
Chapter 5089 Demon Moon Cauldron

 When he heard that voice, Long Chen was ecstatic and saw Yao Ling'er transformed into a beautiful girl, standing on the Qiankun Cauldron.

 Yao Ling'er was wearing a bronze dress and her hair was bronze. She looked at Long Chen with a pair of big eyes. When Long Chen turned around, she had already thrown herself into Long Chen's arms.

 "Brother Long Chen, I miss you so much!" Yao Ling'er threw herself into Long Chen's arms, sobbing, holding Long Chen's waist tightly with both hands, as if she was afraid that Long Chen would fly away.

 "Brother Long Chen, isn't he always by your side?" Long Chen comforted with a smile.

 "But I'm afraid that once I fall asleep, I will never wake up. I'm afraid that Brother Long Chen will think of my uselessness and let me sleep all the time." Yao Ling'er choked.

 Hearing what Yao Ling'er said, Long Chen suddenly felt guilty. For a long time, he had indeed forgotten Yao Ling'er.

 If it weren't for the Qiankun Cauldron this time, Long Chen wouldn't have thought of finding a suitable alchemy furnace for Yao Ling'er to live in. When he thought of this and saw Yao Ling'er crying bitterly, Long Chen suddenly felt ashamed.

 "Stop crying, you don't have to sleep anymore. My brother is counting on you to help me!" Long Chen said to Yao Ling'er with a smile.

 Only then did Yao Ling'er stop crying and said: "I will work hard, I will continue to become stronger, and I will never be a burden to Brother Long Chen again."

 "Nonsense, you are so good, you have always been mine. The biggest helper." Long Chen said.

 You must know that the word "biggest" hit Yao Ling'er's heart, and she suddenly became happy:

 "I want to help brother Long Chen, refine many, many pills, and help brother Long Chen fight bad guys."

 Long Chen Nodding, Yao Ling'er took control of the Qiankun Cauldron, which was an imperial weapon. Her help to him in the future would be immeasurable.

 "This alchemy cauldron will be named after you from now on. Well, let's call it Yao Yue Cauldron, okay?" Long Chen pointed at the imitation Qiankun Cauldron.

 "That's great!" Yao Ling'er was immediately excited to be named after her.


 Yao Ling Eryu waved her hand, and the Yao Yue Cauldron rose into the sky. Countless runes circulated on it, and there was a trace of imperial power hanging down. It had been dormant for countless years and was reborn again.

 "You have to take it easy. You have to continue to adapt to it. Don't use the imperial energy rashly, otherwise you will be easily injured." Qiankun Ding warned.

 After hearing the warning from the Qiankun Cauldron, Yao Ling'er suddenly became well-behaved. She seemed to be very afraid of the Qiankun Cauldron and returned directly to the Qiankun Cauldron. She was like a student who met a strict teacher and did not dare to be presumptuous at all.

 "Senior, thank you for your hard work!" Long Chen said.

 "It's nothing. I didn't consume much original power. I just hope that she will grow up quickly. Then you will have a powerful imperial weapon with you.

 After all, I have too many restrictions due to my own attributes. , many times it cannot help you, but it is different. It can be used to make elixirs, and can also be used as a weapon, without fear of killing." Qiankun Dingdao.

 "Can it help me kill?" Long Chen was suddenly shocked.

 "Of course, after my transformation, it has become a demon cauldron. It can not

 only refine demon elixirs, but also defend enemies. However, after all, it is not a murder weapon and has no attack methods, but it can be used to hit people. You can Very good at it." Qiankun Ding said.

 Long Chen chuckled. This was true. Long Chen had hit many people with the Qiankun Cauldron before, and he was very good at using this move.

 "In addition, with it, I can also conceal my identity. The auras of Yao Ling'er and I can be freely switched between real and fake, making it impossible for others to tell the difference." Qiankun Ding said.

 Long Chen admired it in his heart. The Qiankun Ding was so thoughtful. The news that Long Chen had the Qiankun Ding in his hands must have begun to spread.

 However, many people are still doubting whether it is true or not. Now that they have obtained a high imitation of the Demonic Moon Cauldron, once used, they can deceive others and make others mistakenly think that what Long Chen has obtained is a replica and not the real Qiankun Cauldron. It is very important to Long Chen.

 After the Qiankun Ding finished speaking, he continued to teach Yao Ling'er. At this time, the Qiankun Ding was teaching Yao Ling'er how to control the Yao Yue Ding at the micro level. If he could not reach that level, he would not be able to make elixirs at all.

 And alchemy is the key to the complete integration of Yao Ling'er and Yao Yue Ding. Control and fusion are two levels, and the gap between them is huge.

 Only after they are completely integrated can Yao Ling'er have a body. After she has a body, she can use the Yao Yue Cauldron to grow rapidly. Only when her strength matches the Yao Yue Cauldron can she unleash the true power of the Imperial Soldier. Strength, this path is easy to say, but difficult to do.

 Yao Ling'er finally got an opportunity. She was extremely hardworking and conscientious. With the Qiankun Ding teaching her, it was not difficult for her to learn, and her progress has far exceeded the expectations of the Qiankun Ding.

 With the Qiankun Ding to teach Demon Ling'er, Long Chen didn't need to worry. He came to the black soil. At this time, three giant dragons tens of thousands of miles away were crawling on the black soil. Their bodies were not devoured, and there were not even signs of being devoured. No.

 Seeing this scene, Long Chen felt happy, which meant that the three dragon corpses were extremely well preserved and their divinity had been preserved, otherwise they would have been devoured long ago.

 You know, the current black soil can swallow the three-vein heavenly saints without much effort, but it is so difficult to swallow them, which shows that their physical bodies are too strong.

 The stronger the body, the greater the benefits it brings to the chaotic space. Long Chen came under the dragon corpse and poked the dragon scales under the dragon corpse's abdomen with a knife.

 Long Chen discovered that these dragon scales next to the black soil had begun to soften and could be easily cut with a knife, which meant that the dragon corpse could not last long.

 Long Chen looked up into the void and saw endless tribulation clouds covering the entire chaotic space. Within the tribulation clouds were bursts of thunder, and the giant dragon transformed by Lei Ling'er was still fighting fiercely with the dragons.

 However, at this time, Lei Ling'er was no longer being hunted down in embarrassment, but began to hunt down those thunder dragons in turn. Long Chen faintly saw that there were three flower runes appearing on Lei Ling'er's head.

 At this time, Lei Ling'er already had the aura of a powerful third-line heavenly saint. Long Chen sighed in his heart, Lei Ling'er finally ushered in her spring. I am afraid that from now on, her strength will not be defeated by Huo Ling'er. Suppressed.

 Long Chen felt that if Lei Ling'er devoured these thunder dragons and had the power of the heavenly veins, he would at least be able to fight against the three-lined heavenly saints. This growth rate is so amazing.

 What's more, there are three more terrifying dragon corpses on the black soil. When they are swallowed, the power of the heavenly tribulation they once absorbed will be released. After Lei Ling'er is swallowed, no one knows that she will grow into a To what extent.

 Lei Ling'er was furiously fighting those thunder dragons. Long Chen didn't bother her. When he looked at where Huo Ling'er was, he couldn't help but exclaimed:

 "I'm a good boy."