
Night's Fall

Which are the truth from countless lies? What is loyalty among allies? Is there love between enemies? Who are faithful to one's promises? Leone used to believe everything around her but she's not sure anymore. Her colorful world is slowly being dyed in dark hues. She began to notice the shadows lurking behind every sweet smile and kind touch. She wanted to deny it but the bud of doubt slowly, very slowly blossoms as time passes by. And the recurring nightmares that haunt her every time she sleeps drive her even crazier. Leone's desperate ways to resolve her doubts and escape her destiny will lead her to a path without return, struggling against the problems that will challenge her beliefs, emotions, and morality. Will she be able to overcome the aftermath of the discovery of twisted secrets that would shake her world even more? And will the warmth of the night's fall be in her favor? Please do support Leone in her journey by leaving a review and voting for it. Many thanks!

mina_ren · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Concealed Identities

Leone spent her day reading and was only reminded of the time when the Campanile rang its bell at 6 o'clock. She raised her head and glanced towards the sky and saw the mixture of the colors of twilight.

She closed the newspaper she borrowed from the store and returned it to the shelf.

Her appearance is a disguise she and Mimi planned. She had her hair cut short reaching her nape and dyed it brown.

She still remembers that night she asked for Mimi's favor.

Back to the night when Leone received her punishment to be sent to the villa in Cebu.

"Mimi, I have a favor to ask."

Mimi stopped packing up and approached, intrigued, as it is Leone's first favor.

"What is it, miss?"

"You pretend to be me. Nobody would realize since we're of the same height and build."

"Wait, wait. What are you saying?"

"You heard me right. You will take my place. You will be me inside my room and when you go out to deliver meals, etc. you will be Mimi."

"Why should I? What will you do with this setup?"

"I'll go back to the Capital."

"You're out of your mind. What if something happens to you while we're apart?"

"I will be careful. Listen, Mimi. I really need to do this. I feel like something is going on and I am involved in it yet I know nothing. They have been deciding everything for me. I don't know when I'll have this chance if I won't take it now."

Mimi sighed and pondered deeply.

"It's not as easy as you think, Leone. There is a lot to consider. Money, shelter, safety."

"I can sell some of my jewelry. That would cover some of my expenses. If I run out then I can work."

"Can you hear yourself? You? Work?"

"Why? I knew how to do chores."

"I know but imagining you taking on jobs doesn't sit well with me. Just avoid anything shady."

"Do you take me for an idiot? Anyway, as for shelter, there are a lot of inns. As for safety, you know I can protect myself with my sword."

Mimi fell into silence again.

"You seem determined considering that you thought it out this far. Could I even change your mind now?"

"So, do you agree?"

"Fine. Send a letter regularly. Address it to yourself."

"Thanks, Mimi!"

"First, let's do something about your disguise."

She chuckled when she remembered Mimi's stubbornness. A lot of people walk through the sidewalks; passing through the roads were carriages carrying those who were on their way home.

It was early evening yet the town is bright and lively. The silver moon has waned and is hidden behind the thick dark clouds.

But beneath the dreary sky were the lampposts, giving light as the magical stones atop it glows.

What was even more breathtaking was the royal palace and the picturesque hill to the west. It radiates flickering golden light from the houses of many renowned individuals, appearing to be lanterns rising to the sky.

She stopped by the flower shop next door. Its door opened as a customer in a faded pink cloak went out. The fragrance of flowers entered her nose.

She thought of giving flowers to the café. It would be embarrassing to come empty-handed!

She pushed open the door and with it came the chimes of the bell.

The florist from behind the counter raised his head. Leone hid her surprise to see the dark crimson-haired man because she recognized the latter, one among the popular man of the renowned Aarti's Bachelors, a magazine showcasing the hot and handsome bachelors of Aarti. They are raking popularity in female audiences just like Aarti's Spotted does to men.


"Good evening. I'd like to have a bouquet of flowers. I wonder what would be nice."

"That would depend on the receiver or what sort of celebration there is."

"Hmm. It's for the shop I frequent. They're celebrating their anniversary."

"I see. Then I recommend Peonies. They symbolize prosperity, luck, love, good fortune, and honor. Would you take them?"


"Okay. You may take a seat while I prepare the flowers."

Leone took a seat on the stool by the edge of the counter and watched as the man arranged and wrap the flowers of white, pink, rose, and deep crimson color.

"It's quite hurtful to pretend you don't know me. I didn't imagine my appeal would not work against someone. Or did I lose popularity perhaps?" The man handed the bouquet of flowers to Leone.

"Sorry, I don't mean to. I didn't expect to see someone of your stature around this area as well." Leone accepted the bouquet. "How much do they cost?"

"You don't have to pay."

"Yes? No, no. I'll pay."

"You don't really have to. Instead, won't you tell me your name?"

Leone looked at the man. It seems they wouldn't come to a conclusion if this goes on. She sighed.

"It's Len. And I insist I shall pay for the flowers." Leone placed five silver coins at the counter before abruptly turning. "You may keep the change."

"You can call me Ross. Do you mind if I call you, Len?" Ross asks with a smile. "Please come again. The shop is always open. Though, I only manage it at night."

"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you."

Leone bowed as she pulled the door open.

Leone was just about to step out of the shop's porch when lightning struck, lighting up the sky briefly, followed by the thunder's loud roar and the heavy downpour.

She did not think of running under the rain, drenching herself and soiling the bouquet she'd give to the café.

She hesitantly turned back to the shop, about to push the door when a hand covered in a black glove reached for the knob before her.

She jumped in surprise, failing to notice the presence of the person clothed in a black cloak. She thought a pair of dark violet eyes glanced at her.

A chill run down her spine and she tightly grasped the bouquet to prevent herself from trembling.

Ross was busy trimming the flowers when the bell chimed again. The man greeted as he raised his head, surprise quickly flashing in his eyes, but Leone has caught this nevertheless.

Leone watched the cloaked man survey the flowers displayed by the walls.

"I didn't think you'd be back so quick." Ross's voice took her back.

"Ah, yes. I would like to borrow an umbrella if you have one?"

"Sure. But let me check if we have one available." Ross checked beneath the counter. "You ought to have an umbrella with you especially that the weather these days are terrible."

"It doesn't rain that much in the mornings and I haven't been this late before. I have no need of an umbrella until now but I'll take your advice in mind."

"Oh, we have a spare one. Good for you. Here." Ross said and handed an umbrella to Leone.

"Thanks. I'll be sure to return it next time. You said you'll be around the shop at night?"

"Yes, that's right."

"I'll drop by then. Thank you for the umbrella again."

"Won't you stay a bit longer though? The rain is pouring heavily."

"It's fine. It's not like the rain could melt me. Besides, don't you have another customer? I'd feel bad if you'll ignore them just to talk to me. Anyway, I'll have to go now."

Leone bid her goodbye and exited the shop then glanced at it one last time, shortly seeing Ross talking to the cloaked man before the door closed.

She turned her head and opened the umbrella before walking into the rain.