yujiao, who had just walked over, run into a rage.

 But she finally held back and left quickly, as if she was afraid that she couldn't help but kill Long Chen, and she had to find a place to vent her emotions.

 "I'm so sorry, I'm just a troublemaker, and everyone will be implicated by me." Long Chen said helplessly as he looked at Bai Yingxue.

 In fact, he didn't want to cause trouble, but he was riddled with bad luck and was born with a black constitution. There was really nothing he could do about it. The most important thing was that even if he changed his identity, the enemy would still find him. This was no different.

 "Don't be afraid, the bigger the noise, the better, so that the clock will ring. This is the purpose of our coming." Bai Yingxue said with a smile.

 When Long Chen heard this, he laughed and led them to continue hunting for treasure. As a result, Long Chen found that his good luck had run out and he could no longer find anything.

 With the remaining money, they bought two good Heavenly Saint weapons and several life-saving treasures for Feng You and Hu Xiaoyu. They also bought an escape array for Bai Yingxue, and then everyone returned to Wanlong's Nest.

 After returning to Wanlong's Nest, Long Chen introduced Feng You and Hu Xiaoyu to Bai Yingxuan. Bai Yingxuan learned that the two were old friends of Long Chen, so she felt relieved to let them stay.

 Long Chen returned to his residence, and his consciousness immediately entered the chaotic space. Just as Long Chen was about to check whether the three dragon corpses had been digested, suddenly a voice of surprise came with a choked voice:

 "Brother Long Chen!"