
Nightmare Destroyer

After dying and being condemned to Hell in pandemonium, Viktor argues that Hell is a place lacking standards in qualification and that it's necessary to conduct more trials for each individual to be accepted. Infuriated at the question of the system by a mere creature like Viktor, an angel of God puts Viktor in a mountain of trials where he must prove himself before going to Hell as he desires.

Dubov · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Volume 1 - Chapter 7: Nightmare #1

Zagum, a long-imprisoned Hell Duke to this specific realm in time---had long awaited his freedom from his lord's condemnation. Shackled for his lack of loyalty and potential high treason; Asmodeus condemned him to serving a realm where the seventh Hypberola is kept. Through the myriads of times, Zagum entered a long slumber while surveilling his realm's Hyperbola at all times. Naturally, the Hyperbolas all change with time and are infinitely replaced in order to fulfill the death and rebirth cycle.

However, none of them ever decided to oppress the cycle or were even successful when it came to taking their nightmares head on; henceforth the Hyperbolas were all eventually reduced to nothingness as the result of Zagum.

Their blades then clashed, friction evaporating in the air midst of the collision.

Gritting his teeth with a glimpse of insanity in his widened red eyes, Viktor spoke to the overpowering Zagum in the shape of a reptilian dragon whose height outdid Viktor's.

"What's your deal here?! This was supposed to be a moment of reconciliation, you reptilian abortion!" He mocked him "It's Zagum, foul creature!" Zagum retreated his two swords; took a step back and double-crossed them with the aim of slashing Viktor's entire body instantly.

Striking the empty air in Zagum's direction, the humanoid skin sword with numerous eyes allowed him to warp to two meters behind which in return additionally managed Viktor to escape the deadly blow.

"NOW!" Viktor shouted and Naomi, on his left northwest side, fired an empowering horizontal water hammer tall enough to shove Zagum into Viktor's direction.

This water hammer hit Zagum's back and caught him by surprise, which made him fly in Viktor's direction, as Viktor prepared to stab him with his skin sword. However, Viktor immediately retreated as soon as he saw the look on Zagum's face. Taking two sword slashes, Viktor retreated four meters behind; barely evading Zagum's repeated consecutive sword slashes that would have hit Viktor should he not have evaded that far ahead.

"Shit!" Viktor complained as he went unsuccessful in his endeavor, and then, Zagum stopped for a moment to talk to Viktor while still elevating his swords "Who are you? To guide the Hyperbola this far into her nightmare... Do you not fear the consequences that may come with that?!" Zagum laughed though irritated by Viktor's actions "That should be my question... Are you the one in charge here? If you die, then does this nightmare go away with it?" Viktor tested the waters while telling Naomi to move in the right direction behind Zagum with a rapid eye movement "I can't die, you imbecile! My soul resides in Elysium, the place where all depraved souls are stored, gyahahaha!!" Zagum exhibited a burst of extreme laughter by going as far as punching his entire abdomen with a closed right fist "Do you have an extra ticket to Elysium?" Viktoe genuinely asked.

Unfortunately misunderstood, Zagum lashed out at Viktor by coming closer to him; looking down on Viktor with tremendous anger.

"Don't push your limits, pipsqueak! With my bare right hand, I could demolish your entire body... Tell me, who are you?! What land do you serve?!" Zagum spoke words that though Viktor could not comprehend their essence entirely, still ringed a level of interest in Viktor, so he tried his best to gather some out of him "Does the name Viktor tell you something?" He asked and also looked at Naomi; then with his left index finger, indicated to her to go further and further "Hmmm... Viktor... Viktor..." Zagum thought and thought "Go on, take your time." Viktor showed a calm attitude "Viktor... I just can't seem to remember it... Maybe if you tell me what land you serve?" Zagum was taking this very seriously, and Viktor's eyes widened in surprise as he wanted to laugh "Alright, that's enough. NOW!" Viktor jumped back.

At Viktor's orders, from behind Zagum, two gigantic water hands coming from the east and west aside, attempting to smash Zagum into pieces, were launched at him.

Acrobatically, despite what his body might have suggested at first, Zagum performed a backflip and immediately fired the two swords on his two hands that were infused with his skin---now completely partial and made out of blood---in Naomi's direction.

"MAKE YOUR BODY FLOW THROUGH THE WATER CHANNEL!!" Viktor shouted and Naomi's unconsciousness performed that exact same action.

Unable to be hit by the two lethal swords aimed at her body, Naomi's entire body began to dissolve into water particles and traveled into the water flux that was correspondent to the water hands she had just conjured with the long time she had been given by Viktor's distraction. As such, Naomi was brought closer to Viktor but at the same time, incredibly closer to Zagum as she was right next to his left. Subsequently, Zagum didn't waste time and struck her with a right back fist aimed at her face.

Sensing a water particle nearby Viktor's sweat in his neck from all the physical commotion, Naomi transported her body into that small water flux and became instantly adjoined with Viktor, right next to him.

"Impossible! Such flexibility! Hyperbola...!!" Mad at the sheer overpowering nimble-like movements from Naomi, Zagum threw a feat of rage in the form of a primitive shout "Even I have to agree. That's overpowered..." Viktor didn't deny it as he looked at her body that was brimming with translucent water "Now's not the time for that, Viktor! He's not taking any damage from my water abilities! What do we do?!" Naomi voiced a valid complaint.

As Viktor saw Zagum reaching out to his two disjointed blood swords on the ground a bit far away from him, he had to reconsider his plan. Even though he has the human skin sword that has unknown abilities aside from the ones he knows thus far, he has been unable to hit Zagum once. Not only that, but Naomi's water abilities offense has little to no effect on Zagum.

"You can freely control the water around you, Naomi?" Viktor asked, attempting to assert his knowledge of Naomi's powers "Apparently so... I was able to get here because I sensed a sweat droplet from your body..." She said, with the utmost seriousness "...." Viktor was slightly stunned and Naomi realized what she had said, but nevertheless tried her best to stay on track "Erm---My point being; as long as it's from the weather I am able to produce or it has a particle of it, I should be able to control it at my free will..." She gave her a thorough breakdown of it.

Even so, Viktor didn't find this information to be necessarily useful. In terms of damage, Naomi has not been proven to be useful to him. Furthermore, there was something else lingering in his mind.

Now with his two swords in his hands infused, Zagum was back to face the two of them.

"You said you can't die because your soul is in Elysium, so that means this body that we are perceiving is merely a vessel?" Viktor accurately pointed it out "Precisely! Your attacks have no effect on me because this vessel is ethereal! No damage can be inflicted upon! Do you realize how hopeless your situation is now?!" Confident, Zagum laughed at Viktor "Eh... That's fantastic, actually." Viktor cracked a smirk to which both Zagum and Naomi could not hope to comprehend "That means there is a necessary link that stabilizes your existence in this realm which is partial to Elysium. In other words... Something is keeping your existence here in check; a partial force. You alone, couldn't do that on your own. Am I right?" Viktor played his gamble.

Naomi was confused at Viktor's aim, but as she adverted her gaze from Viktor to Zagum who was showing visible nervosity, she realized that Viktor might have hit the nail on something.

"You're bluffing! You wouldn't know... If I knew, I would have returned to Elysium and been able to serve lord Asmodeus! Prove him that I am his most loyal servant and that the other inferiorities pale in comparison!" Rageful, a transformation occurred midst his speech.

Going beyond three meters in height, Zagum reached a terrifying ten meters in height as his body turned into something else entirely. Starting from his feet which amassed to two gigantic grey claws with a back claw as a backup measure, it served its purpose as it supported the large tall two-meter legs with a sharp horizontal black spike in its kneecaps. Its calves had a long lingering spike that went beyond the muscle embodied in the structure; stretching over a meter.

Exhibiting its lungs bones and ribcage, Zagum was shown to have no organs and instead, the center of his body was covered in the color of black--- transecting its previous green color in his entire body. Two-metered long arms that possessed a particular spiky backward horn in their elbows, elevated to the air as the rest of the limbs manifested too.

Most noticeably, Zagum's upper body was no longer that of a reptilian but instead took the shape of what seemed to be a demon. Unlike the usual two frontal horns on the forehead; Zagum had two horizontal curvy red horns attached to the left and right side of his forehead in a horizontal direction. His black wings not only gained further size but they flapped immensely to demonstrate supremacy over the two of them. Twitching with his hands that were now complete dragon claws, in an animalistic voice, Zagum hereby spoke to Viktor and Naomi, who were slowly retreating at the primordial terror before them.

"No longer will I be mocked! I, Zagum, a mighty Duke of Elysium! Lord Asmodeus will recognize my relevance once and for all! I will regain my authority once I've killed all of the Hyperbolas! And I will start with you now!" A rapid clash emerged, faster than what Naomi could perceive.

On time but to no avail, Viktor blocked with his skin sword the impending fast strike that was aimed at Naomi by holding the core of the sword tightly with his right hand as well as using the left sharp edge to uphold the maximum damage he could. However, they were both sent flying to the elevator that was fifty meters away; Viktor shielding Naomi from the damage.

"AGH!!" Feeling the ricochet from the impact of the wall to his body; the human skin sword started to become darker in red---but Viktor was quick to vomit a fountain of blood from his mouth which deeply alerted Naomi who hadn't taken a massive significant amount of damage, unlike Viktor due to her body being made out of water currently "Viktor! VIKTOR!!" Worried about the injured Viktor who was trembling at the sheer brutal barely fatal damage he had just taken; Naomi got on her knees as she shouted his name.

Relaxed and calm, through his pure pitch-black eyes in his primal form, Zagum took flight from a long distance and traveled the entire room in just two seconds; his landing crashed the surface around him also creating evaporation from the heat friction of his landing.

"Naomi..." Trembling though not defeated, Viktor began to raise his posture slowly while looking at the stoic Zagum not too far away from him; passively walking "Somewhere... The link that keeps his existence here in this realm... It has to be somewhere in the city... The root of this nightmare; only you know where it could be, Naomi! You must sever the link---------" Viktor was getting up, but Zagum brutally advanced his right hand into Viktor's body; taking hold of his medium body as well as crushing some of Viktor's ribs "AGGGGHHHHHH!!!!" Viktor screamed in agony as another fountain of Viktor's blood streamed down below, hitting Naomi's face "You can't be allowed to live, though surely lord Asmodeus would love to torture you when finding out whose land you serve..." In a completely different behavior, Zagum asserted dominance over Viktor.

Midst this, with all the strength he had, Viktor twisted his neck to his right side and sternly looked at the shocked Naomi.

"Do it...!!" His vocal cords almost broken, reached out to Naomi, who upon linking her desire to search for a place where the link could be----merged with the water splashed onto the floor of the royal room and went to the throne that was beyond shatter but also emitting a fountain that would go down through the building.

From there on, Naomi followed traces of water while manipulating the weather outside to her advantage in order to fulfill Viktor's desire.

As for Viktor himself, he was in a completely losing position, against the wall while having his ribs and vocal cords absolutely busted.

Viktor with his blurry vision saw the terrifying glimpse of a monster to which he was no match against.

"For a mere mortal with only this as his backup... Something doesn't add up..." Zagum became skeptical of Viktor's progress thus far and strove to uncover it "...!!!!!" Zagum released Viktor the moment he saw the glaring eyeball on the tip of Viktor's sword which is being held by his weak right hand "I-Impossible! Inconceivable! It has no place here; it cannot possibly infiltrate a realm whose origin has a contradictory substance from! So how?!" Retreating not one, not two, but three steps that crumbled the floor, Zagum found himself in delirium; shaking in fear.

Barely able to process this, Viktor gasped for some air while bleeding all over the place.

"You! Viktor, wasn't it?! Explain yourself! Why is the eye of Azatoth here, in a realm that is connected with Elysium?!" Zagum begged for an explanation out of the physically meek Viktor "......" Viktor heard his words and realized something "...I need to stall... His attention should be on Naomi but he's too busy freaking out by the eye of the sword... I have to take advantage of the situation here..." Viktor concluded.

Meekly, Viktor erupted his posture while adjusting the out-of-place trachea with his right hand. Then, he formed some words but they lacked his usual vocal strength.

"Don't you know?" Viktor alluded to something "Know what?!" Eager to know, Zagum exhibited brusque arm movement while roaring which caused an air shockwave that pushed Viktor back slightly "Argh... Will you stop? I have a proposal for you, Zagum----no..." Viktor corrected himself "Lord Zagum." Viktor got on his knees and bowed down to Zagum "I was unfairly cast here. Against my will, I was forced to go along with a charade. My mission was to get the Hyperbola to complete the nightmare---and then I would be free. However, it appears that my freedom is in sight. I too, like you, wish the same thing." Viktor spoke the truth, with apathy in his eyes, confusing Zagum "What...?" Unexpected and bewildered at Viktor's words, Zagum became perplexed "My true desire is to go to Hell--- otherwise known as Elysium to the likes of you, lord Zagum. I eagerly and most genuinely request you to send me to where I belong!" Viktor begged with a loud shout.

The eye gained interest in Viktor and its retina was fully focused on him; judging from a small distance.

"Nonsense! To belong to Elysium yet disturb the balance of a realm from within; you lie!" Zagum saw the cracks in Viktor's sentence, but Viktor fought back "That is not true! As I was being sentenced to Hell, an angel of God unfairly put me here for its own reasons! I have no desire to protect the Hyperbola, truthfully! As a matter of fact, to show that, I have deceived the Hyperbola purposely. I told her the blatant lie that your existence here is linked to a partial factor unknowingly!" Viktor told him the greater purpose of his actions "...." Zagum listened "Upon realizing that there is no such thing, she will return and that's when I will kill her with my sword." Viktor raised his sword with a devious smile "Your sword? But she can't be harmed due to the water property around her! Don't mock me!" Zagum became suspicious.

Viktor was therefore forced to further elaborate on his scheme.

"Against your knowledge, this sword has the power to destroy the source of the nightmare. In other words, the moment I stab her with the sword that holds the eye of Azathoth; the Hyperbola will be rendered useless." Viktor explained to Zagum, who was still not convinced "But why wait this long when you could've just done that from the start or the moment you obtained the sword?! Your words don't match!" Furious, he demanded yet another explanation which Viktor was more than glad to give "Lord Zagum, you misunderstood my intention. My goal is one and only, and always will be----I want to go to Hell, no matter the cost. It doesn't matter why or how it's done, as long as I get to go there, that's all I care about. And for that entire purpose, I had to meet someone who had connections to Hell or Elysium as you like to address it. Thus far, I had been unsuccessful in encountering such a force, but now I'm certain. Certain that you, Lord Zagum, will be able to bring me to where I wish to be." Viktor finished his speech.

Without showing his face to Zagum, Viktor ceased to speak while on his knees and bowing down.

Yet Zagum wasn't fully buying it.

"Prove it." He said, with trails of cold steel in his voice "Gather the Hyperbola here and kill her with your sword. Provoke the cycle of death and rebirth which will bring forth another Hyperbola to occupy this realm. Furthermore, aid me in my conquest; by killing this realm's Hyperbolas over and over, Lord Asmodeus will finally free me of my imprisonment. Only then, will I consider your opinion..." Zagum spoke to Viktor, still harboring doubts.

Viktor thought of arguing back in order to make the situation more in his favor as he had a card up on his sleeve, but something dawned on him suddenly. Something that he genuinely pondered, as his eyes gained clarity.

"Your wish is for me to keep on doing this until you are free? By killing the Hyperbolas in this realm alone, over and over?" Viktor wanted some clarification, to which Zagum gave without a second thought "That's right. Prove your utmost loyalty to me. Become my disciple!" Zagum was overjoyed "I need to know something. Just how many Hyperbolas will it take to be killed until you are free?" Viktor raised his head and Zagum judged him with vagueness "That, I will not tell. Such information comes with a price. Prove yourself and in time, you will know." Zagum tested Viktor.

Narrowing his vision, Viktor pondered several things. He additionally took notice of the eye that was constantly judging every single one of his decisions.

"Alright." Viktor had decided "Then..." Viktor fully elevated himself and gave more securance to Zagum, who had found a great deal of convenience in this upcoming agreement "It's all fair and games to doubt me right now. So, I will call upon the Hyperbola, kill her, and prove my loyalty to my commitment." Viktor opted to not push his boundaries and instead, chose to portray the logical course of action.

All clear and with his intention on the mark, Viktor shouted her name, echoing a trembling sound throughout the royal room.

"NAOMI!!" Zagum at last, saw Viktor's first commitment into his deal.

It didn't take three seconds to see a thread of water being channeled through the pools of water splashed all over the room and in the closest to Viktor, Naomi emerged, albeit extremely tired and nervous.

"V-Viktor! I-I couldn't find it! No matter how much I looked, I've searched through Arkapella and Fatibala too yet there was nothing that resembled a link..." Defeated and disappointed in herself, she couldn't meet Viktor's eyes "That's alright... I already found the link." Viktor assured her "Eh?" Naomi didn't quite catch what Viktor meant and so, she elevated her head in order to meet Viktor's eyes, which were lit up in scarlet red.

Furthermore, despite her body being submerged in water property, the humanoid skin blade with numerous lively retinas pierced Naomi's abdomen, which in turn caused her to immediately bleed from her mouth.

"V-Viktor....?! W-Why..." Unable to understand, she succumbed to the pain as Viktor further drove the blade into her; impaling beyond the abdomen thus reaching the other side of her body.

In a moment of secrecy, Viktor spoke to Naomi in her left ear.

"Have faith in me, Naomi. We will meet again." Viktor then proceeded to brutally strip the blade of her body; leaving Naomi to die on the floor quickly.

With blurry yet understanding eyes, Naomi didn't speak a word and instead had a sudden realization, as she faced the death of her current self. Willingly though blindly, she opted to trust Viktor fully this time around.

Now facing Zagum, Viktor didn't say a word, nor moved from his position, as he upheld a stone-cold expression with glittering apathetic red eyes.

"Magnificent... To think you'd come this far just to get your way... Undoubtedly, you qualify for Elysium..." Zagum showered Viktor with praises, even going as far as to clap for him, yet Viktor remained silent "Yet how come someone like you, wasn't put in Elysium? All souls devoid of morality are thereby placed upon; there is no countermeasure against that." Viktor didn't speak again though he agreed "...Why the sudden silence?" Zagun began to suspect Viktor's behavior which didn't match the vagrancy emitted from Zagun's praises.

Mildly chuckling in his mouth's blood, Viktor began to close his eyes as he lowly laughed.

"You're laughing? Why are you laughing?" Unable to understand what was going on, Zagum witnessed Viktor go through a serious contagious laughter experience as he couldn't control himself "Stop laughing, at this moment! What's so funny?! Are you------" Upon being nimble with his right arm's claws, Zagum began to realize.

Seeing the cracks in his form as they were turning to ashes, Zagum was shocked beyond normalcy and perpetuated with disbelief. Unable to gather any positive thoughts about his sudden dissection, Zagum's emotional turmoil turned into a violent one.

"YOU---YOU WOULD LIE!! DECEIVE A HELL'S DUKE!! NOT ONLY THAT, YOU WOULD BREAK OUR DEAL THAT WAS MADE WITH HONOR?!" Taking three strong steps forward just as his body's left side was being cindered to ashes at a quickening speed, Zagum put all of his strength into crushing Viktor's ribs and vocal cords with his remaining right hand's claws---shouting his last words before he was turned into complete ashes "I WILL FIND YOU, VIKTOR! AND I WILL TELL THE OTHERS ABOUT YOU!! NO MATTER WHERE YOU GO, ELYSIUM KNOWS!! LORD ASMODEUS WIL---" Just as he attempted to strike another word, his entire body turned to ashes.

Freed from an unbearable strangled physical lock, Viktor's body collapsed on the floor, as Zagum was no longer in sight.

Viktor's current physical state consists of a broken trachea which disables him from forming a single word. In addition to that, he has multiple ribs broken. His legs though operable are full of cuts and open injuries; his kneecaps are slightly shattered. From his prior fights, before he was able to emerge to the royal room, Viktor had lost his left ear as it was practically cut yet his eardrums remained which in turn caused him a staggering physical pain. His left thumb was fully cut and out for the count.

His neck had severed veins and his left collarbone was somewhat visible from those wounds. As for his lips, they were mildly broken and heavily cut. Barely functioning and distributing a brutal physical source of pain to Viktor due to the fact that it's completely vulnerable to the air, his nose had been completely cut off and only his nostrils remained. Lastly, a grand part of his left face's mouth had been severed off from the result of those said fights; leaving his left teeth completely exposed.

Even so, despite those troubles, Viktor began to elevate his posture with what little strength he had.

There was, however, a troublesome event happening, as Zagum faded from the picture.

"....!!!!" An abrupt earthquake causing everything around to crumble, alerted Viktor as he drew a factorial conclusion as to why this was suddenly happening "The nightmare's vessel was what was keeping all of this together... It doesn't matter if this is Naomi's imagination, it's just the product of her imagination---not what keeps it together! In other words, this place is ceasing to be..." Viktor gritted his teeth.

Without a portal in sight, Viktor was forced to rationalize a potential outcome that would favor him.

Thus, with his lingering strength, he got up from the floor midst of the earthquake; using all of his strength to become stable enough with the ground around him and took ahold of Naomi's body. He transiently looked at her calm and peaceful dead face; founding a certain level of beauty to that unique expression.

Then, Viktor, with Naomi in his two arms, performed a dash in the royal throne's direction which was still far away from him.

Feeling all of his muscles on fire; mainly the legs that have extremely profound cuts that would require immediate medical attention, Viktor made a run for it. Obviously, he was slower than usual, but as he looked behind and saw the floor crumbling with him---he saw no other way.

However, as he was reaching the throne's area; his left calf's bone cracked.

"AGHHHH!!!" In agony beyond anything he had experienced in a while, Viktor momentarily stopped while still holding Naomi in his hands "NO! THIS DOESN'T MATTER! IT'S JUST PHYSICAL PAIN!! WHEN I'M OUT OF HERE, MY BODY WILL BE ANEW, SO IT'S ALRIGHT TO NOT CARE ABOUT THE STATE OF MY WELL-BEING RIGHT NOW!!" Viktor had this particular overconfident thought as he pushed forward; feeling his left calf's bone go in and out of the calf.

Just right before the entire crumbling floor consumed him, Viktor jumped to the dark hole that was beneath the destroyed throne, and with no exact knowledge of where it would take him as only permanent darkness lay below; he took his shot.


The sight of endless stars in an astral dark blue was a sight that Viktor had gained familiarity with seeing over the recent events.

No longer feeling any pain whatsoever, he also couldn't feel any clothes on his body. However, he could feel, for a fact, small water tipping his naked toes.

Viktor knew exactly where he was once he caught the sight of endless naked human beings varying from all possible ages walking nonstop forward. Their noteworthy chains linked to the wrists and ankles were additionally present as well as the ambiguous grand number count.

"....." Viktor proceeded to walk forward; basking underneath galaxies---looking for a particular person who he wanted to speak to "Looking for me?" Not surprised by the abrupt appearance to his left side, Viktor commented as he looked to his left side "I think so. Unless this is the intended destination, Noah." Viktor formally addressed Noah, who, just like last time, is still naked while gently brushing his medium-sized white beard with his right hand "Do you feel fulfilled, Viktor? You've brought it down, the girl's nightmare. I believe she's one step closer to God with all the effort she did. Of course, you had a part in this too." Noah chuckled amidst the wind breeze.

Not understanding Noah's disapproval of Viktor's efforts though it wasn't exactly a complete one, Viktor felt instigated.

"What do you mean by that? It was all me. All she had to do was do what I told her: believe in me." Viktor spoke what he thought was true "Really? That's what you think, Viktor?" They kept on walking "It's just the truth. After she believed in me, she was able to perform better and ultimately bring herself closer to the end of the line. If the nightmare is over like it should, she will wake up in her comfortable bed and will have the strength to face her mother again." Viktor took a deep breath, however "And you feel nothing towards this? Just the fact that it has been done?" Noah asked "Yeah, that's all there is to it." Viktor clarified and Noah sighed profoundly.

Viktor didn't enjoy the frequent disappointment from Noah's reactions.

"You already know my aim is Hell. I am not supposed to feel any sort of affection for her nor should I wish for something convenient from our relationship. From my understanding, purging the nightmare's contents is all there is to it. After all, she will forget about what she went through; that additionally means I will not be a memory. It's honestly way more convenient that way..." Viktor was relieved "And in the case she doesn't? What then? Are you going to leave the poor soul on pure radio silence, Viktor? Grow a pair, would you!" Shamelessly, Noah grabbed Viktor's testicles and applied some force to them "!!!" Viktor was quick to remove them.

He wanted to punch Noah yet he somehow didn't. Viktor didn't judge Noah to do that out of evil, plus, he was taking this conversation somewhat seriously.

"The fuck, man..." He grew a bit distant "Oh dear me, the lion's sensitive." Noah joked "Alright, that's it! Look, it's for the best if she doesn't remember! Sure, it sucks that her big moment was stolen from her because a literal demon was at the final destination, but she will still have the strength to face her mother!" Viktor argued back "Really? Then you haven't learned anything from her at all, Viktor." Noah spear-headed Viktor with some truth "......" Viktor took his time to think about whether or not Noah had a point.

Turns out he did, because Viktor was quick to accept and consider the rationale behind Noah's words.

"But Noah, the nightmare is over. I will go to Hell after this. Our story has ended. I wish for my atonement in Hell. No matter how you phrase it, I just don't care enough about her to the point of wanting one last moment." Viktor nevertheless spoke his true mind "Dear me... Forgive me, lord..." Noah prayed in front of Viktor which pissed him off "Hell this, Hell that; I will throw up in a few seconds if you don't say something more insightful, Viktor. I might as well give you a little push here. So, you said it sucked she didn't get to have a chance to speak with her mother; does this mean that a part of you, deep down, wishes for that to happen?" Noah posed a question to Viktor.

Noah united both of his hands and continued to pray while Viktor was rapid in his reply.

"Not necessarily... It just sucks, that's all. Even I feel kinda bad." Noah, as he heard that last sentence, opened his eyes "Oh?" He let out a surprised face; Viktor went on "She and her mother had a disconnective phase and that went on for more than a decade. Then, just as it was building up, it all got ruined. It pisses me off because I went through all that work for a shitty climax!" Noah became disappointed as Viktor started to glorify himself "Goodness gracious... You are much wet beyond your ears, Viktor. When will you learn about it..." Noah's fading voice made Viktor look again to his left.

Seeing as there was nothing left of him, Viktor acknowledged that Noah had disappeared from sight.

"..." Viktor kept on walking, in the hope of a change of scenery "-------or!" A very faraway voice alarmed Viktor "Hm?!" He recognized the familiar voice yet among the myriad of chained human beings walking like zombies forward, he couldn't identify her.

He looked left and right and saw not what he was looking for. Or rather, who he was searching for.

Therefore, he summoned all of his lung strength and verbally conjured one name, gathering all present attention from numerous shackled individuals.

"NAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOMMMIIIII!!!" His deafness-threatening shout lasted five seconds and was only put to an end because Viktor's trachea felt hollow from shouting "Viktor!! I'm right here!!" Yet Viktor couldn't see Naomi anywhere; furthermore, her shout seemed quite distant.

Viktor took a few breaths before starting to move forward, trying to identify the shout's direction.

"FROM WHERE ARE YOU SHOUTING?! GIVE ME A SIGN OR A DIRECTION!!" Viktor once again shouted with incredible precision when it came to being loud and audible "I don't know! I think I'm on your right side!" Viktor absorbed this audible message from her.

As the sound from Naomi's shout was echoing, Viktor tried to analyze where the sound was coming from and he judged that it wasn't from his left side nor from the front side. Just as Naomi had said very accurately, the sound had a stronger ring from Viktor's right side.

With no breaks in his run, Viktor ran past dozens of chained individuals who gained a sudden interest in their meeting. Some even momentarily stopped counting numbers.

It wouldn't be long before Viktor and Naomi would come in contact with each other after two minutes; as Viktor had given a tremendous run in her direction.

However, one particular thing made Naomi shout as she saw Viktor from her southwest direction.

"GYAAAAAAA!!! She turned around and covered her face with her two hands "Oh come on, don't be like that! You think you're the only one who went through that experience!" Viktor argued though he didn't have such a shocking experience the first time he was here "It doesn't matter! Oh my God, why are we all NAKED?!" Naomi had tons of complaints; she refused to face Viktor which would mean she would have to show her front "I didn't think you'd be here, otherwise I would've said something. I thought you'd be gone by now." Viktor got closer to Naomi yet kept a small distance "...What?" Naomi stopped covering her face and looked at Viktor without necessarily turning back.

Viktor kept on walking forward.

"Viktor, what do you mean by that?" She demanded an answer and walked behind Viktor; this way he couldn't see her "The nightmare is over. When I stabbed you; I killed the nightmare as a whole, which made it possible for me to get rid of Zagum." He said, but only brought forth anxiety from Naomi, who had more and more complaints "Viktor... You killed me, didn't you...? Why would you..." She was now afraid and created a long distance from him "It was obvious from the start. Without your active consciousness, there can be no nightmare. It's something I've experienced over and over, honestly..." He chuckled "...?" Naomi didn't understand what he meant or how that justified what he did to her.

He turned around momentarily before walking again.

"I'm a piece of shit, Naomi. I would gladly kill you over and over if it meant I could make some progress toward Hell. Get it now?" Viktor became very direct with his words, showing no sugarcoating "But even so, you believed in me and waited for me here. So, I guess you are way better than I thought." He praised her and walked again "That's messed up... How am I supposed to feel good when you just say all that... I..." She was hurt but didn't want Viktor to see her in such a state "You're not. But, regardless, I think you get it now. I am like this. I did kill you, for the record, so don't let that slide." Viktor made sure she didn't forget "I know..." She said with disgust.

A brief silence hit as they didn't talk for three minutes while walking in the disperse low water.

"Viktor, where are we...?" Though not entirely comfortable, Naomi began the conversation, behind Viktor "I am not sure, but if I had to guess..." Viktor took a while to follow his next sentence up "We're in a Whale's surface." He said with the utmost confidence "...What?!" Naomi became bewildered "You wouldn't know, but in one of my previous lives, I was an ocean explorer. A deep, but I really mean this, DEEP OCEAN explorer. I am talking about going so deep that you find yourself surrounded by complete darkness and have creatures that are fifty times your side pop up in your most dreadful hour out of nowhere." Viktor stimulated Naomi's imagination "Oh God..." Naomi became even more afraid.

Naomi began to look at the surface of the water and felt with her naked toes the surface of where she was walking. It didn't feel like concrete or rocky ground.

As Viktor said, if it's a whale, it would make a little bit more sense, however, Naomi couldn't truly know, because she doesn't know what it's like to be on top of a massive whale.

"But if I had to truly be specific, I think it's a place beyond time. All these people, they count numbers endlessly. I've been given an explanation as to why they do so, but I don't know if it's really true or not." Viktor additionally told Naomi "...That's interesting, but..." Naomi showed reluctance "You said the nightmare was over, right? Which means, this isn't part of it, correct?" Naomi connected the dots "Correct. As I said, it's most likely a place beyond time. The will to trigger something; some sort of event that we wish to achieve will change what is around us." Viktor gave a vague explanation "What...? Then... I just have to wish for something to happen and it will happen?" She tried to grasp onto something "Maybe. Give it a try. Think about your biggest desire, Naomi. Maybe we will become overlapped." Viktor once again, spoke with vagueness.

Knowing not what to think about exactly and what her biggest wish was, she was conflicted for some reason.

Gulping, Naomi spoke her doubts to Viktor.

"Viktor, I... I don't think what you did was alright... Did I do something to make you dislike me? I know I left you that one time but..." Viktor interrupted her "It's not about that. It's just a drag. When? WHEN?!" Viktor shouted like a lunatic "When?" Naomi followed him up "When will it end? That's what I have always asked myself, deep down. Hey, Naomi. My story is coming to an end. So, I think I want to do one last thing for you. Believe it or not, I think I've grown up to genuinely give a small amount of affection to you. Do you know what that means?" Viktor asked, turning around to Naomi, who was confused but also became somewhat bashful, too ashamed to answer right away "...I..." She didn't know what to say.

Viktor laughed out loud.

"What's so funny?! You just ask that like... it's normal! I'm very conflicted because you are probably the person in my life who has helped me out the most but at the same time... Viktor, you killed me." She remained hurt about that factor "That I did. However, Naomi..." He sighed and walked now side-by-side with her "....." Naomi still felt embarrassed.

He spoke his true thoughts while looking at her face only; specifically avoiding looking down in order for her to not think he wasn't being serious.

"Your mother." He simply said "Eh...?" Not hearing what she was expecting, Naomi was surprised "I won't be there for you after this is over. Even so, can you face her like you did before? Give me your serious answer, Naomi." Viktor didn't allow Naomi to simply lie about this and as such, he demanded a profoundly serious answer in regard to that matter "...When you put it like that..." There was visible sadness in her facial expression "...I don't think so..." Naomi answered truthfully which made Viktor sigh "...I see." He sounded disappointed "Yeah well, I'm so sorry but I don't see myself capable because... You're not going to be around anymore and I've..." She hesitated to say her next words "Come on, out with it. You always do this, Naomi." Viktor pushed Naomi to the brink and demanded for a more unique set of words out of her.

Pressured but also with the desire to truthfully speak her mind, Naomi went ahead and much to her surprise, spoke her true feelings.

"I kinda like you! It's weird, alright?! It's just because... Listen, you're a piece of shit, honestly, Viktor." She didn't hold back anymore "You are way too harsh on me and you don't consider how fragile my emotions can be at times. Plus, I was having numerous nightmares where I had to experience death! You can't just expect me to act normally knowing that I am going to potentially go through that! And you also deceive me at times out of the blue?! I can't tell what you're thinking sometimes! It becomes really confusing and hard trying to get in touch with you... Yet even so... You're someone I wouldn't like to lose and wouldn't feel comfortable in losing... I..." She took a deep breath "Well, I would really like it if you were present in my daily life... Because it's been fun! And I wouldn't want that to go away just because you are hellbent on going to Hell. Sure, you have problems but you are conscious about it, Viktor. And that alone means that you want to fix a part of yourself. And... If that really is true, I want to help you fix that part, just like you did for me..." Naomi looked at Viktor in the eyes.

Surprised by how much Naomi spoke in terms of honesty, Viktor whistled.

"There you go again with your anti-climatic gestures... You could work on that, just saying." She began to be a bit extra "You know, you're not bad either. I mean, you're pretty cute, I'll give you that." Viktor made Naomi blush so much she had to turn the other way around "I hate you..." She meekly said to Viktor "Naomi." Viktor simply said "...?" She turned around, still blushing a bit "I can't be there for you in the future when you talk to your mother, but I will, as a token of gratitude, do something for you that might come close to achieving what you deep down meant to achieve back there." Viktor stopped walking and so did Naomi.

A bright light water mirror to their right side appeared; alluding to a faraway water temple.

"This is the last thing I can give you. I think if you want to return to reality, you will be automatically able to do that, Naomi. It just has to be in line with your will. However----if a part of you truly wishes for it, to speak to the genuine article, without having to feel like you're talking to a replica, then..." Viktor swiftly pointed at the faraway mirage "...Viktor... Will you... Will you come along? I think I need you there." She looked at the mirage and not Viktor as she seriously said that "Fine." Viktor calmly said "I will accompany you but from there on... It's you and her; nobody else." Viktor clarified "Hm." Naomi approved of what Viktor said as her eyes emitted confidence and an utmost desire for a reunion.

They walked to the other side together.


Back to where it all began, Viktor and Naomi climbed the endless stairs of the water temple toward the main house at the top. Unlike the previous times when the water was beyond elevated and captured every other corner of the abysmal temple; the water was extremely low and it was revealed that a nearby beach was connected---therefore previously drown. They were able to get to the stairs through the beach and from there, a small path of behaved water allowed them to make their way up.

"It's... beautiful..." Naomi was stunned at the pure crystalized cerulean sky with lots of seagulls flying around; delegating the ambiance along the way with their hymns "Certainly better than the endless rain for sure..." Viktor rejoiced as he remembered the times he had to endure brutal torrential rain when he first came here "Also, also! It's a lot brighter! You can actually see the sun!" Naomi pointed at the blue giant that Viktor identified as Rigel "To call that a sun is very much an insult, Naomi." Viktor pointed that out as they continued their climb in the now dry stairs.

She swiftly turned around in her kimono clothes; the ones she initially wore, and faced Viktor with a hyper-big smile on her face; her eyes closed--demonstrating elegance.

"Hahaha! I guess you're right, Viktor! Hey, how many suns did you have in your previous life?! I'm from Earth and in my universe, there is only one sun." It sounded as if she was stating something obvious, but Viktor knew that thus far, they had witnessed different suns in different realms altogether, so it wasn't as stupid as it seemed to Viktor "Just the usual light ball we all hate in the morning and dread in the summer. In other words, the same Earth. I don't think it varies, no matter the universe; if it's from our solar system. Of course, if it's from another galaxy and there are other Earths, then that would explain it." Viktor gave a mini-thesis on it.

This made Naomi think.

"Hmmmmm... Hmmm... Viktor, Viktor..." She was more talkative than usual for some reason "What is it?" Viktor smiled gently at her "You promised, remember?" She climbed another degree while happily dancing in her pink kimono clothes like a child "I know. It's really not that interesting though." Viktor scratched the back of his blonde hair "Speak for yourself, mister." She had a different opinion on the matter "You saying it's not interesting probably means that it's interesting!" Naomi was convinced this was the case "You'll be disappointed big time, miss." Viktor lowly laughed.

Another twenty or so steps were ahead.

They had reached a part of the stairs that was a wider area than the rest; a structure that occupied itself every twenty degrees. There were ten of them as a whole now.

As Naomi climbed the upcoming degree, Viktor decided that this was it. It was time for him to stop.

"...." Naomi began to notice a lack of sound from Viktor's bare feet on the rocky stairs "...So..." She reluctantly turned around to where Viktor is, with a mild smile on his face "This is where I go. What will you do?" Naomi asked Viktor, with nervosity on her surface "I'll wait here for you. So, you can take your time; because I won't go anywhere. I think I'll admire the view for a bit longer. I hadn't gotten a clue at that time but it's pretty awesome to know there are tons of seagulls and a calm ocean nearby." Viktor sat with his back toward Naomi in the first degree from the prior staircase.

Soothingly feeling the cold yet kind wind breeze passing through, Naomi felt relieved as Viktor was able to say those words.

An instant smile popped on her face and her heart was thoroughly warmed.

"Thank you. Then... I'll be right back." She turned around and climb a step, feeling stronger "Hey, Naomi?" Yet Viktor had one last saying "Go get her." He said with a lousy confidence and Naomi felt even better "Yes!" She said, almost silently, however, with a long closed smile on her face.

Emerging to the top, Naomi looked back and saw Viktor's wide back as he looked at the beach far away; northeast direction, with dozens of mountains far away ---alluding that there is more to it. She inhaled air so fresh that her nostrils felt rejuvenated. One last time, she took a brief look at the shining baby blue ocean with a blurry white-hued horizon.

Convinced now, her expression became serious, as she puffed her chest with her right hand after calming herself down.

Toward the two frontal doors that slide themselves horizontally though Naomi could always walk in and out automatically, she opened the right one by sliding it to the left.

Transiently, she saw a small round table in the middle of a bright room with contents yet to be discovered.

"...Mot.....her...?" Naomi's eyes widened as she saw her mother on the other side of the round table on her knees; enjoying a warm black tea calmly "...Naomiria? Is... that you?" She paused her green tea round cup on the surface of the table as she asked that.

Naomi immediately noticed that her mother was older than she imagined; or rather, the last time she saw her. Relatively skinny still, a somewhat tall lady bordering her sixties with beautiful thin long black hair dressed in a black kimono, Naomi's mother, Ina, was surprised to see her own daughter.

However, Naomi too was surprised, especially at the lack of cynism on Ina's part.

"Yes... It's me, Naomiria... Mother, is that really you...?" In disbelief still, holding the door with her left hand, Naomi stood there looking at Ina "Yes... But this... I think this a dream; it must be. You and I haven't spoken in years, so I must be dreaming about my utmost inner desire, that's why you are here, Naomiria." Ina drew a conclusion herself "No, mother!" Naomi was very quick to refute back; as she lt go of the door "I've been here all along! The fact that I have been asleep for so long in the realm world is due to me being stuck in a nightmare!" Though she knew what she was talking about wasn't exactly irrefutable evidence, she still included the fact that she is in a comma in her reality.

Even so, Naomi didn't mind speaking the truth furthermore.

Not hesitating, she sat down in front of Ina across the table and spoke her true thoughts on the matter.

"I've fallen into a deep slumber because I... Mother, I really couldn't stand how broken we are with one another. I sought salvation and comfort from it! I know it's strange but it's the truth! Look Mother, it's me! Your daughter!" Naomi reached out to her Mother's lukewarm hands and allowed her to physically feel Naomi's touch "Oh..." Stunned, despite already coming into contact with something she could touch like a teacup, Ina nevertheless couldn't help herself "It's the real me! This isn't a dream, Mother... I don't really know how to explain it, but you must believe me, I swear!" Naomi practically begged Ina for credibility here.

Deep down, Naomi knew that her words weren't bulletproof and that her mother was glaring at her with dubious eyes right now.

However, Ina opted to give her a chance.

Closing her eyes and placing a gentle smile on her face, Ina patted Naomi's hands with her own right hand whilst holding the hands with the left one as the base.

"Is that so... I believe you then. After all, I have never had a dream this realistic in my life. It's always all so blurry and foggy... This is definitely more like it." Ina agreed that some of the more realistic elements couldn't compare to how humans are formed to perceive their usual dreams; even their lucid ones "Naomiria... You've grown so much, daughter." Ina spoke, with an elderly voice backing it up as her eyes reflected kindness; something Naomi wasn't accustomed to.

Unable to hold back her own tears, they sprinted across Naomi's face, one by one as Naomi tried to compose herself.

Viktor from the outside, relatively far away nevertheless, heard a loud cry and smiled as he put his right fist on the right side of his side supported by his right elbow on his right upper leg.

"Mother! I'm sorry! I---I---I---!!" Naomi couldn't properly finish her sentence as she kept bursting into endless tears, her mother not holding up too well in that regard too "Naomiria... It's alright, calm yourself down. I won't scold you, nor... hit you..." Ina showed visible regret as she looked down on the ground "Daughter, I must say something. I must seem different from the image you had of me back then, but... this is what old age does to you... Deny it as you must, but to what end? It arrives all the same. My time on Earth has become limited; always has been. Yet I've been more conscious about it in recent years and my regrets came from the seeds of trauma I've planted..." Ina indicated a long distant traumatizing event involving the two of them.

Though this version of Ina wasn't what Naomi was expecting, she could understand why Ina was being like this.

Just as Naomi regretted a lot of things from her past that led up to this point, Ina too naturally, had cultivated a mountain of regrets along the way.

"Please... I need you to know... What I did to you... I'm sorry... Naomiria, will you----will you forgive me?" Ina got up and bowed in Naomi's direction.

Processing what to say or how she would react to it, Naomi tried to find the exact words that matched her feelings. In order to honor Viktor's words, Naomi decided to be thoroughly truthful with her mother.

Therefore, with an incredibly deep and steady breath, Naomi elevated her posture and spoke to her mother, Ina.

"Mother, I cannot forgive you." She bluntly spoke and Ina was shocked, though she didn't show her face "As I thought..." Filled with regret yet certainty, Ina's face saddened "Mother, please raise your head." Naomi asked, with a stern voice tone to which Ina did as she expected a harsh statement coming out of Naomi.

Against her expectations, however, Naomi was smiling, despite what she had previously said to her.

"I cannot pretend that it didn't affect me, because it did, mother. And unless I tell you my true, ugly feelings about it, I don't think I'll get over it." Naomi said and then had a particular thought "Isn't that right, Viktor?" Ina subsequently, didn't hesitate on allowing Naomi to speak her true mind "Of course, Naomiria. Please." She insisted.

Taking another deep breath while putting her right hand on her chest, Naomi didn't hold back.

"Mother, I truly think that what you did to me was wrong. I was very hurt and had to shut myself from talking to you and the one time I did, you lied to me about Damian." Naomi recalled when she asked around the mansion about him "Yes, that's true... I am sorry, it's something your father and I mutually agreed at the time, we thought it would make little to no sense to mention to you." She justified her actions "Even so, Mother, you lied to me. That lie pilling up amassed to anxiety that I would have to carry for burdening dark feelings towards the unknown truth. I don't think you should do that to your daughter, even if you have more important responsibilities to attend to. Please, promise me, that you won't lie to me again, Mother." Very seriously, Naomi focused her eye glare on Ina.

Without any possible refute this time, Ina took Naomi seriously and complied with her demand.

"I apologize, Naomiria. No matter how I spent my time, if I had to lie to my daughter, even if... No---regardless of that, it's not something a mother should do to her daughter. It was an ill-spent time..." Ina regretted what she did and as such, Naomi went on "Thank you..." She, however, thanked her for all the effort her mother was doing in apologizing while telling why what she did was wrong "I understand that my time back then was intrusive, and if... something similar were to happen to you, I really don't know how I would react, so I might be a hypocrite for saying this but... I would never hit my own child due to my emotions falling apart." Ina started to shed tears as she vividly remembered that moment.

The moment that caused both of them, not just Naomi, grief and lament, in the midst of Ina's uncontrollable feat of rage.

"I'm so sorry..." Ina covered her face with her two hands while falling down on the floor, whipping over what she did; as she labeled herself as cruel and unredeemable "Mother..." Naomi lightly touched her left shoulder with her right hand as she went over to her side "I lost control of myself that night... I couldn't handle her death! It broke me, everything I did was for her and according to her. All I wanted was to make her proud yet those terrorists they... I could never get my mind off that and as the rage inside me became uncontrollable and beyond measure, I... Oh God, what have I done...?!" Ina broke down as her cries became loud and genuinely ugly-natured.

Hugging Ina's entire upper body, Naomi gave her the necessary comfort for Ina to cry on; something she had been wanting to do all along.

Midst that, Naomi spoke as she was silently crying too.

"I... obviously can't forgive you for that, but... I want to... So, Mother, help me..." Crying deeply more expressive now, Naomi's face became full of sadness and grief as she spoke next "Please! I don't want to spend the rest of my life like this with you! I just want to have a normal daughter-to-mother with you regardless of anything that may come our way! Even if one day you go away, I want to know that I spend the rest of your days with you on good terms! It terrifies me the possibility of you dying and our relationship never being fixed! It scares me, mother!" Naomi exhibited loud cries that were far out did Ina's.

Outside, though Viktor was enjoying the view, he was somewhat proud at the same time.

With three white seagulls on the stairs degrees around him, Viktor spoke out loud.

"See? Wasn't so hard after all." He gently smiled while his hair fluttered in the abrasive warm ambiance.

After a while, now being face to face at the table, both drinking black tea from the room's small kitchen tea kettle.

Dressed as a normal kitchen with the usual setups of one which includes; a small stove, a sink capable of emitting hot and cold water, a small refrigerator to the left of the sink, and a dishwasher. This room is four meters tall and has a rectangular shape that encapsulates the temple's main house diameter. There are, however, two small windows on the east wall's west top corners which allow rays of light to penetrate the looming atmosphere.

In the middle of the east wall, there is a painting of Naomi as a child when she was four and Ina in her forties.

Eating small chocolate cookies with black tea as a company, they both engaged in a conversation.

"I'm surprised, Naomiria. I thought you'd be against the royalty role, but you seem to be alright with the idea. It's weird, you know? Nowadays, our times have gone so ahead that the existence of a royal household has been rendered useless and meaningless. Yet even so..." Naomi took a small sip of tea with her eyes closed and then lightly paused the steaming hot teacup "But that's precisely why, Mother. Even if the general public doesn't show approval, a royal household must exist. It's a tradition that has been with us for millennia. Our ancestors surely didn't give up when the public didn't approve of them. Times will change, but just because change occurs, it doesn't mean that our bloodline has lost its purpose. Just by existing, we maintain the royalty intact." Naomi demonstrated strong capacity when it came to taking up the role.

Proud, after taking a sip of her tea too, Ina congratulated Naomi on her newfound attitude.

"I adore you." Naomi smiled at the compliment "However, if you are so eager to further the bloodline, surely you have someone in mind?" Ina asked, curious to know who Naomi had in mind "......" Naomi sipped on her tea longer than usual "It's complicated. A bit too complicated. Uh, I, still have to think about that..." She seemed troubled "Naomiria?" Ina didn't quite understand where Naomi was coming from "Putting that aside... Have you and Father been the same as you were?" Naomi asked and Ina gave a realistic response "We... I don't think we love each other anymore..." This saddened Naomi "Over time, it fades away. Especially when it's part of an arranged marriage." Naomi took this result into consideration "Arranged marriages are always bound to fail, right? It's better to marry someone who you genuinely like, correct, Mother?" Naomi saught approval "Well... I would be lying if I said that wasn't true." Ina couldn't deny it.

Another sip she took.

Calmly, she put down her cup.

"...Alright... I think we best get going then..." Naomi got up "Go? Where?" Confused by Naomi's sudden upbringing, Ina was left perplexed "Where else, mother?! Home! I miss all the people in there! I can't wait to talk to Father, and all the butlers, catch up with the janitors, and learn more from the mansion's cooking chefs---there are so many things I want to try out! We can't stay here and dream all this! Come on, let's go!" Energetically, Naomi took ahold of Ina's left wrist with her right hand forcefully and dragged her out of the room "W-Wait! Naomiria, dear I'm really n-------" As Ina got out of the room, she was left speechless with the view she encountered "---ot...." She could barely finish her own sentence as she gazed at the ocean in front of her and in her right and left side.

Sparkingly and illuminated under a powerful mighty blue giant otherwise known as Rigel, the ocean extended both ways to what seemed to be infinity. The crystal-pure fresh air captured during every single moment present outside was more than what Ina had in mind. Ethereal and authentically beautiful, Ina had never seen such pure water before below her.

Not only that, but the flying animals didn't just limit themselves to seagulls. Beyond Naomi's knowledge, there were now pelicans, albatrosses, abnormally large condors, golden eagles, and even flying manta rays that had over three meters in size, which was something, obviously impossible to capture in the real world.

Particularly drawing the attention of those said sea birds, having dozens around him, Viktor was still allocated in that exact same position; as Naomi and her mother Ina, who was overly suspicious of Viktor, caught sight of his wide well-built back in that stark light blue kimono with a signature black belt around his waist.

"Please don't mind me. I'm just here to enjoy the view, go on. I think what you're looking for is down over... thereeeeeeeee!" Viktor didn't look at them but instead pointed at the beach on the north-east side which is available to anyone that descends the entire stairs of the water temple and travels down to their right side.

Of course, Viktor was most specifically talking about how there was a faraway glowing mirage on the valley that was mildly far away from the beach's sand to the north side of it.

He decided to elaborate a bit more.

"That right there, will lead you back home, ma'am and miss. I guarantee it as your local human tourist guide, I assure you." Viktor mixed some sarcasm with a glimpse of humor, which made Naomi giggle a little bit "Ahhh... Mother, let's go. Don't worry about him, he's harmless." Naomi took a step forward, gently dragging Ina along, who still remained minimally skeptical of Viktor "Naomiria, are you sure?! Who is he?!" She spoke to Naomi's left ear in a low volume, just so Viktor couldn't possibly hear it "He's the local tourist guide, Mother. He guided me through the whole thing, he's the genuine article!" Naomi reassured Ina of Viktor's verbal credibility "..." She nevertheless kept an eye on Viktor as they walked right through him.

Viktor's gentle red eyes came across Ina and Naomi all at the same time. With a charming persuasive smile on his face, he spoke to Naomi's mother.

"From here on, take good care of her; Mother." Viktor waved goodbye as they started to descend the upcoming downward stairs, however, Ina spoke to Viktor one first and final time "...I don't know who you are but my daughter seems to like you..." This exalted Naomi "M-Mother?! What are you saying?!" She couldn't face herself in Viktor's direction but even so, Naomi's mother continued and bowed down to Viktor "...Thank you." She thanked Viktor and immediately turned around "You're welcome." Viktor couldn't help but say those words of self-glorification as they took off.

Naomi gave a last look at Viktor, both not saying anything. That look of hers was full of doubt and uncertainty, but even so, Naomi and her mother descended down the stairs of the water temple; far beyond Viktor's scope of vision.

No longer able to hear their words from their idle chatter, Viktor threw himself back into the ground and closed his eyes.

Allowing the outer worldly pure air to infiltrate his nostrils, Viktor took repetitive deep breaths as he became addicted to the unknown alluring fragrance in the air. He had experienced multiple types of oxygen before under different atmospheres yet this particular atmosphere was dominated by Rigel and its oxygen most likely triumphed all over the ones he had experienced prior.

Out loud, and now with his eyes opened as he gazed at the magnificent cerulean sky with faraway planets at a distant sight, Viktor let out a small comment.

"It's finally over..." He rejoiced and placed a smile on his face as he eagerly awaited what would come next, according to his belief.

Viktor closed his eyes again and tried to fall asleep.

While successful for a while, it wouldn't be long before Viktor noticed a contrast in the shade directed at him that he could see despite his eyes being closed.

Something was opposing Viktor from receiving Rigel's sunlight onto his face mainly.

"Hmmm....?" Lazily, he opened his eyes to figure out what exactly was obstructing the light's path and creating an overpowering shadow in the process.

Fluttering purple hair strands captured the essence of that person alongside a tidy frontal fringe.

Moreover, Viktor didn't need to absorb more information to realize something.

So, he spoke to the one blocking the sunlight.

"Naomi... What are you doing here?" He asked, unable to understand, really, what she was doing there, just standing in front of the sunlight "...As I thought, Viktor..." Viktor now looked at her face which seemed to have a conflicted and painful expression all over "...?" Viktor erupted his posture and met up with Naomi, now face to face "Something about this, just ending like this... I am not alright with it." Naomi gained a stern confident glare.

She took a deep breath and spoke her thoughts to Viktor.

"Viktor! Come with us!" She outright demanded.

Hi there! In the next chapter, this volume will be concluded. The upcoming chapter will contain a smaller number of words, because it will be the epilogue.

I hope you have enjoyed reading so far! If you like it, feel free to support me in any way you can! It means a lot!

Dubovcreators' thoughts