

~•No Escape•~ "Are you running away from me, my sweet girl" spoke a voice in the hallway that made her stop in her tracks. The hallway had turned dark with only the wall lamps that burned brightly casting the shadow of the man on the floor as he slowly emerged from the other end. "What are you doing here, your majesty," She said and bowed immediately as she saw him approach her with slow but steady steps. "You haven't answered me, sweet" The man said with a sweet smile that made her wary and he heard the way her heart skipped a beat. He stood before her and used his index finger to raise her chin. He tilted his head as he gazed into her green eyes that looked back at him with fear. He took a step forward closing the distance between them and his eyes narrowed when she took a step back, but that didn't stop him from cornering her. "Did you think you can escape from me?" He continued to question and she didn't miss the mockery behind his words. "I…I" she felt her words tied to her tongue because of the man's daunting aura. She felt him trace her forehead with his finger down to her jaw. He continued moving his hand down to her neck and to the top of her swell and her thudding heart hitched when his hand continued to stay there. "Did you think you can escape from me?" He bent towards her as he spoke. His breath fell on her neck which sent a jolt that traveled down her body. "I told you, you're tied to me and me to you" _______________________ Perdita Kartar was a winsome yet strange young lady. She had an appealing beauty with her green eyes that invoked and impelled anyone who gazed into them. She had fooled her villagers so she could live and protect herself and her remaining family from the night creatures and also humans. But what was bizarre of all, was that Perdita had a secret she shared with no one. She had lived in the village since she was little, and over the years, she had been discreet with each move she made. Unfortunately, things didn't go as she planned. Despite her cautious decorum and fight to stay out of sight, a pair of glacial red eyes falls on her, which followed and refused to leave her out of sight.

Amzy_Bella · Fantasy
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196 Chs

The Pills (3)

"There is something more I found out that was also added to the pills, that could be more dangerous, even to a pureblooded vampire" The royal apothecary announced in worry.

"Which is?" Sthena inquired.

"These blood pills also contain Lemon Juniper, Milord"

Sthena's hand resting on the couch's arm balled into a fist as his red hardened eyes flared up in anger "Are you sure of what you said?" Sthena probed further. He knew what a lemon juniper would do to a vampire. It was no ordinary substance.

The royal apothecary vigorously nodded his head in confirmation "I am a hundred percent sure of my experiment, Milord" It took everything in him not to stammer at the intensity at which Sthena was looking at him. He was the king no one dared to trifle with. Even his small years of being a vampire wouldn't be spared if he gave an incorrect answer. But he was sure of what he discovered from the pills.

Sthena clicked his tongue in distaste and anger. He stood up from the couch with his hands in his trouser pocket. Walking to the table, he took the pills and brought them closer to his nose. He couldn't perceive anything from the pill even though his sense of smell surpassed that of an average vampire and also some pureblooded vampires. This could only mean one thing, the person or people producing these pills were no ordinary people.

Lemon Juniper was no ordinary substance in the history of vampires. It is a very deadly substance used to kill vampires. Lemon Juniper weakens a vampire, thereby slowing their movements which makes them vulnerable to their killers. The effect it has on a pureblooded could be dealt with, but it kills an average vampire instantly.

It had been years since he last heard of Lemon Juniper. Like blood pills, it had also gone extinct. But who would have known that some people were busy somewhere manufacturing something so deadly? He had a faint idea behind their motive for the production of these pills, and whatever it was, would cause serious damage in his kingdom, Vamlone, more than it did a decade ago when vampires killed the humans.

Sthena's lips pulled up as an evil glint appeared in his eyes. He couldn't help but applaud these people in his mind. The pills they were producing were one of a kind. Mixing Lemon Juniper with human blood is a very effective way to achieve their goal.

Lemon Juniper could kill or turn a pureblooded vampire rogue. It burns and rips the heart of the vampires thereby destroying the core of their hearts. A rogue vampire was no less than a dead vampire because it makes their heart turn dark and void of emotion which makes their ripper trait more active. Hence, they tend to destroy any and everything they see.

But because of the human blood added to the Lemon Juniper, the deadly effect it has will reverse and turn into something unharmful, thereby heightening the agility of a vampire.

Human blood as the only true source of food for the vampires, not only fills their stomach but also boost their strength and agility. And it will enhance the strength of a vampire twice when added to Lemon Juniper.

Whoever was behind this must have thought everything through and put it all in place. This had to be the reason the person was starting with turned vampires, so they wouldn't be discovered. Even if the experiment went wrong, it would be recorded that they couldn't undergo the transformation and had turned rogue.

Sthena kept the pill back on the table before he walked out of the drawing room. What he planned to do was to lay a trap for them using Mr. Malphus their marketer, and wait for them to take the bait. Somehow he knew who might be doing this, but he will investigate and get to the root of it all.

Whatever the person was planning to do, he was going to uncover and make sure it doesn't happen in his kingdom. Like he always said, this was his kingdom to rule and rule alone. Remembering all he went through in the hands of his late father the previous king, and also in the hands of the people who now bow to every word he spoke. The same people treated him and his late mother unfairly. Anyone who dared to cross him will face his wrath. He was not going to spare anyone, not even his father's wife and children who are also behind some of the disputes caused in the kingdom to dethrone him.

Sthena walked along the brightly lit hallway with his chin raised in confidence he eluded effortlessly. His shoe made a sharp clicking sound on the polished marble floor making all the maids and servants cleaning the castle halt with what they were doing and their heads deeply bowed at the king whose aura demanded attention and respect wherever he went.

He continued walking in the hallway, turning at the end of the corridors before he walked towards a black bronze door with two guards standing at both sides.

The guards bowed at him before announcing his arrival to the people inside the room. They pushed the door open and Sthena entered the room.

The occupants of the room all stood up with their heads bowed at the king. They resumed their sitting positions after Sthena sat at the head table.

The seat he sat on was made of soft cushion and gold that sparkled as the morning light touched it. The silver glass long table held plates arrayed with foods and delicacies that would make one's mouth water at the sight of it.

As custom demanded, the three people in the dining room waited for the king to start eating before they joined him.

Some minutes into eating in the dining room where an uncomfortable silence hung around them, the woman sitting at the right-hand side of Sthena gently clicked her wine glass with her fork to gain the attention of the people in the room.

"May I have a word with you, Milord?" The woman spoke.

Sthena didn't raise his head to acknowledge the woman. He continued eating with a nonchalant expression on his face.

"Milord?" The woman called again with gritted teeth.

Sthena dropped his knife and fork on the table beside his plate. He slightly raised his head and spoke with an irritated voice "What is it stepmother Rosamonda?"

Rosamonda bit her inner lips in displeasure and anger directed toward the king. She could only swallow the sneer threatening to escape her lips at how Sthena spoke to her. She schooled her features and gently smiled at him, "Milord, I heard you invited the commoners to the coming hallow?"

"Hmm," Sthena hummed and resumed eating. He slowly cut the meat into halves before putting it inside his mouth. He chewed on the tender spiced meat savoring the taste, before confirming Rosamonda's question.

"You heard correctly, stepmother"

Rosamonda's eyes widened in disbelief. If it were possible, her eyes would have rolled out from their sockets at how wide they were after hearing what Sthena said. She gave a small laugh and turned to her children "Your brother does know how to crack jokes doesn't he?"

"You can say that again, mother" The girl sitting next to her responded with a laugh.

Sthena took a sip from the wine in the glass cup in front of him. He licked his lips before dropping the glass cup back on the table. His dark red eyes stared at the people in front of him "Sarah," He called the girl in an amused tone.

"I thought you would be intelligent to know when I'm serious and when I'm not. Seems like I expected much from you" Sthena taunted and watched the girl squirm in her seat. He knew they would surely bring this topic to him, likewise others too.

It had already been discussed and approved in the kingdom's court meeting, so not all knew about it. But now it was in the open, where some of the villagers had started receiving the invitations, and he knew so many people will disapprove of it, and he didn't care about it one bit.

Sthena appeared calm at the surface, meanwhile in his mind and behind the scenes, he had already planned and put everything together. The only thing hindering him from accomplishing his goal was catching that very person he had been looking for. The pureblooded vampire thought he was playing games with him, but he forgot he left some loopholes to track him with.

With the sudden blood pills in the market, Sthena knew that he must act fast before anything would go wrong.

Sarah's nose flared up at the insult thrown at her by Sthena. She dropped the fork in hand making it clatter on the table. "Mother!" She groaned in displeasure.

"Quiet Sarah!" Rosamonda chided the furious lady who was ready to burst any minute.

Sarah mumbled something under her breath while sulking in her seat. This was the king, and even though he is also her half-brother, she knew not to step over the line lest her head rolled on the ground.

Regan the son of Rosamonda and the elder brother to Sarah stood up and bowed in apology "Please forgive our sister's rash behavior. She is still young and immature with her words"

Hearing this, Sarah turned and glared at Regan who called her rash and immature.

Sthena rolled his eyes at Regan's speech. A yawn escaped his lips in boredom. He could never get tired of their endless drama. He waved his hand for Regan to sit down before saying, "Regan, I want you to follow Daemon my chief advisor to the village of Woodbridge. See to it that the invitations are handed out to those invited"

Regan bowed his head obliging to the king's order, "Yes, Milord."

Rosamonda's eyes met Sthena's who looked at her with mirth in his eyes. She glared at him in her heart for sending his son to a lowly human village. She knew what he was trying to do, and she knows that to achieve her goal, she must keep quiet and play along. If she played her cards right, she would be able to dethrone Sthena and give the throne to her son, Regan, the rightful heir to the throne.

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