
Nice to Meet You, Please Marry Me

Qi Mei was dumped by a scumbag. Not only did her ex-boyfriend not feel any guilt after cheating on her, but he even humiliated her for being poor and weak on social media. Later, he shamelessly contacted her in private. He asked her to move on and find herself a rich man to marry. Qi Mei was furious about dealing with such a brazen person. Fine. I can be realistic too! After learning that the old couple living in the expensive bungalow next door wanted to find their grandson a wife, Qi Mei created an opportunity for her to 'coincidentally' bump into the young man. She looked at his handsome face. "I heard you're looking for a wife. Instead of looking for someone you don't know, why don't you marry someone you know? We went to the same high school. What do you think of me?" *** During a high school anniversary celebration, Song Bojian received the most attention as the founder of a tech company in recent years. Everyone showered him with compliments. It was a glorious moment. Qi Mei was invited to make up the numbers. She sat with her other ex-classmates and observed while Song Bojian exuded confidence on stage. During the meal, somebody struck up a conversation about crushes during high school. Song Bojian, who had been silent all this while, looked at Qi Mei. Their male friends were all trying to court her. Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows. "What about you, Honey?" "..." Qi Mei was speechless. Everyone instantly looked at these two individuals who seemed to have nothing in common. Nobody knew how much effort Song Bojian had to put in and how long he had waited for this moment.

Chirp · Urban
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40 Chs

Sharing the Story of Your First Love

Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

This time, Qi Mei really couldn't hold it in anymore. The wine she had just drunk made her choke and cough repeatedly, and she somehow glanced over there from the corner of her eye.

Song Bojian was sitting on a chair, his face directly toward Qi Mei. And she happened to meet his indifferent gaze when they looked in each other's direction. She looked away guiltily, afraid that he would find out that her friend was leeringly speculating about some unreliable things.

"He may sue you if he knows what you are talking about." Qi Mei lowered her voice.


The man opposite Song Bojian was surprised to see that Song Bojian finally stopped fixing his eyes on his phone screen. "Wow, you are finally done with your phone, or I would think that the phone was your wife!"

"If it weren't for you, I could have used a computer for my work tonight." His friend said he didn't want to drink alone on Chinese Valentine's Day and dragged Song Bojian here with him. If it hadn't been for him, Song Bojian could have still been working at the company.

"Who were you looking at just now?" Fu Kai turned his head curiously and saw Qi Mei not far away. "That girl is very beautiful. What's up? Do you know her? No way. The only thing on your mind is coding. You can't remember any beautiful women."

Song Bojian looked up and said word by word, "It's none of your business." Then, he lowered his gaze to his phone again.

"Stop looking at your phone. What's there to see anyway? It's off-duty time! Do you know what it means? It means you should rest and absolutely no work! And I brought you here for a chat. I suddenly thought of my beautiful first love when I was in the Special Class for the Gifted Young…" Fu Kai felt that he was somewhat of a workaholic, but he didn't expect that he would pale in comparison to Song Bojian. He still had a life after work, but Song Bojian didn't.

Song Bojian raised his head and looked at Fu Kai absently. "Are you talking about that girlfriend who dumped you and fell in love with someone else after she found out that you were only fifteen years old?"

Fu Kai covered his chest with his hand. "You don't need to remind me of that sad breakup, okay? You are either quiet or toxic" Fu Kai was very adept at dealing with women now, but when he was still a student at the Special Class for the Gifted Young, he was quite innocent and verdant. Maybe it was because after entering the special class, they were not under management as strictly as in junior high school. In addition, they were surrounded by university students and campus couples. Therefore, some people were tempted and eager for a dating relationship, and Fu Kai was the one who first started it.

He was tall and good-looking, and he soon dated a girl who studied art in her first year. However, the relationship didn't last long. After the girl found out that he was only fifteen years old, she dumped him without hesitation and started dating another art senior from the same school. That guy was also handsome.

"She once said that she wanted to be my sweetheart for the rest of her life, but then she abandoned me. When I think about it, I really miss the old days." Fu Kai smiled and sighed. The things that he did when he was young and frivolous could only be kept in memory.

"That's not what you said when you cried in the dormitory." Song Bojian raised his eyes.

This was the bad point of having an old friend. His past would be raked up no matter how many years passed. Fu Kai felt that he couldn't sit still and wait for destruction. He said, "Come on, tell me something about your sweetheart. Don't play the fool. You're the only one in our group who went to high school where there were so many girls of your age. Different from you, we were surrounded by seniors who treated us like children and didn't like us at all."

They were classmates in the Special Class for the Gifted Young. When they were enrolled, they were all 13 or 14 years old and barely went to high school. After Song Bojian dropped out of school, he became the only person in his class to attend high school.

"Then let's put it another way. First love? Unrequited love?" Fu Kai sized him up. "Don't tell me you don't even have a first love with this face. I don't believe it. Even if you don't have a first love, you should have a crush, right? Bro, didn't you feel anything when your hormones were raging during puberty?"

At this moment, a girl walked up to them with a phone in her hand. She looked at Song Bojian shyly and asked, "Can I have your number? My friend thinks you're very handsome, but she's too embarrassed to come over. She wants to get to know you." The girl was wearing a small black dress with long legs and a thin waist. When she spoke, she tilted her head slightly, looking cute and shy.

Fu Kai looked at Song Bojian mockingly.

Song Bojian glanced at the girl and said casually, "Sorry, there's no way I can help you."