
Nightwalker ~when the devil sings

He loathed her. So much so that he was numb from the hatred. He wouldn't kill her~maybe not yet. She glared at him from where she sat on the bed. "Glare all you want since that's what you would be doing from this moment on". "What do you want?" "I will be the musician and you'd be the dancer. Whatever song I sing, you must dance to it. I don't need your will, you just have to obey me". He was the devil himself and this time, she has to be a dancer for him.

Crystalella · Urban
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63 Chs

Fifty-five. Monalissa....not Walker

Fifty-five. Monalissa....not Walker

The man in black went after them in moderate strides as he tried not to attract attention. He clicked the earpod on his ear.

"The target is leaving the building. Don't let her out of your sight!", he ordered.

Monalissa and Louis arrived at the parking lot. Louis went forward to pull open the back passenger door for her but Monalissa stopped him.

"I'll stay with you at the front", she said and went to the front. She pulled open the door and got in not waiting for Louis to say anything.

Louis shrugged and went to the driver's seat and settled down. Monalissa lowered the seat and leaned back.


"I'm trying not to be a burden to you", she said.

Louis was confused. "Can you make me understand?"

"We're being followed. I wonder who those bastards are".

Louis looked through the side mirror and saw some group of people crowding in.

"Told ya", Monalissa said with a smile. "They're coming after us".

Louis looked at her. Monalissa noticed his look and closed her eyes. "It's not me Louis. I don't even have the strength to do that".

Immediately, Louis ignited the car and swerved left and right. The group of people were closing in on them already. Louis stepped on the accelerator, pulling the gear down to reverse, he sped backwards. The group scattered due to his sudden reverse. Immediately, they began firing shots at the car. But to their surprise, it was bulletproof.

"Bulletproof?", Monalissa said wide eyed.

"Yeah Monalissa".

"Then I'm moving to the back", she said with a pout and raised the seat up.

Louis chuckled with his mind still on the attackers. "Was that why you moved to the front? Because you thought the car wasn't bulletproof?"

"Yeah. I didn't want to make you lag behind. I had to protect myself".

"That means you knew before now".

"Yes. I saw them at the hospital. I think it's me they want", Monalissa said.


Monalissa didn't say anything and sat at the back. They had only driven for what seemed like fifteen minutes when two cars double crossed theirs and another hit them from the back. Their car screeched to a halt.

Louis smirked. This was ridiculous. He hadn't fought for what seemed like forever and now this was served to him in a platter of gold. His only concern was Monalissa. If she was kidnapped or hurt, he didn't even want to think of what his fate might be.

"Louis, let me drive", she said.

He looked at her and was surprised at the new look. Her hair that was let down was already tied up in a ponytail, while she tore her dress from the feet to somewhere above her knees making it efficient to walk. She slited it on both sides.

"How will you do that? We're double crossed. I want to fight them off a little..."

"You sure do talk a lot. Did you forget... I'm an assassin too", she said with a smile that he found evil but appealing.

"Just stay on the other side and fire at them. Make sure not to get hit. Master trained you to that best".

Louis was awed at the way she dished the work. Immediately, he did as he was told and Monalissa went to the driver's seat and ignited the car. She pulled the gear and made a circular drift twice, putting her enemies in panic.

An evil laugh escaped her throat, frightening Louis. He looked at her. "Monalissa..."

"Fight if you don't want to get killed!", she warned and immediately pulled the gear to drive. She rammed into the car that had pushed them from behind, sending them to the side of the road. Louis had already taken out his gun and began firing at them.

"Good job Louis. Make sure no one escapes. But...leave one to tell the tale", she said her eyes shining with mischief.

Louis smirked and increased his firing. He felt as though he has been possessed by the same spirit driving Monalissa.

Monalissa stepped on the accelerator and before the enemies could even say Jack Robinson...they were gone.

At the Realm.

Ezekiel was looking at a report that was brought in by Kim.

"So...this is their real identities?"

"Yes. I guess Mr Michael was duped at that time".

Ezekiel smirked. "Nice one".

Just then, a hurried voice came at the door. It was that of Camille.

"Come in".

She walked in immediately and bowed. Kim spared her a glance. She looked tense.

"What's the problem?"

"Louis sent a report".

Ezekiel sprang up. He didn't need Camille to give him the full gist. This report had something to do with Monalissa.

"Kim, prepare the car. And find out Monalissa's whereabouts for me".

Kim's mind went into a revolution. He said Monalissa...not Walker!

" Yes Boss ", he replied and left.

He stormed out of the room leaving Camille to her own wondering. Camille watched this scene with shock. Monalissa... wasn't that the assassin? Why would Boss have such an outburst? She didn't even mention her name...