
Night Owl | Harry Potter FF (DROPPED)

The Wizarding World was blissful as the young wizard hero, Harry Potter, has once again saved the world from the dark wizard, Voldemort. Unknown to them, there were a lot more people who help to defeat the dark lord. But it just revolves the young man, Harry there, Harry here, Harry everywhere, as always. Peculiar to his schoolmates, Ron, Hermione, and other more, one stand out from the rest. Unfortunately, not because of his heroic nor anything good in particular, but because of his bad deeds. A man named Elliot. But truth, he was framed. After the sorrowful life he had, he had the chance to change himself. Himself from the past. Creating an empire that will stand high among the rest. (DROPPED)

praisethereeves · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
61 Chs

Useless Goodbye

"Yah! Elliot!" The voice of Tasia's recently woken up one called onto the boy that was in his bed looking at the window like he was thinking deep of something.

He was kinda jumpy after he suddenly heard his voice. After seeing the awoken Tasia, he looked at her in wonder, "Yeah?" He asked after checking his bag in the corner if it was noticeable. She might bother it if she saw the letter in the bag.

"Thought you already left! Didn't even come home last night," She grunts like the kid she is.

"Yeah, yeah, had some things to do," He replied only to lightly smirk at the mess up face of Tasia. "Recommend to brush your teeth and wash your face first though," He continued. Where Tasia didn't even got embarrassed nor panicky that she's talking while looking like that. We, theyve been living together for a year last time, so what to expect.

" Uwah sure, you said you're going to talk to me or something, what about it?" She responded where Elliot looked at her promptly raising his eyebrows.

Only for him to remember that he indeed say that last night. But for what reason?....

"It's about regarding Justin isn't it?" Tasia predicted only for Elliot clap his hands in surprise.

"Woah, our little Tasia is smart now," He teased as he remembered how Justin is the only smart one in this room. But then, Tasia is also the only strong one. They can be a duo really.

"People with brains find it obvious that he's changed,"

She poker faced talks back, displeased by his tease.

"Well, yeah, why did he so? Would be normal if you both changed, meaning there's something going on in this orphanage, but it's only him..."

The atmosphere got suddenly serious after Elliot state his reasons. People surrounding the person can impact them. If a person is a very quiet yet all of the people around him are extroverted, then there's a lot of chance he will turn into one. Vice versa.

Tasia, who always have that..hmm, well, apathetic face that only likes trouble one, relaxed her face reading the expression of Elliot. Which she rarely do these days.

"I don't even know if I should tell you...."

"But you're our roommate, so I think you should know"

She took a pause between the two sentence. Only for Elliot to wonder how serious it is.

"Promise us you've never tell it to anyone.."

She continued looking at Elliot giving him a pinky finger. Elliot almost chuckled, was she ordered not to give it to anyone?

"Why are you telling it to me then when it should be only known for few?" He asked with the serious tension. Tasia to only replied him with her genuine words. "Because we trust you"

Ellipt was taken back at her sudden words..


It's a powerful word..... Too powerful it can destroy lives... Too powerful it can save people...

He then smiled flustered. Waiting for her to tell it.

"Justin... he, killed people"


Elliot gaze at Tasia who stared back. Her face was rather down while Elliot was raising his two eyebrows. Puzzled. Flabbergasted. Discombobulated.

Taking those words into his mind, is it why he's so distant to people? He never wants to talk that much or so? He never wants to happen it again? Why did it even happened?

"What happened?" He questions with concern curiosity.

"W-we don't even know. There was just us, you know, t-talking around like there's infinite time beyond us... We were playing and all, while he was reading a book in the corner. He suddenly stated how his inside hurt, then it was just a flashing light. No one saw it other than us... And I only survived. The others were killed"

Tasia continued in. Confuse as much as Elliot's. She too never knew how did it happened. Nor why.

"B-but the only thing I know is he didn't ever, ever done it intentionally," She defended over her best friend. Her eyes begging for Elliot to understand it and never tell it to anyone.

Flashing light? Was it an escaped wizard that is bothering the muggle world? It's not natural for Justin to kill someone within the time of a flashing light. He's very weak. Pale boy undernourished. He's actually better now, he gained weigh and got taller... a bit. But never mind that Elliot didn't know really what to say.

"Alright.. it's never confirmed anyway that he's the one who killed them right? You guys said youre unconscious after that, only you surviving. He's very weak," He grinned before continuing, lightening up the mood in the room. "So he shouldn't have the ability to do crimes like that"

Tasia looked down, taking in Elliot's word. It did make sense. It was only Justin who assumed he was the one who killed them as he was the only one conscious after that.

"How long are you gonna stay again?"

She asked changing the unpleasant topic, changing her serious face into her usual one. Cheery, and rebellion like.


Elliot did want to change the topic but he never knew it was that question already. He gulped in, sorry for the two.

"It's today already," He continued from where Tasia looks puzzled.

"Wha! Today already? Why did you even come to only stay for a day?" She nags displeased by his immediate parting.

"Hey! I atleast managed to meet you guys again... Im going to another country, I'm gonna be going to a school there..." He didn't directly explained his situation, but if you read the sentence, it does make sense and it's the truth.

"Why not here? Another country just for school?" She asked where Elliot gave her the knowing look. She just realized what she said, and everyone knows that the town of Narbonne isn't really in a good condition. Everyone was corrupted and there were loads of messed up people.

"W-well, will you visit us again?" She change her question embarrassed.

"Sure, if I got time," Elliot answered. Tasia hugging him suddenly. It wasn't really a move he would get flustered nor have feeling at as she was in the opposite gender. She always do this kind of stuff, even maybe for strangers. She's just really reckless and doesn't think much about her words nor actions . She's innocent yet also rebellious when coming into fights. She's basically a mindless gangster.

"Well, go brush your teeth now" Teased Elliot as Tasia glares at him. Going out of the room.

It was a bright atmosphere yet his heart was nowhere near that. Justin killed someone. Not only someone, several ones. Dang, he even managed to kill someone before Elliot has.

Elliot doesn't have any other things to think off as he wasn't a witness. So he can't obviously assume things. But the flashing light did him so, was it a wizard like he expected? Spells make lights so...

Accidental m- never mind. It's impossible.

He looked at the time, he will go away this noon. Going down, though Justin will probably ignore him, he will just bid goodbye.

People downstairs were having their morning cleaning. Some were working out surprisingly, and some were eating their own made breakfast.

Elliot stomach growled. The food here wasn't particularly good but he was hungry. But he first searched for Justin around the room. After several scouting, he goes to another room, and then another, only to find him.... reading and drinking coffee looking at the skies in the window.. Wow, oldie.

He made his way to the drinking old boy, seeing how he's already at the middle part of the book he gave yesterday. Shocking Elliot a bit.

"Hey mate.." A low voice came from Elliots throat.

Justin turned around seeing Elliot. Holding a face, that he absolutely knows.

"Top of mornin'" Answered Justin, as Elliot smiling answers back. "Irish are we?"

It took a few moment before Justin knowingly smiled as his eyes hides a glint. "You know it too don't you?" He chuckled, a topic to be not played around.

Elliot was taken back by the bolt out of the blue.

'He accepted it easily?'

"What now? Despise me? Hate me? Are you going away now?" Justin ask questions one after another, his fake forged smile never forgetting to flash it into Elliot's face.

"Actually I am going away this noon..." Elliot answered.

"I see, your afraid are you? Thought your better than that..." Mocked Justin as he smirked at Elliot. Misunderstanding his parting.

"I am indeed better than that, I got what I want, the one you gave me yesterday. And so, I'm going away now," Elliot explained, where Justin only nodded.

"Will you go to the police now? You're rich right? You can get anything you want now, report me perhaps?" Justin responded like he accepted his fate. Accepted his not so innocent status. Accepting that he indeed killed them.

"Not really, I'm going away to Scotland for my education," Elliot said, having no absolute interest about his so called accident.

"Hm? Is that so?" Justin words are always like an old man are saying them.

"Im here to say goodbye anyway, so..."

"Farewell 'Tin"

Elliot then finally stated his real purposed.

Justin stared at him for a second or so, smiling as he says his words. "I bid you goodbye then"

Elliot turned around as Justin came back reading his book. He already sent a message to Raizel to come here and apparate them to Diagon Alley. He will finish his business to England now, go to Diagon and buy his stuff. After that, go stay at his building Owling to train his Owlers for a bit then part off to Kings Cross to finally go at Hogwarts once September comes.

That's his plan for the month.

Unknowingly, inside the other room, Justin stood up as he comes out of the orphanage checking the mail box again.

He raises his eyebrows as he sees two folder laying one another in it.

short since mah family came to my apartment so eh.

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