
3802 - Long Chen's Power Unleashed

Behind Long Chen, seven stars in the Starry Sea lit up, resembling seven suns. Surrounded by these stars, boundless power surged forth. The purple energy within the starry sea ignited, and purple flames blossomed, illuminating the sky.


The purple energy burned, flames soared into the heavens, and a purple pillar of light shot up, enveloping the entire world in a purple glow.

Long Chen, covered in a holy purple light, stood proudly like a purple-blooded warrior, commanding the heavens and the earth from his lofty position.

Xia Chen and Guo Ran were ecstatic at the presence of Long Chen. Their trust in their boss had never wavered. Long Chen, now at the Divine Realm, once again reigned supreme, surpassing the arrogance of heaven itself.

In the past, the devastating power of the demon had left countless people in despair. However, now, as the purple aura enveloped Long Chen's body, it felt as though the emperor of heaven had descended. Standing on the crimson earth, the demon appeared minuscule in his presence.

"The corpse demon leads the way, ten thousand paths return to nothingness!"

The corpse demon trembled at the aura emanating from Long Chen. Filled with fear and anger, it let out a roar. The eerie marks on its body devoured the surroundings, resembling eyes that emitted a strange energy.


Despite facing the full force of Long Chen's aura, the corpse demon charged forward without fear.

Long Chen stretched out his arms and roared toward the sky. His voice echoed like a dragon's cry, causing the purple Qi within his body to surge even higher.

His previous aura was already astonishing, but this time, the power of Long Chen's aura surged several times over.

Previously, his released power was like a reservoir floodgate opening, but now, it resembled a raging river with no sign of containment.

Purple ripples formed a barrier that rapidly expanded outward, filling the heavens and the earth.


The corpse demon was struck by the purple force and was sent flying like a meteor, a long trail followed behind it, breaking through countless mountains and leaving behind a deep, alarming ravine in the earth. The void shattered, and the runes of the road were torn apart.

Even Guo Ran and Xia Chen were stunned. Although they knew that Long Chen was strong, they hadn't expected his power to be so overwhelming.

Long Chen clenched his fists, and his aura roared. It was as if countless purple dragons were swirling around him. The heavens and the earth trembled, and even the laws of nature groaned. The explosion caused by Long Chen's power seemed to intimidate the entire world, and even the heavenly Dao yielded to him.

As Long Chen unleashed the Seven Star battle, the purple energy within his body began to burn growing increasingly condensed. The purple energy in Long Chen's meridians transformed from gas to liquid, flowing like purple blood.

With the transformation of the purple energy into purple blood, Long Chen felt an endless force surging within his body. If this power were not released, he would explode and perish.

Thus, Long Chen roared toward the sky, not to attack the corpse plague, but to release the power within him.

As the surging power was unleashed, Long Chen felt the turbid energy and impurities accumulated within his body being expelled by the violent force, leaving him pure and untainted. The purple energy within him became increasingly refined.

The purple flames surrounding Long Chen subsided, and his aura became more gentle. The starry sea behind him also began to operate normally. However, with the condensation of the Seven Star battle body, the flow of the starry sea took a completely different path than before.

During the operation of the starry sea, endless purple energy was generated and poured into Long Chen's body, nourishing him and providing continuous power.

As Long Chen's aura gradually subsided, he felt the return of boundless power.

Previously, when releasing his violent power, he had been unable to control it, forcing him to release it. However, the power he now possessed was fully under his command.

"Is this the power of the Seven Star battle? The power that even instills fear in oneself?" Long Chen looked at his fist, surrounded by twining purple Qi, even penetrating his skin.

This indicated that the power of the Seven Star battle body was too strong. As the purple Qi transformed into purple blood, the meridians couldn't completely contain the power of the purple blood. Some of the power seeped out. In other words, Long Chen was currently in a state of leakage.

Nevertheless, even in this state, the destructive power within Long Chen's body filled him with excitement.


At this moment, the corpse demon, who had reappeared from an unknown location, had a distorted and deformed face. He had been hit by Long Chen's breath twice in a row and was utterly shocked. This was a great humiliation!

"Nine Turn Corpse Magic Fist!"

The corpse plague roared as the marks on its fist lit up. Lines appeared all over its body, converging into its fist. It resembled a blazing sun, radiating a malevolent light, while chaotic energy surged forth.


There was a deafening explosion. To everyone's surprise, the corpse demon's fist struck Long Chen's chest. Long Chen made no move to defend himself. Yue Xiaoqian was so frightened that she covered her mouth with her hands, unable to comprehend why Long Chen didn't dodge.

Long Chen's chest absorbed the blow from the corpse plague, but he remained motionless. His clothes disintegrated, fluttering away like butterflies in all directions. This was an earth-shattering strike, yet Long Chen's body seemed completely unharmed, except for his tattered clothing. At that moment, everyone was left in shock.

The Corpse Demon stared in disbelief at his own fist. His all-out attack had caused no harm to Long Chen. It was a punch imbued with chaotic energy.

This chaotic Qi was a remnant of the primordial chaos contained within the ancient devil's corpse. He had never wanted to use it, as employing it would grant him unrivaled power, making him invincible.

However, today, with his full strength behind his punch, Long Chen had not evaded and had allowed him to strike directly at his chest. Corpse Tsai was utterly dumbfounded.

"Archaic evil corpse, chaotic energy... mere deceptions."


Long Chen's massive hand swung around and landed a slap on the still-shocked face of the corpse plague. The Corpse demon's face instantly deformed, flattened under the tremendous force. The impact sent him rolling away towards the demon Supremes watching in the distance.

"Run quickly!"

The demon elites shouted wildly and tried to get out of the path of the incoming projectile.


However, the speed of the corpse demon was too swift. By the time they tried to flee, it was already too late. The Corpse Demon collided with the crowd of powerful demons, creating a scene of panic and screams. Numerous demon elites were shattered by the corpse demon's devastating power, while his toxic aura spread rapidly. Countless powerful demons succumbed to the poison, their bodies rapidly decaying into corpses.

The demons who had previously surrounded the area were now thrown into disarray. They no longer paid attention to Yue Xiaoqian, Xia Chen, and Guo Ran as they fled in all directions.


The corpse plague let out a roar. Just as it climbed out of the earth, Long Chen descended from the sky and delivered a kick, slamming the corpse plague back into the ground. The bodies of both Long Chen and the corpse plague sank into the earth for a moment, disappearing from sight. The ground swiftly rose, propelling the demon elites standing on it into the air.


The earth continued to rise. After a few breaths, it erupted. The corpse's body was expelled from the ground, but its posture was peculiar. Its head was pressed against its heels, and its body appeared as if it had been broken by someone.

"Boss is might !"

Guo Ran and Xia Chen's eyes were filled with excitement. Finally, they had once again witnessed their boss's invincible presence.

Again, I'm not a pro. If you see any error or mistake pls comment on the paragraph to make everyone's reading experience enjoyable

Translation_Mastercreators' thoughts