
Nightwalker ~when the devil sings

He loathed her. So much so that he was numb from the hatred. He wouldn't kill her~maybe not yet. She glared at him from where she sat on the bed. "Glare all you want since that's what you would be doing from this moment on". "What do you want?" "I will be the musician and you'd be the dancer. Whatever song I sing, you must dance to it. I don't need your will, you just have to obey me". He was the devil himself and this time, she has to be a dancer for him.

Crystalella · Urban
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63 Chs

Fifty-four. Milky and Suga

Fifty-four. Milky and Suga

Milky and Suga returned at dawn with the others. The captives were also with them. Two bodyguards bundled them and took them to the torture room where Shantel was waiting.

"I got them real good this time", Milky said, taunting Suga. She had a teasing smile on her face.

Suga looked at her with an expressionless gaze. "I kept them busy while you got them, or do you forget easily?"

"Still, without me we wouldn't have gotten them here".

"Well without my help too, you would have been drained at this point".

And just like that, their bickering started. Camille shook her head when she saw their exchange from her office. "They never rest", she sighed and went over to Ezekiel's office for a report.

She knocked lightly on the door. "Boss, this Camille. May I come in?"

"Come in", the cold voice replied.

Camille squeaked the door open and calmly walked in. She gave a bow and began to report.

"Reporting on the attack that went on at midnight, Milky and Suga have returned. They came back with two men. Mr Banks and Walter".

Ezekiel nodded. "Get Milky and Suga to my office. This instant".

"Yes Boss".

"And, how's the case i gave you coming up?"

"The soul-sucking org didn't move around a lot during the past four years. They have been calm except for their move last year".

"What move was that?", Ezekiel asked.

"It's not really clear as I'm still working on it Boss".

"Camille, I need until the end of this month", he said.

Camille heaved a sigh of relief. "Thanks boss. I'll work hard Boss".

After she was done, she walked out.

At the torture room.

The two men were still unconscious. Shantel had them tied to the pillar, separately. Then, he ordered that a basin of cold water be splashed on them separately.

The water was so cold that the men shivered to life. The place was kinda dark and gloomy. They both shuddered when they saw the environment they were in.

"Please, let me out. I didn't do anything", Mr Banks said the moment he woke up. Milky chuckled when she heard that. She was there with Suga as well. They had come in after they were done with their bickering.

"You didn't do anything?", she asked with sarcasm clear in her voice.

"I swear", Mr Banks replied.

Milky looked at Shantel and Suga. "Don't you guys think he needs a face branding for that? Or maybe a branding down there so that he won't be interested in women's skirts anymore", she said.

Suga and Shantel crossed their legs when they imagined being branded on their male hood. Milky laughed when she saw that.

"Calm down sweethearts. I meant for the old hag. You guys still have beds to warm".

Shantel walked forward ignoring what she had said. He turned on a switch and immediately, the two men began shaking violently as though they were convulsing.

Suga and Shantel looked on with no emotions on their handsome faces while Milky was smiling.

The electrocution continued for thirty seconds. After thirty seconds, he switched it off.

"Next time, you should never think of offending someone. It's all your fault", Shantel said and left them.

Suga and Milky followed suit. The duo got news that the Boss was asking for them. After some minutes walk, try arrived at his office.

"Boss, this is Milky and Suga. May we come in?"

"Come in", Ezekiel said.

The duo entered. Milky flashed Ezekiel an alluring smile. "Hey Boss, you called us in".

"Yeah. The case I asked you to look into?"

"I'm sorry boss. I've not had time look into it", Milky said with a pout.

"I need it in two weeks", Ezekiel stated. His voice sent chills down her spine. What the...?!

"Boss, that's so hard", she complained.

"Then you'd have to do a hundred laps around the Realm".

"I'll get this to you in an hour", she said immediately. Ezekiel gave her a look while Suga scoffed at her.

Then, he looked at Suga. "Assist Milky", he said.

Suga wanted to retort but kept calm. Milky was a handful!

"Yes Boss".

"You may leave", he said and the duo left

Soon, the three days elapsed.

At the hospital.

The doctor was giving Monalissa a final check up. He was smiling as he did the check up.

"You're such a strong one Mona", he said to her.

"Yeah. It's all thanks to my friends....and husband", she said the last line with reluctance.

"Yeah. Your man is quite a sweet one. I pray that you guys continue being like this. Also, be conscious not to eat the wrong things".

"Yes doctor", she replied.

"Isn't he coming to pick you up?", the doctor asked.

"No. He's not coming".


"Yeah. He went on a business trip".

"Ok. Do take care of yourself", the doctor said and left.

Monalissa heaved a deep sigh and walked to the door. She squeaked it open and stepped out. Louis was there already waiting for her.

"Miss, you're out?"

"Yes. Louis...can you not call me Miss? It makes me uncomfortable", she said.

"What should I call you then?"


"It's just...the Boss", he said not sure of what to choose.

"I'm here. I will tell him. And besides, your rank is higher than mine".

Louis sighed. I hope you're right Miss.

"Then... Monalissa?"

Monalissa smiled. "Yes".

"The car is downstairs. Let's go" Louis said.

Monalissa nodded and took a step forward. However, she halted abruptly in her steps and looked back. She felt a heated gaze on her back making her uncomfortable. Her pretty eyes scanned the whole area like that of a hawk.

A weird smile appeared on her face when she found someone peculiar. Without a word, she followed Louis to the car.