
Night's Fall

Which are the truth from countless lies? What is loyalty among allies? Is there love between enemies? Who are faithful to one's promises? Leone used to believe everything around her but she's not sure anymore. Her colorful world is slowly being dyed in dark hues. She began to notice the shadows lurking behind every sweet smile and kind touch. She wanted to deny it but the bud of doubt slowly, very slowly blossoms as time passes by. And the recurring nightmares that haunt her every time she sleeps drive her even crazier. Leone's desperate ways to resolve her doubts and escape her destiny will lead her to a path without return, struggling against the problems that will challenge her beliefs, emotions, and morality. Will she be able to overcome the aftermath of the discovery of twisted secrets that would shake her world even more? And will the warmth of the night's fall be in her favor? Please do support Leone in her journey by leaving a review and voting for it. Many thanks!

mina_ren · Fantasy
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23 Chs

The Crown Prince's Arrival

Mimi was pacing back and forth when Leone opened the door.

"My lady! Where have you been? I was so scared when you weren't here when I woke up."

"Calm down, Mimi. Brother called me."

"What did the young master say? Hold up, did you just cry?"

"That's not what's important right now. Brother decided to send me to the villa in Cebu. We will be leaving the day after tomorrow so we need to pack - -"

Mimi grabbed Leone's shoulders and spun her to face her. "And you just agreed?!"

Leone bit her lower lip to avoid sobbing but the tears refused to be held back and eventually fell.

"There's nothing I can do, Mimi. Even if I disagree, Brother will just drag me there. You know he doesn't listen to me unless I compromise something he could take advantage of. He doesn't listen at all."

"Okay, stop crying now. I wasn't mad at you."

Mimi embraced Leone with a clenched fist. She never saw Leone cry even if she was burnt, wounded, or sick. But she easily shed tears when it comes to her family.

She never voiced her thoughts out of fear that she might hurt Leone but she definitely believes they don't deserve her tears.

It didn't take a while for Leone to calm down. She was given one trunk to store her personal belongings while Mimi packed most of the things they needed.

There wasn't that much to pack. One of her treasured items was the cheap and broken bead bracelet with a sword as its main component. She could not throw it away despite not knowing its origin.

Another one is an expensive crescent-shaped diamond necklace gifted to her by Carlsen during their engagement ceremony, on her 15th birthday.

She also kept the talisman, a good luck charm, Mimi's Grandpa offered her that one time she was abducted and escaped to their cabin. He said it's to keep her safe when it seems that dangers follow her around.

Then there's also the dream catcher she and Mimi made. And a music box she won in the lottery during her first visit to a festival.

Lastly, the book she borrowed from the Children's Library. Seems like she could not return it earlier than planned.

She opened it and something fell. The invitation card from the café. She had forgotten about it yet again.

She picked it up and thought hard before glancing at Mimi.

"Mimi, I have one favor to ask."


The day of departure arrived. Leone watched as a couple of trunks were loaded into the carriage they will be riding.

Only Sir Phil, the chef, and Jessie, the maid, came to see them off.

"Thanks for everything until now, Phil. I will terribly miss your cooking."

"I am honored, my lady. Here, I packed you some refreshments you can enjoy on your travel. There are also dried fruits. Please consume the prepared dishes before they go bad."

"Thank you. We will now waste a bite."

Mimi received the basket full of containers from Jessie.

"You also take care, Jessie. I will leave the mansion to you."

"Shut it, girl. You speak as if you're the owner of the house."

Jessie then bowed to Leone.

"Take care, my lady."

"You too."

Leone boarded the vehicle. She does not feel sad anymore when her brother did not even see her off. Perhaps she grew tired from crying last night.

She waved goodbye to Phil and Jessie and sat comfortably as the carriage left the estate.

A week after Leone left the mansion. The Crown Prince and his entourage entered the Capital.


There had been numerous conquest to the west of the Eastern Mainland where the Verden Forest lies.

The trees are gigantic that put the forest in darkness as little to few rays of sunlight pass through the thick canopies.

It is home to dangerous monsters and is even said where the elusive Elven race resides.

Despite its danger, Verden Forest is certainly a rich resource for many kinds of materials. After all, it is yet to be explored.

The return of the Crown Prince is a sour topic of discussion to some especially the opposing faction, but the common people and to those who follow him welcome his return with great cheer.

The streets were filled with people as they bore witness to the parade of knights walking side by side with their horses. They could not help but wonder in awe as they watch a handsome man whose hair glows like gold under the sun. Who spread the rumors that the crown prince is cursed? It's absurd! He's like the embodiment of a deity on mortal's land.

He whispered something to the man beside him. The focus of people shifted to that man. He is equally handsome yet dangerous with his cold and unfriendly aura. His ash gray hair is darker than usual, like dark charcoal. He is a Nightingale by blood but his features are fiercer like that of crows.

A young man that looks amiable sweetly smiled at the people. He simply does not look friendly but flirty. It is a contrast to the priest's robe he wore.

Following behind them was the most eye-catching one. Her green locks remind people of the forest and trees. Pointed ears were revealed as the cloak was blown back.

The appearance of such a person made the crowd even livelier. It was enough proof to say that the conquest is successful. At the same time, it will make the struggle for the throne even fiercer than before. It is, after all, a great contribution to the Crown Prince's faction.

Inside the throne room, King Gustave was seated on the throne. He seems like a loving father but the shadows and bags under his eyes make him look tired and old.

Seated next to him is Queen Veronica. Her wavy pinkish red hair was fancily decorated with jewels. The fierce look she gave and the unsmiling face made her unapproachable and hostile.

Vassals align the red carpet and standing at the position nearest to the stairs of the platform is the Second Prince, Carlsen.

"I have returned, Your Majesty."

"My son. You have grown up to be a great man. I can see you have finally returned. Come visit me in my palace before the banquet is held."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Very well. I reckon everyone is exhausted in preparation for this wonderful gathering. I do look forward to hearing some wonderful news from my good son but it can wait until the next parliament. Rest up while the banquet is prepared."

"Thank you for your grace, Your Majesty. I shall see you then in the next parliament."

The greetings were exchanged rather quickly. Prince Zachary exited the throne room followed by his close aides and the foreign elf.

The room was still like water but underneath it is like the hot steam of an underwater volcano about to erupt.

"I could still not get used to such an atmosphere no matter how many times I repeat this situation." Priest Urgel commented. "Anyway, I won't be back until the banquet night. So don't look for me."

Craig immediately caught Urgel and grasped his collar. "Where will you go again?"

"Ack. You don't have to know?"

"Let him be, Craig. We've been away for more than two years."

Craig sighed and let Urgel go who immediately escaped.

"Let's head to my palace. Oh, Faye, if you want to tour around the capital, then take Craig with you."

"Thank you, Prince Zachary."

"... Wait, I don't have time for that, Zach."

"Simple. Make some time."

Zachary left with his secretary and knight, leaving the two on their own.

"Are you that busy?"

"If you're not in a hurry I have somewhere to visit first."

"Not at all. May I ask what place it is that you want to visit?"

"My mother's grave."

Faye nodded and silently followed after the man. They stopped by a flower shop but she had enough flowers back home so she went to the store next to it. It was a bookstore that also allows its customers to stay and read.

She wanted to read some newspapers and be updated on the events in the Capital but what she took was a magazine instead.

Aarti Spotted is a magazine released monthly showcasing the beautiful women of the town. They were what to say, hidden beauties that had been discovered unknown to the people.

On the next page is a picture of a woman in a bikini, her cherry blossom hair flowing to cover her chest, with innocent and big twinkling pink eyes. Below the page is the woman's name, Darlene.

Darlene Faroese, the sweet darling of all men since her debut, is the hottest topic in the town with a scandal involving her and a married professor.

Faye frowned. She really doesn't believe in rumors. Darlene seems to be a rising star with enemies surrounding her. It was to be expected that degrading rumors will spread about her.

It is also important to consider that the other party is intelligent enough not to involve themselves in nasty rumors that could destroy their image.

She is aware that the title 'Professor' is not easily attainable. Only a few talented and prodigious individuals are granted such a noble position. They would know better what to expect if a scandal involved them.

She's not certain if what she thought is completely correct but she could compare a title to those elders in the elven council. They hold their position with great honor.

Well, that depends on human standards. Faye simply shook her shoulders.