
Night wolves

Long ago, right before my time, Magnus reigned. He was the great alpha of the Red Crescent pack until he got murdered by the alpha of the Pale moon pack, Melissa who also invited a witch to cast a spell on the pack making them to transform at night automatically which is now hereditary. When I was four, my dad got killed by the same pack. We lived underground, not wanting the Pale moon pack to find us because of the spell casted on us. I because seventeen and on the night of the new moon, I fled off with my bestfriend, Milly who ended up killed by a hunter. The hunter kept shooting at me, making me to end up in the human world. And now, for the first time in my life I faced a lot of challenges especially in a world of things you don't know about. My name is Talia Magnus Shelley, born and soon to be the alpha of the Red Crescent pack. I'm going to make sure I find the hunter that killed my bestfriend and also kill everyone in the Pale moon pack. So, we ain't any ordinary werewolves. When night falls, we rise. We are the NIGHT WOLVES.

Silvvyglory24 · Teen
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5 Chs

Chapter Three

I opened my eyes. It was already morning. I sat up and yawned.

God...I really enjoyed my sleep.

Suddenly, I felt a touch on my leg and my heart jumped. I turned slowly to that direction and immediately, I screamed when I saw Lex sleeping beside me. He opened his eyes immediately and I grabbed the duvet to cover my body because I was naked.

"What the fuck!" He said as he jumped off the bed immediately.

"Wh-wh-what are you doing in m-my b-b-bed?" he stuttered. "Didn't I say that you should stay on the floor?" He folded his arms.

"But I wasn't comfortable", I knelt down on the bed--- still holding the duvet on my body.

"Just leave!" He pointed at the door and I walked out before he could blink an eye.


I walked out of my room and walked down the stairs, then to the dining room where everyone was seated, eating breakfast. I cleared my throat so that they would notice me. They all turned to me and Michelle smiled.

Micheal stood up and walked to me--- staring hard. "Who the hell are you?" He asked.

"Micheal, would you leave her alone and come have your breakfast?" Michelle said and Micheal walked back to his seat.

"Good morning", I said as I took a seat beside Lex and sat down.

"Good morning, dear". Michelle smiled. "What a beautiful day!"

Beautiful indeed. I slept with Lex...naked.

I swallowed my saliva pretty hard and looked at Lex. He wasn't eating. He was just texting with his phone. "Lex, why aren't you eating?" Michelle questioned.

"Because I'm not hungry", he stood up. Michelle turned to Micheal and Micheal also stood up.

"Well...uhmm", Michelle cleared her throat. "Micheal, it's time i take you to school". She grabbed his wrist and they walked out of the dining room. Lex walked out of the dining room. I stood up and ran after him.

"Hey, wait up!" I grabbed his wrist and he stopped. He faced me.


"Where are you going to?"

"To school. Aren't you coming?" He took his backpack from the couch. There was another backpack on the couch--- pink in color. I stared at it. "That's yours, okay?" He said.

"Uh?" I looked at him. "Really?" I smiled and took it. I put it on. "Wow... I love it". I grinned and he rolled his eyes.

"Ugh! Let's just go". We walked out of the house.

God... I can't believe I'm going to school.

Lex looked at me. "Wait here . And he walked away.

"Okay", I smiled. I looked at my feet. Suddenly, I felt butterflies in my stomach.

I'm so nervous. No, I can't be, right? I'm little Magnus.

Suddenly, a car honked and I turned to that direction. I walked to the car and opened the front door. I got into the car.

"And remember..." Lex looked at me. "Fasten your seat belt", and he looked at the steering wheel.

"Okay", I nodded, fastened the seat belt and shut the door. The car zoomed off.

I looked through the window.

I just wanna know how a school looks like. What they do in a school? Is it fun? Do they chase deers, rabbits, hares or zebras? Do they fight with bears? Is it like the woods? Oh...I wanna---

"Talia". Lex said and I faced him.


"You know you're not human, right?" He glanced at me.


"Please, don't behave like an animal". He said and I nodded.

"How does a school looks like?" I questioned.

"You will know when you get there".

"Okay". I looked down at my fingernails.

"Uhmm...so you're a wolf".

"A night wolf actually".

"A wolf that only transforms at night?"

"Yup", I nodded and looked at him. He glanced at me.

"How is that even possible?" He questioned.

"It was actually a witch and an alpha of a pack, the Pale moon".

"The Pale moon?"


"Then what's yours?" He looked at me and gave a questioning look.

"The Red Crescent".

"Really?" And he burst into laughter. "You're joking, right?"

"No, I'm not".

"Okay...if I wanna make love with you in the night...It's not going to be possible because I can't make love with a wolf".

What the hell is he saying?

"Uh?" I squinted. "What the hell are you saying?"

"It doesn't matter. Let me advice you", he leaned closer. "Don't have a boyfriend unless you would eat him", he whispered and smiled.

"Uh? What's a boyfriend?" I raised one eyebrow and the car stopped.

I unfastened the seat belt, took my backpack and got out of the car. I turned around.

Oh my freaking gosh.

My mouth dropped. I blinked severally and rubbed my eyes to check whether what I'm seeing is right?

I've never seen so many humans in a building.

The school was so big, painted blue--- sky blue. Someone tapped my shoulder and I flinched a little. I turned to the person--- Lex.

"What? Let's go". We began to walk.

People chatting, girls carrying books and smiling. Boys playing with a board on four wheels.

"What the heck is that?" I looked at Lex and pointed at it.

"It's called a skateboard". He said.

"Oh..." I nodded. "Skateboard", I mumbled. I looked at the building and saw a kind of language I don't understand. Like words in black. "What's that?" I pointed at it.

"It's the name of the school. WHITLEY HIGH".

"Whitley High? Wow..." I caught sight of a guy skating on his skateboard. The guy looked at me and smiled. He got down from his skateboard and crossed the distance between us.

"Hey", he said as he ran his hand through his dark brown hair and licked his lips. He is a white handsome guy with this dark brown hair. His jade-green eyes gazing into mine. His pert nose, his pink lips--- "I'm Theo". He stretched his hand forward and I placed my hand on his.

"Talia", I smiled and he kissed the back of my palm. My cheeks turned red.

Am I blushing?

"Okay, now", Lex clapped his hands together. "I'm leaving now and Talia, good luck". And he walked into the school. I looked at Theo.

"So, Talia... it's a pleasure meeting you. And by the way, you are hot". And he left.

"Wait... can you feel my temperature?" I yelled. I walked into the school. Oh my God. My mouth gaped. So many people. Lex just left me in this big place. I began to walk.

Wow... handsome boys and beautiful girls are just so many.

I was just staring at my left. Didn't even know where I was going to. Suddenly, I bumped my head on something.

Oh gosh.

"Ouch!" I yelled in pain as I placed my hand on my forehead. I looked at the person and saw he was also doing the same thing I did. The person looked at me. He was damn angry and oh my God... he's so handsome. Like the most handsome guy I've ever seen. It's just that he has China-blue eyes.

"Are you blind?" He grabbed my wrist. His friends were beside him. I tried to release my wrist but he held it tighter.

"Hey!" I yelled. "Let go of me".

"What?!" He scoffed. "Don't you know who you are talking to?"

"Yes, an handsome guy".

"What?" He smirked.

"And let go of me". I pushed him as I released my wrist from his grip. "And next time you grab my my wrist... I'm going to rip you apart".

Oh... I'm so sure they are all scared now.

I turned around and caught sight of Lex talking to a girl. I walked to him and smiled. "Hey". I said. He turned to me and his smile dropped.

"What do you want from me now?" He folded his arms and he faced the girl beside him. "I'll see you later", he winked at her. She blushed and walked away.

"I don't know where to go".

"Ugh!" He rolled his eyes and looked at me. "Fine, I will take you and promise me you would leave me alone".

"Where are you taking me to?" We began to walk.

"Just shut up!" He snapped.


I stepped out of a room with a beside me called 'The Principal's Office'. I'm now a student of this school.

I wonder what they use to teach in this school. How to hunt? How to fight?

The man took me into a room. I walked into the room. And I saw a teacher teaching the students. I walked beside the teacher and the students.

"C'mon girl, introduce yourself to the class".

Class? I thought they were people. I didn't even know that there were classes too...wow.

I cleared my throat.

"Well...my name is Talia Magnus Shelley aka Little Magnus. Daughter to the new alpha of the the Red Crescent pack, Madison Shelley and daughter to the late alpha, Malcolm Shelley. And also great-great-great-great-granddaughter of the best alpha, The great Magnus who was killed by the Pale Moon pack". I stopped to catch my breath and then continued. "So you class should love me 'cause I'm fun to be with". I smiled.

The whole class was so silent. The teacher's mouth was gaped.

Suddenly, the whole class burst into laughter and I laughed even though I did not know what was funny. I caught sight of Lex sitting at the backseat with the same girl earlier.

"Okay, Talia. Where do you want to sit?" The teacher finally spoke and I looked at him.

"Uh?" I looked at Lex and smiled.

"Over there with Lex". I pointed.

"Okay, go take your seat".

"Okay", I nodded and walked to Lex and looked at the girl. The girl stood up and a hand gripped my wrist and as quick as a flash... pulled me and I sat on a seat. I faced the person. My mouth dropped.

"Remember me?" He said in a low tone. "I'm gonna make you pay for what you did earlier". He smirked.

Oh no...it is that handsome guy I pushed away.

"You are going to be my new desk mate."

"Where is your old one?"

"Over there", he pointed and I faced that direction. His old partner was on the floor. He pushed him away because he wanted me to be his desk mate. I swallowed my saliva and looked down at the desk.

"Okay, class..." the teacher said. "Let's begin". He faced the blackboard and he wrote something on it. I didn't even know what the hell he was writing on the blackboard.

"What's your name?" I asked, facing my desk mate.

"Why do you wanna know?" He asked.

"Cause I can't keep calling you 'the guy', you know". I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Fine. It's Nathaniel. Nathaniel Wayne".

"Nathaniel". I stressed his name. I then beamed a smile. "I love your name".

"Stop being weird". He slipped his hand into his pants' pocket and brought his phone out. "Can I get your number?"

"Uh?" I pinched the knuckle of my index finger. "I...um...well.." I swallowed and leaned closer to him. "Don't have a phone". I whispered.

"You don't have a phone? Then where are you from?" He asked sarcastically.

"From the woods". I smiled.

"Gosh...you are so infuriating". He yelled.

"Nathaniel!" The teacher said. "Please don't talk when I'm teaching unless you want to ask a question, okay".

"Fine". He said as he sprawled on the chair with his arms folded.


Gosh...what the hell are they teaching? I don't even understand a thing. I know of English language but which one is Mathematics, Earth Science, Chemistry? Gosh...it is like my brain is about to pop up.

The bell rang and people stood up from their seats and left the class. I placed my head on the desk, heaving a sigh.

"Won't you leave the class?" I felt a hot breath on my neck and I looked up at the person.


I rolled my eyes. It was Nathaniel.

"What do you want?" I questioned, standing up from the seat. "I thought you were angry at me earlier".

"And I still am. You should be thanking me 'cause school hours are over and they would lock the school door-"

"Just shut it". I cut him short and looked round, noticing the whole class was empty and Lex was no where to be found. "Where's Lex?" I questioned as I faced Nathaniel.

"Why do I care?"

"Cause we are supposed to be going home together". I then left the class and he followed behind.

"Are you guys related?"

"No..." I looked round in the hallway. The school was even empty.

So fast.

"Why is the school empty?" I mumbled as I walked out of the school. Nathaniel gripped my wrist and I stopped.

"Who are you looking for?" He asked.

"Lex". I answered without looking at him.

"Well...he ain't here". We began to walk.

"Where are we going to?"

"To my car". He brought his car keys out from his pocket. We walked to his car a deep blue sportscar in the parking lot. He unlocked the car and got it. I just stared at him through the window. He started the engine and rolled the window down. "Won't you get in?" He asked.

"I can't". I shook. "I need to get home".

'Uh?" He chuckled, looking at the stirring wheel. He looked at me. "Why?"

"I..." I looked down at my feet.

I can't just tell him what will happen if I stay in his house tonight. He is going to freak out.

I looked up at him. "I can't just go to your house".

"Who says that I'm taking you to my house?"

"Uh?" I looked at him-appalled.

"I'm taking you to Lex's house".

"You know his house?"

"Yeah. No questions asked. Just get in". He gestured.

"Okay", I nodded and got into the car-in the front seat.

"Fasten your seatbelts". He said as he adjusted the rearview mirror.

"Okay". I fastened the seatbelts. And he drove off.

I just looked out the window.

"You said..." We both looked at each other. "Something in class when you were introducing yourself". He said.

"Said what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You said something about Red Crescent pack and Pale moon pack".


"What's that?" He asked and looked straight.

"It's about wolves". I smiled, shutting my eyes.

"What?" He chuckled. "What's the movie's name?"

Startled by his words, I snapped my eyes open. "It's not a movie". I said, folding my arms.

"Then it's what? Real? What a joke!" He exclaimed.

"It's real. I'm a werewolf. No, a night wolf". I placed my palm on my chest.

"What's that?' He glanced at me.

"A wolf that transforms only at nights". I smiled.

Finally, somebody believes me.

"I don't believe you. Why would a wolf only transform at nights? In the movies I watch, there is nothing like that. Tell me the name of the producer that did the movie.

"I said it isn't a mov-" Immediately, the car stopped. I looked out the window. We were at the front of Lex's house.

Thank goodness.

I unfastened the seatbelts and opened the door. I looked at Nathaniel one later time and smiled. "You are so nice".

"I'm not. I will not be nice starting from tomorrow". He said.

"No". I shook. "No, you won't". I then got out and shut the door.

Waving at him, he zoomed off. I walked to front door, opened it and walked in. The whole place was damn quiet. I then noticed Micheal on the couch, sleeping. Suddenly, my stomach rumbled.

Gosh...so hungry.

I walked to the kitchen and saw Lex coming with an apple on his hand. He was about to take a bite until he sighted me. He frowned and crossed the distance between us.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned all of a sudden.

"Uhmm...to eat".

"No, I mean what are you doing here? In my house?"

"I'm still confused". I looked down as I scratched my head. "Weren't you the one..." I looked up at him. "That was begging me yesterday to come back home".

"Hey!" He snapped. "I only did that because of my mom. She will be annoyed. It's not like I care".

He folded his arms.

Still stubborn.

"Then..." I folded my arms. "Wouldn't she be annoyed if she finds out that you left in school, uh?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Just shut up and follow me". He said, with his teeth gritted. He took a bite of the apple in his hand and walked out to the kitchen.

"Where to?" I followed behind.

"My room". He took another bite of the apple.

I stopped- appalled.

"Why your room?" I questioned, folding my arms.

"Cause I wanna show you something and don't ask me any question, you dumbass". We walked up the stairs.

"Show me what?" I asked again.

"That's a question". We reached the door of his room. He opened it and I walked in first.

"Where is it?" I asked as he walked it and shut the down behind.

"Over there" He pointed at something beside his closet.

My mouth gaped. "Seriously, where is it? That can't be it, right?" I turned to him, only to find a smile on his face. "Why would you put a big cage in your room?" I yelled. "Is that for me?"

"Yeah", he nodded. "So anytime you transform to a wolf, you will sleep in the cage. I don't wanna meet you, naked on my bed". He walked to the cage. "You're welcome".

I scoffed. "You really are a psycho, Lex".

"Whatever", he walked to the bed and took his duvet. He walked back to me and stretched it. "And when you transform, wrap this round your body 'cause I don't wanna see a naked person in my room".

I just stared at the duvet- exasperated. He sighed and threw it at me.

"So go now", he said. "Once the sky is almost dark, come back. Just know that I'm helping you".

So bored. The whole room was so boring. Lex was asleep and night hadn't fallen yet. I just stared at the sleeping Lex. So mean. How can he do this to me? What have I ever done to him? We just knew each other yesterday and he became so mean to me.

"Alexander Holloway!" A feminine voice was heard, coming from downstairs. Lex said snapped his eyes open, took his duvet and ran to the cage. He covered it quickly and stood at the front of it. The door opened and someone walked in. I couldn't see anything because of the duvet but I could tell who it was. "Alexander Holloway". Michelle called again. She sounded really mad.

"Yeah, mom".

"Where's Talia? I haven't seen her and you're here".

"She's with a friend". He said.

"Friend?" She asked, surprised. "Well, that was quick. A boy or a girl?" She asked.

I don't seem to know why Michelle keeps asking this kind of question.

"A boy".

"Oh my God". She was really taken aback. "I'm so proud of her".

I was starting to get so uncomfortable in the cage that I began to squirm which made the cage to move. "Uh? What's behind you?" She asked. And I stopped for a second. My heart started to beat so fast.

"Nothing". He said, moving closer to the cage.

"Move, I need to-"

"I said it's nothing", he cut her short.

"And I said move", she snapped, she was so curious.

Please Lex, even though you don't like me, just don't move. Please.

He sighed.

"Fine", he moved to the left.

What a jerk!

"Good boy", she walked closer to the cage and held the duvet. My heart felt like it was going to explode in my chest. She began to draw the duvet slowly.

What should I say if she finds me in the cage? Lex, please do something.