
Nightmare's Awakening

Von, who has spent his life disinterested in everything, has been haunted by a recurring nightmare since childhood. In his dreams, the world undergoes a radical transformation as angels descend to Earth, offering humanity a chance following a significant sacrifice. Now, Von's life takes an unexpected turn when elements from his nightmares start manifesting in reality. His disinterest is about to be challenged as he must confront the mysterious events that blur the line between dreams and reality.

Asyrie · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Into the Abyss

Chapter 2: Into the Abyss

The agonizing pain had vanished. As I cautiously opened my eyes and got to my feet, I found myself enveloped in a shroud of unending darkness.

"Where am I? What is this place?" I wondered aloud. The utter absence of light should have been terrifying, but for some reason, it felt strangely familiar. It was as if I had been here before, though I couldn't recall when.

I tried to move, but there was no sign of life or light. Panic began to creep in. Was this merely another one of my vivid dreams?

Meanwhile, in the waking world, Ren was frantic. He knelt by my side, desperately trying to figure out what had happened. He knew we couldn't stay here, and he was determined to find help.

In the realm of darkness, I continued to wander, searching for any escape. I even pinched my cheeks in an attempt to wake myself up, but the pain only confirmed that I was indeed awake.

Sitting on the floor, I grappled with my reality. I knew this couldn't be real, yet it felt as real as anything I'd ever experienced.

An uncanny voice suddenly echoed through the void, making me jump in shock. "You've managed to enter the Realm of Darkness," it declared.

I tried to see where the voice was coming from, but all I could see was the infinite space. "Am I losing my mind?"

The voice continued, "The realm of darkness is an enigmatic and foreboding place, where the boundaries between reality and dreams blur into an unsettling, surreal landscape. How has a mere human found their way here?"

Confused and scared, I shouted into the void, "Who are you? I don't understand why I'm here. Am I dead?"

Back in the real world, Ren continued to run, determined to get me to the hospital. Suddenly, an earthquake shook the ground beneath his feet, forcing him to halt. He struggled to stay upright, fearing that he might fall.

The earthquake showed no signs of ending, and the sky overhead grew intensely bright, forcing Ren and others to shield their eyes.

Trumpets blared, and a disorienting humming noise filled the air, piercing their eardrums. The pain was unbearable, and Ren felt as if he was losing his sanity.

Then, just as suddenly as it began, the blinding light and deafening noise ceased. The sky returned to normal. Ren slowly regained his senses, as did those around him.

But I was still lost in the abyss of darkness. The voice from before returned, asking, "Human, do you seek darkness?"

I responded, "I don't understand. I was just dizzy and had a terrible headache. When I opened my eyes, I was here."

The voice seemed to consider my words and then replied, "I suppose it's not your time. Return when you are ready."

I was left dumbfounded, demanding answers, however the voice remained mysterious, leaving me with more questions than before. Soon, my consciousness waned, and I collapsed to the ground.

"Where am I?" I cried out.

"Von! What happened to you? Are you okay?" Ren's voice was filled with concern.

"I don't know. My head hurt, and I felt giddy." I replied, struggling to make sense of it all.

As we looked around, we noticed that other people lay unconscious, while some were crying for help. The scene was in disarray, and we couldn't comprehend what had taken place.

In the midst of the chaos, Ren realized he needed to contact his mom. He tried calling her, desperate for reassurance about her well-being.

With heavy hearts, we rushed to Ren's house, through streets that had been marred by the earthquake. Many buildings were in ruins, and injured people were everywhere.

But the sight that truly stunned us was the colossal tower that loomed above the city, reaching into the clouds. It left everyone in awe and distress.

Ren and I couldn't believe our eyes. Our world had changed in ways we couldn't fathom, and the future looked uncertain.

I will update daily, so thank you for you support!

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