
Night Owl | Harry Potter FF (DROPPED)

The Wizarding World was blissful as the young wizard hero, Harry Potter, has once again saved the world from the dark wizard, Voldemort. Unknown to them, there were a lot more people who help to defeat the dark lord. But it just revolves the young man, Harry there, Harry here, Harry everywhere, as always. Peculiar to his schoolmates, Ron, Hermione, and other more, one stand out from the rest. Unfortunately, not because of his heroic nor anything good in particular, but because of his bad deeds. A man named Elliot. But truth, he was framed. After the sorrowful life he had, he had the chance to change himself. Himself from the past. Creating an empire that will stand high among the rest. (DROPPED)

praisethereeves · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
61 Chs

Potion Making

He probably knew who-

Probably knew who I am.


Elliot sighed helplessly as he get in on his room, he managed to pay the cabinet with few hundred galleons. Tom in relief, was pretty cool about it as long as he pays. Regarding about Arch's mystery, he decided he will not bother it as no clues or hints are given, he should just ask him later on, a year about now.

Currently, closing the door behind him, he now can explore the things he bought out. And what can he mostly do is Potion Making. It might be pretty wasteful if he always fail but Arch teach him a trick or two how to save those wasted ingredients into another potion in case if he failed.

That's very thoughtful of him, Elliot nodded satisfied for once by his master. He actually is very thoughtful, thats natural as Arch said he was a Ravenclaw before, a short story, he actually was almost out in Slytherin, and Elliot can understand why now. But then, even if he is smart, he's very petty when it comes to teaching Elliot. It's like his ways of pissing the kid off. He doesn't take much seriously and always think he can solve it immediately. Always making jokes and such.

Nevertheless, he smiled, Elliot did cherish those moments still, it maybe the first friendly moments that he had in the very start of his past life up to here.

His smile faded as he gets ready. He grabs the couldron carefully putting it in place at the floor. As well as the other things like ingredients and all.

Now after that, he grabbed his diary searching for the potion process. He didn't bother to look at the other contents and immediately got to the part he needs now.

As he said back then, the titles are indeed simple. Its not words that are taken from other languages like Greek or Norse, it's just simple English. Well, after all, a very carefree and not-so serious wizard made them.

He started off with the first potion, also with most basic ingredients compared to the others. And also, there's a big ass red written sign above it.


Even without that, Elliot would probably still know its the most basic one. Reading it's title, "Healing Sempra's Charms"

Sempra's, meaning charms that stays forever. But this potion totally breaks the rule. How Ironic. But then, come to think of it, didn't someone mentioned before Snape's specialty was a kind of a Sempra charm? Well now, if he use it to me, I might been able to heal it. Good one Arch.

Now then, there's no particular focus you have to be unlike when your meditating or doing a spell, or just anything that requires you to control your core and stabilize it. Here, you just need to think carefully and follow the process. That's basically it honestly. Maybe one of the reasons he didn't like it back in the past. Because its pretty "boring" like that. But his insecure self just thought that because he's so weak.

Honestly to him, it would be more interesting if his doing his own recipe by his own self. Finding the flaws himself and also perfecting it, by himself.

Because you don't really learn that much if you were just to follow what the books says. What makes this interesting is if your innovative, you can make lots more potion that aren't made yet.

Now, with the cauldron comes it partner, the magical enforced stand that even if you lit up a fire, it won't spread anywhere. He puts the stand and couldron together, standing up while getting the right ingredients in his side. Now he's all ready prepared, he turns up the fire for the stand heating the cauldron.

It made some bubbles to the water that Elliot recently put in. It was written to accurately count to a minute, six second, and... 87 milliseconds? Now he's kidding right? How can a human count a millisecond?

But that won't probably matter that much. It's only a "milliseconds" after all. After exactly the required time, not really exact, Elliot put in the first ingredient, a dry ingredient which soften up as it met the boiling water.

One of the written things are also how to properly mix it. Arch once said a true potion master, where he mentioned he apparently is "one of them", knows that simple things like that shouldn't be ignored. There's the mix where you should be fast, some slow, some those advance ones even needed a certain tempo in them. Odd really. Snape did mentioned that once, if he remembers, but not really explained that much even though how much of a talented wizard he is.

"Now next..."

A unicorn fur, yeah, totally normal. Elliot yet again put it in where it pretty impressed him as it unexpectedly change the whole color making it red. Now he felt the excitement you get when you make something interesting. Having Snape watch you back then though can be tough. Even now he's feeling the creeps. But who knew he's a lovestruck guy? Pitiful but can be pretty funny..

Now as it's says, mix fastly for two seconds, moderately for 7 minutes, then 4 seconds slowly. Then after that, add all the other five ingredients.

Elliot did as what it says and minutes passing, he put all the other ingredients as it boils crazily heating up its surrounding, he hesitatingly did the last step, turn up the heat more, and doing that,






Another bombarding explosion yet again was made in the room, Elliot face covered with black coal-like substance, his white teeth and eyes paired with his green eyes only seen.

He annoyingly searched the diary, going to the next page as he see what's written, 'And there, after the supposed explosion, there's your result kiddo'

After reading that, Elliot flabbergasted search the insides of cauldron. Empty, evaporated he guess.

Checking more, he felt a sphere in the size of his finger.

Gritting his teeth, he exclaims.

"god dammit, it's a pill, not a goddamn pOTION!"


After a refreshing shower that he took, Elliot annoyingly stares at that certain diary, it never give good things.

All he got was a simple pill, shining pill where it's suppose to heal sempras charms. Well, he suppose it's a big feat to be able to find things like that.

He stored it in the empty jar of one of the ingredients. He doesn't have use for that yet. He can't believe though that costly ingredients are just for that one use pill.

Nonetheless, it wasn't really the only thing that he got from it, is it?

Realizing, he earned experience and skills, accurate counting and mixing. His piss self slowly faded away, going back to the bed, thinking, he still got a lot to do.

Charms, Transfiguration, More Potions, and Reading.

Thats the things he should focus on, in this day, he had enough of Potions, and looking at his items, the dusty book caught his eyes once again.

'Mind Arts huh?'


Next day, , he goes forth and back as he's troubled because of his thoughts.

'How can I read that book?'

Knowing that the book might contain the Mind Arts, he definitely needs to read it. Though he might already know the intentions and true faces of the Hogwarts people, it can still be helpful in the muggle world.

And it will be just practically make his life a little more better.

Yet, he can't even read the book itself. It's written in some random language, he thought it might be a muggle language but after some researches outside, he figures out no. And it's obvious by the fact how very weird and ancient looking it is.

Ancient look it is.

He face brightens up for a second or two, his heart was feeling a little bit of hope. Too much expectancy can be hurtful. People need to learn that, and not rant to other how unfair it is. He says this as he himself experience it.

He looks at the scattered books in the floor, where he spotted the thing his looking for. You guess it, it's Ancient Runes.

He quickly started at the first page, where it shows the title "Secrets of The Runes : Volume One"

He gulps, his little expectancy hopes for it to be the right language.

With the explanation the first pages gives, it seems to hold different languages. And that's pretty lucky pick right there, smiling in hope. He didn't really considered checking the contents when he was shopping back then as he was disappointed there was not enough Charm's and Transfiguration books that he hasn't read yet. And yet, he managed to pick a pretty good book.

But this was pretty troublesome. It's a very thick book, as in thick, super thick. It's the size of his hands spread our vertically. And his hands are pretty huge, so..

But he didn't lose hope.

And there, he started reading, each page clearly, taking notes as he get the presumably Mind Arts book, checking each language, if they're the same or not.

Due to how thick it is, it took him hours, he may like reading but not that much like Hermione's.

After his eyes gets heavy, his stomach rumbling, he left for a moment going away remembering the page number for the book. And the wind passing by, opens a peculiar page in it.


"That was a pretty good meal, this inn really lives up to its name," Elliot states rubbing his stomach gleefully.

Nothing is more better than having a full stomach after doing an exhausting work.

Now that's done, the afternoon sunlight goes into his humble room of him, and it's time for reading again.

Going to his study table, he looks at the page where it's turned in the wrong one. Remembering the older page, "178", he turned it, but hesitating, he tried his luck keeping the wrong page for the time being.

"Anglo Saxon Runic Alphabet"

That was the title of the page. And also the language it will be tackling.

The runes of this were pretty interesting in design, Elliot read some parts of it and seems find out its one of the very old one.

Getting the mind art's book again, his smile widens up to his ears his dimple showing in delight, the font seems to be right.

He lucked out now.

His heart was thrilled as he decipher each letter that are in book. The book only had two sentences about the part that contain occlumency and ligemency. Of which he recognized.

Minutes passing, each sentence is now revealed.

"Dark Magic is Black, but Black was never a bad color"

As Elliot voice out the runes, as a very bright and blinding light appeared in the book completely distorting itself and forming a thin parchment paper. A very thick book to thin parchment paper.

Elliot though, was surprised, he raad the first contents in the paper. "Secrecy of Mind Arts"