
Nexus: I Can't Make Portals?!

Envision a world where every single person on our planet possesses the extraordinary gift of conjuring and controlling portals at their whim. Yet amidst this phenomenon, there exists one individual who stands apart: Libert. Plagued by an extraordinary condition, he is devoid of this innate ability to manifest portals, rendering him utterly ordinary in a realm of exceptional powers. Throughout his life, the suffocating weight of powerlessness burdens Libert. However, when faced with the menacing grin of death itself, something within him shatters, forever changing his destiny. His trust, once unwavering, is mercilessly shattered by the very person he held closest, thrusting him into a spiral of betrayal and despair. But from the ashes of his shattered world, Libert emerges with an insatiable thirst for revenge. “My revenge...will come”. [Disclaimer: This captivating novel does not contain systems and overpowered protagonists. However, if you seek an enthralling, exhilarating, and mind-bending read, you have arrived at the perfect destination.]

Xolu · Urban
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21 Chs

Time: Power

Inside a cramped and dingy bedroom, a pair of concentrated eyes inspected the contents of a book. The room was suffused with a musty odor, a testament to its neglect. Sunlight struggled to penetrate through the tattered curtains, casting feeble rays upon the worn furniture and scattered personal belongings, relics from a bygone era.

"Portal detection is widely regarded as an insignificant ability," Libert said, his voice resonating through the stagnant air.

His brows furrowed in frustration as he disclosed the contents of the book aloud. It was a compilation of esoteric knowledge, a desperate attempt to unravel the secrets of his lackluster power.

The discouraged teenager released a sigh of exhaustion, surrendering his efforts to research the mysterious gift that had been bestowed upon him. The weight of disappointment settled upon his shoulders, accompanied by a sense of self-doubt that lingered in his doubtful eyes.

"How...am I going to pass?" Libert mumbled, his voice laced with a dreadful tone. His gaze wandered around the room, seeking solace in the familiarity of his surroundings.

The room was a sanctuary of mediocrity, a reflection of the monotony that had come to define his life.

He let his tired body sink onto the unyielding mattress, finding a momentary respite from the relentless pursuit of understanding. As he nestled his head upon the pillow, Libert's fingers instinctively sought the pendant that hung around his neck.

The silver pendant, adorned with intricate engravings, held a special place in his heart. It was a memento of a different time, a reminder of the dreams and aspirations that once burned brightly within him.

Half a year had passed since the first phase of the advanced entry exam—an arduous journey that would determine his future.

Ordinarily, candidates were granted a full year to prepare for the subsequent phases. However, an unknown force, concealed from the prying eyes of the general public, had accelerated the process. The urgency weighed heavily upon Libert's soul, exacerbating his feelings of inadequacy.

His grip tightened around the pendant as vivid images of his disheveled father invaded his mind. Time may have marched forward, but the scars of his past remained as fresh as ever. The series of tragic events that had unfolded had left Libert permanently grounded, confined within the four walls of his home.

The world beyond had become an inaccessible realm, a distant fantasy that tantalized him with its unattainable promises. Yet, in the depths of his being, he knew that he had always been bound, always moving from one prison to another.

From the oppressive shackles of his abusive father to the suffocating expectations of his mother, Libert had known a lifetime of confinement. But the most insidious prison of all was the one within himself—the prison of powerlessness.

The inability to grasp his true potential, to transcend the limitations that had been imposed upon him, gnawed at his spirit like a relentless beast.

Though the past six months had been plagued by trauma and despair, time had also brought subtle blessings. In the solitude of his confinement, Libert had dedicated countless hours to research and study, striving to unlock the depths of his abilities.

Through perseverance and relentless determination, he achieved a decent

of mastery over his power.

Now, he possessed the rare ability to sense the presence of portals within a five-mile radius. He had discovered that each portal left behind a faint residue, a wisp of smoke that remained invisible to the untrained eye. But Libert was different. He could discern the remnants of these portals, their ethereal essence invoking a familiar sensation akin to the presence of Mr. Xavier, his enigmatic mentor.

The knowledge sparked a flicker of hope within Libert's heart. "How can I utilize this power in battle?" Libert questioned aloud, his voice filled with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation.

Just as the question hung in the air, a sudden urgency disrupted the stagnant atmosphere of the room. The sound of hurried footsteps reverberated through the creaking floorboards, their urgency demanding Libert's immediate attention.

"Libert, we need to go!" a stern and urgent voice called out, breaking the silence that had enveloped the ancient house.

As Libert's footsteps quickened towards the main living area, he found his mother anxiously waiting by the front door. Her face was etched with worry, lines of concern etched deeply into her features.

"Libert, we need to go!" she reinstated, her voice tinged with a mixture of urgency and fear.

Libert felt a pang of apprehension as he looked into his mother's eyes. He knew all too well the weight of her expectations, the unyielding pressure she placed upon him to succeed.

The advanced entry exam loomed over him, a monumental hurdle that he feared he couldn't conquer with just his ability to detect portals.

"I... I don't know if I can do it," Libert confessed, his voice laced with both vulnerability and doubt. "Portal d-detection alone might not be enough to pass. Th-there's so much m-more I need to learn..."

His mother's expression softened, her eyes filled with a mixture of empathy and concern. She reached out and gently grasped his hand, her touch offering a momentary comfort amidst the storm of uncertainty.

"I understand your worries, Libert," she said, her voice gentle but resolute. "But I believe in you..."

Libert took a deep breath, his mother's words offering a flicker of hope amidst the darkness of his doubts. He realized that he couldn't let fear hold him back, not when the fate of their world hung in the balance.

Nodding in agreement, Libert mustered his resolve. He knew he had to face the challenges ahead, not only for himself but also to prove to his mother that he was capable of rising to the occasion.

Without wasting another moment, Libert and his mother hurried to the waiting car. The engine roared to life, filling the air with the familiar hum of anticipation. As they drove through the city streets, the world outside seemed to blur in their rush.

Silence settled in the car, and each occupant was lost in their thoughts. Libert's mind was a whirlwind of possibilities, his focus shifting between the exam and the battles he had fought in his dreams.

His mother, sensing his unease, broke the silence. "If you don't pass, it's okay, I'll figure it out."

Libert wanted to accept the promise of his mother, but a sense of doubt presided over his belief.

stronger. The doubts that had once consumed him began to fade into the background, replaced by a resolute determination to prove himself. He knew that the road ahead would not be easy, but he was ready to face whatever challenges awaited him.

As the car sped through the bustling city, Libert's thoughts turned to the exam. He recalled the countless hours he had dedicated to training, honing his ability to detect portals. He had delved deep into the intricacies of the power, studying its patterns, and understanding its nuances. His determination to succeed burned brightly within him.

Glancing at his mother, he saw the unwavering support in her eyes. She believed in him wholeheartedly, even when he doubted himself. It was a reminder that he was not alone in this journey.

As the car pulled up to the entrance of the examination venue, Libert's heart raced with a mix of excitement and nerves. Stepping out onto the pavement, he took a moment to gather his thoughts, drawing strength from the air around him.