
3801 - Seven Star Battle Armor... Open


Another thunderbolt echoed through the air as the two clashed once again. The power behind their punches surpassed their previous exchange.

After the collision, the two men separated. The corpse also retreated, his aura rising once again, as if his body contained boundless power.

"Two Star Battle Armor - Open!"

Long Chen stepped into the void and unleashed a punch, causing his aura to surge even higher.

"Three Star Battle Armor- Open!"

"Four Star Battle Armor - Open!"

"Five Star Battle Armor - Open!"

"Six Star Battle Armor - Open!"


With each punch Long Chen threw, his aura soared even higher. The violent force made the sky rumble and the earth crack. Behind Long Chen, in the Starry Sea, a ceaseless stream of purple gas flowed, causing the heavens and the earth to tremble, dimming the sun and moon.

At first, the corpse didn't pay much attention to Long Chen, but as his aura rose, the corpse plague followed suit. However, when the gates of the Six Star Battle Armor opened, an unstoppable force sent him flying backward.

"The corpse monster has been repelled! Is Long Chen's body stronger than the Archaean corpse?" A demon Supreme exclaimed, unable to believe his own eyes.


Long Chen unleashed six punches, opening his six stars. Fortunately, with a formidable opponent like the corpse plague, Long Chen could accomplish this feat. Otherwise, it would have been difficult to open all six stars in one breath without a target.

The corpse monster staggered back, its two heads roaring simultaneously. With each roar, the green hair on its body glowed, and countless pairs of eyes lit up in the vision behind it.


Within those eyes, various bloody lights shone upon the corpse's body. Through the layers of green hair, one could see the numerous corpse spots adorning its body.

Each corpse spot bore a symbol that emitted a terrible aura.

"Back off !"

Some exclaimed in shock as they realized the ground beneath their feet had changed. The loess rapidly turned black, and black fog spread swiftly in all directions.

Originally, there were many corpses of formidable individuals on the ground, all of whom had been slain by Xia Chen and Guo Ran, including some Supreme experts.

As the black soil diffused, these Supreme experts corpses instantly decayed, merging swiftly with the black soil as if consumed by a mysterious force and assimilated with the earth.

The entire world seemed like a graveyard, permeated with the breath of death and decay, terrifying and forbidding, making it impossible to approach.

People recoiled in fear of the dreadful aura, quickly retreating. Xia Chen and Guo Ran protected Yue Xiaoqian, not having to avoid it because the decaying aura had been blocked by Long Chen's star power and could not harm them.

"Long Chen, is it? Good. You're interesting. But do you think you can contend with my corpse demons? You're still too naive."


The corpse monster struck out, causing space to collapse with a single blow. The whole world twisted under the sheer terror of his power.

The fist of the corpse monster even suppressed the laws of nature. The runes within the corpse spots on its body circulated, releasing an endless violent aura. Its aura possessed a savage flavor, allowing people to catch a glimpse of the horrifying aspect of the ancient corpse controlled by the corpse plague.

"The Dao is declining, and the laws are incomplete. Do you think you can challenge me? You will pay for your ignorance.

The body I possess is that of the Yin Yang Blood Devil from the ancient era. He was a legendary powerhouse with the purest bloodline of the Blood Demon.

Though he has been dead for millions of years, his original blood has not dried up. Since childhood, I have nurtured it with spirit essence blood, finally integrating with it.

I have just ascended to Immortal King, finally able to attempt activating his original blood. Today, I will show you the terror of the ancient-era powerhouses." The two heads of the corpse plague opened their mouths simultaneously, and his four eyes locked onto Long Chen. At this moment, he was shrouded in corpse energy, resembling a ferocious ghost howling.


Suddenly, the corpse monster moved. His body didn't budge, only his arm did. Countless corpse spots on his arm glowed like stars. With a single punch, he pierced through the heavens and the earth, turning the space around Long Chen into nothingness.


Everyone was shocked. The attack came so suddenly that there was no time to react. The location where Long Chen stood was engulfed by a black whirlpool. The whirlpool devoured everything, and its fierce roar contained the power to destroy the world.

Looking at the black whirlpool, people felt as though they were being sucked in. Even Guo Ran and Xia Chen were astonished. They hadn't expected the corpse monster to be so formidable.

However, despite the devastating blow, Long Chen was nowhere to be found. In the blink of an eye, he appeared to the right of the vortex.

He stood only a few feet away from the edge of the whirlpool, seemingly one step away from being swallowed by it. Yet, the whirlpool rumbled like a chained dog, unable to bite Long Chen.

Countless onlookers were astonished at the sight of the two men. One attack struck like lightning, leaving no chance to react, while the other evaded like a ghost. No one could see how he managed to dodge the attack. The combination of lightning-fast strikes and elusive movements showcased the astounding reflexes of both men. It was a fighting instinct honed through countless brushes with death.

"So that's it. Only when an ancient powerhouse possesses chaos blood can they manifest these runes and possess such a physical body." Long Chen gazed at the runes on the corpse plague's body, a sudden realization glinting in his eyes.

The runes within the corpse spots contained the aura of the ancient era. Long Chen sensed the presence of chaos within that aura.

During the ancient era, chaos energy was still abundant, and only in such an environment could such terrifying beings be born.

Xia Guhong once said that the beings of this era were far inferior to those of the ancient era, and the ancient era was not as glorious as the archaic era, just as the archaic era was not as magnificent as the era of chaos.

It wasn't that the beings were degenerating; rather, the environment of the nine heavens and ten lands was deteriorating, growing worse over time. Now, not only had the chaotic qi vanished, but the spiritual energy had also become thinner and thinner, and the Heavenly Dao had become incomplete.

Therefore, Xia Guhong stated that it was incredibly difficult for present-day individuals to surpass their predecessors, not because the people had degenerated, but because the world itself had degenerated, and one couldn't defy the Heavenly Dao.

"The ancient era is not something you can fathom. The demons of that era were the rulers of the world.

Though this corpse only contains a trace of chaos energy, the origin's power will never be extinguished. When the barriers between the three thousand worlds collapse and the chaos energy floods in, the chaos within me will be fully awakened. At that time, no one within the three thousand worlds will be my match.

It's a pity you won't live to witness the grandeur of my era. The chaos energy within me is enough to kill you a thousand times over."


In the vision behind the corpse plague, countless eyes fixed upon Long Chen. This time, he had learned his lesson well, directly locking onto Long Chen with his vision, leaving him no chance to evade.


The corpse plague bellowed as his entire body's corpse spots illuminated once again. With one punch, he pierced through the heavens and the earth, aiming to kill Long Chen.

"Purple Imperial Star - open!"

As Long Chen yelled, the Purple Imperial Star in the depths of his dantian suddenly trembled, and a purple sun ignited within the vision behind him.


With the activation of the Purple Imperial Star, Long Chen summoned a complete Seven Star Battle Armor. Purple energy surged within him, and a wave of purple qi soared. The charging corpse plague was struck by the purple qi and was sent flying, emitting a muffled hum.


People's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as they stared at Long Chen in disbelief.

Again, I'm not a pro. If you see any error or mistake pls comment on the paragraph to make everyone's reading experience enjoyable

Translation_Mastercreators' thoughts