
Night Hound

Mikaela was insecure about her body and appearance. As she transfers to her new school, everyone seems to welcome her!! Ctto: For the cover photo! ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃

MikaelaShu_ · Teen
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3 Chs

ch.2 Invasion

All the hounds gathered for an emergency meeting. They were confused as to why they were called upon.

The boss stood infront of everybody holding a mic.

'Hounds, humans crossed the border.' He immediately went on point.

They looked at each other mumbling and whispering.

'Silence.' He added in a monotone voice.

'20 hounds will be at front, look for possible attacks.' he snapped his finger to open the map.

'25 hounds should be prepared for immediate deployment.' He added placing their names infront.

Adalia's name weren't placed in any of the groups.

She stayed quiet listening to his commands.

After the meeting only the two of them were left.

'Boss what about me?' She asked.

'Stay here, keep the key.' He replied, opening his safe to give her the key.

'I can fight!' she added walking towards him.

'I know that! But you still can't go! Monsters are much more easirer to handle than humans. They're much more smarter and full of tricks.' He explained giving her the key.

'Keept this.' He closed her hand with the key inside.

The key lit and went inside her hand, A large symbol marked her hand.

'Why did you give me this?' She asked looking at him with a worried expression.

He walked towards her caressing her right cheek.

'Just in case something bad happens, run.' He whispered.

Even though they always fought, they only have each other.

He looked at her one more time, and left.

A few hours later, a large number of humans walked towards the wall.

'STOP!' The boss shouted.

The humans didn't listen and continued to march forward.

'Hounds! Get ready for battle!' He shouted.

The battle continued for days, but the hounds managed to push them away.

Adalia followed his father's order and stayed inside.

The moment they thought everything was over, a white smoke suddenly went inside Adalia's room.

Even after covering her nose, she slowly lost consciousness.

The humans broke inside the room, throwing everything.

'What are they looking for?' She thought, while her eyes continued to blur.

Her body slowly fell down the floor.

An unknown man catched her body.

'Kill her!' A distant voice shouted.

Adalia's body can't seem to move, but her consciousness came back.

The man stopped his men from killing her. He continued to hold her in his arms.

The door burst open, a group of hounds ran inside.

'LADY!' One of the hounds shouted.

The man looked at her, and suddenly thought of an idea.

'Let's take her.' He said.

His men seemed to disagree but can't do anything.

The hounds fought with the humans to rescue Adalia. But the man carried her and went threw a large metal ball.

The last voice she heard was from her father, desperately trying to get her.

'SHIT MY BODY CAN'T MOVE!' She thought.

A minutes later, she heard the sound of trucks moving.

The man continued to hold her.

'This is what a hound looks like' A human said.

'She's different.' The man smiled.

'This one's a royal hound.' He added.

'YOU TOOK A ROYAL SIR?!' He shouted.

He signed placing his index finger near his lips.

'Shhh she's sleeping.' He whispered.

'Royal?' Adalia thought.

Adalia's didn't know the term he used since they're from a different species.

'Even though they look like a human, they're skin are silky white.' The man added.

'But this one's different, she's the only one who has white hair and red eyes.' He touched her hair tucking it behind her ear.

'Right! the other hounds i've seen earlier were different.!' The other human replied.

'She's much stronger. Royal's can understand human language.' He added.

Adalia can't hear their conversation anymore. Since the smokes effect took a large amount of strength to detoxify.

The trucks went inside the human border.

A few hours later Adalia finally woke up. Seeing her entire body all chained. She attempted to remove the chain but her strength was getting sucked out.

'Where am I?' She thought, looking around.

The place was surrounded by different types of machines and a one way glass.

'Father..I heard him earlier.' She mumbled.

A few seconds later, a group of people wearing white robes began to put different types of liquid onto her skin.

That was the very beginning of her suffering.