
Night's Fall

Which are the truth from countless lies? What is loyalty among allies? Is there love between enemies? Who are faithful to one's promises? Leone used to believe everything around her but she's not sure anymore. Her colorful world is slowly being dyed in dark hues. She began to notice the shadows lurking behind every sweet smile and kind touch. She wanted to deny it but the bud of doubt slowly, very slowly blossoms as time passes by. And the recurring nightmares that haunt her every time she sleeps drive her even crazier. Leone's desperate ways to resolve her doubts and escape her destiny will lead her to a path without return, struggling against the problems that will challenge her beliefs, emotions, and morality. Will she be able to overcome the aftermath of the discovery of twisted secrets that would shake her world even more? And will the warmth of the night's fall be in her favor? Please do support Leone in her journey by leaving a review and voting for it. Many thanks!

mina_ren · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


Nikolas woke up to an unfamiliar ceiling. He felt giddy and thirsty. A small towel fell to his lap as he pushed himself up.

He quietly moved out of the bed and left the room. He could smell the fragrance of coffee and desserts as he descended the stairs, walking out of the hallway to be greeted into a warm café.

An old woman was brewing behind the counter and two waitresses were preparing for the shop to open. Perhaps the old woman noticed him as she smiled at him, beckoning him to come closer.

He sat at the chair across the counter.

"Are you feeling better? Your fever was quite high last night."

"I-I'm fine now. Thank you for taking care of me. I hope I didn't trouble you so much."

"That's good to hear though you're thanking the wrong person. It was Leo- I mean Len, who you should be grateful to. What would you like to drink by the way?"

"Is coffee alright?"

"Of course."

"Is Len your daughter, Ma'am?"

"Oh, no. She is just a loyal customer but I could say she sometimes reminds me of my daughter. Though I think that makes Len uncomfortable so I have not told her though I think she already found out."

"Was it her who brought me here?"

"Yes. Fortunately, she didn't get sick after being under the rain for too long."

They both looked outside the cafe's glass wall when a carriage stopped in front of the shop. A man entered and greeted Mrs. Amelia. It seems that the guest was a representative from their supplier and came to deliver flour and sugar.

Nikolas helped carry the carts to the storage room and watched as the man bowed to Mrs. Amelia before exiting the shop and driving away his carriage.

"Seems like sales would be low this month." Mrs. Amelia murmured.

It was only a couple of carts and even Nicholas noticed that this is indeed quite low for the stock.

"Is there an issue in the distribution of supply, Ma'am?"

"To call it a mere issue is an understatement. It is a huge problem. It has not escalated yet but its effect would soon be a national crisis."

The conversation was interrupted as they noticed Leone walking out of the hallway leading to the staircase.

"Good morning, Ma'am."

"Good morning to you, too. Is it alright for you to be up so early?"

"Yes. It's even rarer for me to wake this late."

Nikolas kept looking at the young lady before him. Her lashes are longer than the girls from his class, with her complexion paler and fairer than most. She has a tall and small nose and thin rosy lips. Her dark gray eyes were clear and honest. He can't remember meeting such a beautiful person even though the brown hair seems out of place.

He could vouch for it if she is among the popular ladies in the town. However, there is an air of distance around her that makes her quite unapproachable. Or maybe that's just his impression which is highly different from the kind and warm smile she's giving to Mrs. Amelia.

"How are you?"

Nikolas was brought back to reality by Leone's quiet voice.

"I heard from Ma'am Amelia. Thank you for looking after me and I'm feeling great now."

"As long as you're okay now then it's good. But I didn't quite get your name yet. I am Len, and you are?"

"I am Nikolas."

He watch as Leone accepted a cup of chocolate drink.

"How old are you, Nikolas?"

"I'm 17."

Leone carefully blew on her cup of chocolate. "17? Then we're of the same age. May I ask why were you in the rain last night? Your family will surely worry as you weren't home."

"It's fine. It's just me and my father in the family. Father doesn't concern himself with me and his mistress was at the house so I don't feel like going there."

"I see. I'm not forcing you to go home but as long as you know what you're doing and you won't put yourself in harm then you may do as you please. Though I would advise you not to wander the streets at night anymore. And I guess it also applies to me."

Nikolas also picked up his cup and blew on it, staring at his reflection in the black coffee. It was as dark as his life, he could not see light in it.

Leone offered him a small kettle and poured milk into his cup. The cream mixed with the coffee, slowly lightening the black liquid.

"You are a student from the Academy, aren't you?"

Nikolas raised his head as Mrs. Amelia asked while putting hot pancakes in front of them.


"You're not at the age to be employed yet but if you want, you can come here after school and work part-time."

"I-is that alright?"

"Of course. So how about it?"

He fell silent. It seems so unreal. He never imagined that there will be good to come his way. His life had just been unfortunate he don't believe in miracles anymore.

"If you don't want to go home then instead of loitering the streets it is so much better here. Well, just saying. You can ignore me."

He heard Leone murmur next to him before putting a spoonful of pancake in her mouth.

He raised his head and locked eyes with the old woman before giving her a bow.

"If it's really alright, I will be in your guidance, Ma'am Amelia."
