
Nido: Apocalypse

A decade old MMO RPG video game based on Earth. The entire map is a 1:100 scale version of Earth abandoned by normal civilization but filled with new humans. World is filled with monsters from both fantasy and Syfy setting: this is Nido. Each dlc/update changed some aspect of the game. Nido: Awakening was the video dlc/update. Releasing a sleeping AI bent on destroying the world. Players had to guild up forces to defeat such a wicket creature. After 10 dlc/updates Nido: Apocalypse was said to be the last update of the game. William and his friends in the Guilded Losers wanted to hope one and play this last update together as they spent the last decade playing this game. Upon the release of this update something happens causing them, and countless other players, to be sucked into the game without an escape. How will they ever return home? Or will they chose to stay in a fantasy realm?

Lazy_Tobais · Sci-fi
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38 Chs

Chapter 2: New World

The group slowly looked around and noticed they were no longer at their computers, but outside.

(The Horror!!)

Looking at each other they noticed that no longer look like their characters but their real selves.

Cody had on leather studded armor with two swords on his side. He had short brown hair and beard. Torey was slightly bigger but fit perfectly in his plate armor. Behind his helmet he no longer needed his glasses to see clearly. Behind him Brady was looking up with his glasses in his hands noticing his glasses actually made his vision worse. He was almost wearing studded leather armor.

William was checking out his armor. Before he wore more combat gear, now he looked like he was just wearing normal clothes. Normal blue jacket and cargo shorts. He looked the most out of place of the group. He felt his black bread and his hair and noticing it was the style he was trying to grow.

They were in small open field surrounded by light swamp and trees covered in moss. Looking down the trail, they could see a cu-de-sac. Each house was abandoned and covered in vines and leaves.

Despair started to sink into the group. As they were panicking a screen appeared in front of all the players.

"All those that logged into Nido: Apocalypse are now trapped inside the game. Lots of new changes have happened. Everyone has a new class based off their play style and interactions in the world. You will all start at level 1 with max level remaining at level 200. After the game is completed you will be sent back to when you logged in at the exact time and date. To beat this game there will be new challenges. No NPCs are in this world. Every player around the world must spend 20 years in this game building their power and skills for the final hurdle. If you die in here you will respawn. Do not fear death. Next message will be sent in 20 years from now. Enjoy the world you build Players"

After a couple minutes the screen vanished. The group looked at each other in utter disbelief. 20 years? Will we age? Will we retain any memories of the world once we leave? How difficult will this be?

All the players thought, while having a grasp of the situation.

"What. The. Fuck. We are trapped in this game?!" Torey yelled

"20 years?! I don't wana grow old in a game" Cody blurted out.

"Come on guys, it'll be 20 years and we will be sent back to the exact time we started the game" William said casually

Only William and Brady seemed to be the only ones that have relaxed after reading the message.

"Ya guys it not all bad. We get to play a game and not worry about anything else. Not too bad if you ask me" Brady said will opening his screen to check his character

Both Torey and Cody pressed their issues aside seeing there was nothing that they can do.

"Ya your right. Since that's the case and our names above our heads are still our gamertag see might as well start using those instead of our names" SwiftCodex said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

While Powerplays is looking through his stats "Guys read your stat page and tell me what yours say. I'm definitely level 1 but I have a new class. The Psionic Vanguard. I only have 4 abilities"

Psionic Shield- able to create a 10ft sphere shield with 100 HP times players level.

Psionic Thrust- able to create a 5ft line psionic attack up to 40ft dealing weapon damage with additional damage based off Strength and Mind stat

Target Aggression- using your psionic power in a 15ft radius of you enemies will ignore other targets and come to attack you. Higher your Mind stat the higher the chance this will succeed.

Psionic Strength- for 10 seconds able to increase your strength stat based on your mind stat. For every 2 points in Mind your strength stat I'll increase by 1.

"Guys these new classes are amazing!! All have to check them out!"

SwiftCodex pulled up his stat page and read it out loud

"Looks like I'm a SonicHunter"

Swift rubbed his chin reading his abilities

Swift as the Wind- able to move at incredible speed for 10 seconds

Sonic Slash- moving as fast as sound able to deal a slash attack. Damage based of Dexterity stat.

Sonic Dodge- active skill. For ever second you will use 2 points of energy and have a 20% chance to dodge an attack.

Clang- bash both weapons together to make a high pitch noise that can stun enemies that hear it. Skill chance to succeed based off Dexterity and Mind stat.

"Looks like my skills are more for damage dealing for sure. Nitro you're the other damage dealer. What you got?"

"Hang on give me a minute. I've been reading through it and they are awesome! I'm a Canon Master"

Natural Mastery- passive skill. When using ranged weapons deal an additional 10% damage based on level. Levels 1-10 deal 10%, levels 11-20 deal 12%. Every 10 levels this skill increases by 2.

Overload- able to lower the durability of a weapon by 15% to deal an additional 10% damage. Once weapons durability reaches zero, weapon breaks being unable to use till fully repaired.

Ammunition luck- passive skill. when crafting or purchasing ammunition able to find 5-20% more. This skill is based on the Luck stat.

Twin Impact- while skill is active you spend 10 mana per attack, but each attack will have 2 projectiles. This skill only works with ranged weapons

"These skills will let me kill anything!!" Nitro said with a maniacal laughter

"Well I guess I'm last to check mine." Lazy paused opening his stat page reading his class and abilities to the group

"Looks like I have. Arcane Mechanic?"

Arcane Blast- launch a blast of arcane energy dealing damage based of Intelligence and Mind stat

Basic Crafting Pouch- a pouch filled with a pickaxe, axe, hoe and hammer. These tools allow you to build and deconstruct buildings in the world. Can use these tools to collect resources from the world. Amount of resources is based off of Intelligence stat.

Blueprint data pad- data pad filled with blue prints. Able to spend experience points to learn new blueprints. 2 random blueprints will be generated upon opening.

"Okay guys. So my class only has 3 abilities but based off these abilities I have tons of options. So looks like I'm definitely the crafter or builder of the group. Don't expect me to help much in combat" Lazy stated with a chuckle.

The group all them gathered around talking about what they all had in common.

Unlimited inventory space but could only carry 1000 pounds, Health and Mana bars, hunger, thirst and sleep bars.

Talking about inventory Swift had leather armor and 2 Scimitars; Power had a tower shield, plate armor and a war hammer; Nitro had arcane blast canon, hide armor and 100 arcane crystals as ammunition.

William had some cloth armor and then opened his blueprint data pad.

As soon as the pad turned on it showed two columns spinning like a slot machine. After a couple seconds they started to slow down and stopped showing two blue prints.

Arcane Heart- requiring 10 gem stones and a forge. Once created able to capture Elementals. Chance of success is based of Mind stat. No level requirement.

Anti Gravity Propulsion- an anti gravity propulsion device able to fly within a planets atmosphere. Requires 500 metal, 20 arcane battery packs, 10 Electric Arcane Hearts, and a foundry. Requires level 80 to build.

Well these will come in handy! Lazy thought you himself.

"Ok guys. Are we ready to head out? Since the world is based off our actual world and we are in our home town of Baton Rouge. Why don't we head to New Orleans to see if we can find other players?"

Everyone nodded agreeing with SwiftCodex.

As soon as they started to pack up they heard a voice call out to them.

"Hey Assholes!! Thanks for forgetting about me!"