
Nexus: I Can't Make Portals?!

Envision a world where every single person on our planet possesses the extraordinary gift of conjuring and controlling portals at their whim. Yet amidst this phenomenon, there exists one individual who stands apart: Libert. Plagued by an extraordinary condition, he is devoid of this innate ability to manifest portals, rendering him utterly ordinary in a realm of exceptional powers. Throughout his life, the suffocating weight of powerlessness burdens Libert. However, when faced with the menacing grin of death itself, something within him shatters, forever changing his destiny. His trust, once unwavering, is mercilessly shattered by the very person he held closest, thrusting him into a spiral of betrayal and despair. But from the ashes of his shattered world, Libert emerges with an insatiable thirst for revenge. “My revenge...will come”. [Disclaimer: This captivating novel does not contain systems and overpowered protagonists. However, if you seek an enthralling, exhilarating, and mind-bending read, you have arrived at the perfect destination.]

Xolu · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Joust: Intense

The ambitious hand belonged to a young man named Vincent Padock. A tense aura of competition inhabited the grand arena as the two volunteers walked to the silver ring.

Libert directed his attention toward the ring, as the crowd exchanged faces of anticipation.

The anxiety and pressure that was present became immeasurable, and the expression of the audience members filled with uncertainty as they prepared for the fight to unfold.

Vincent Paddock stood confidently as he donned an olive-green corduroy jacket, muted burgundy turtleneck, and faded slim-cut jeans adorned with paint splatters, exuding unassuming confidence and artistic allure.

"I've heard the Paddock family is infested with assassins," Libert felt a tremor of fear as he heard an overlapping voice from within the crowd.

A grin of excitement formed on Ethan's face as he locked eyes with his opponent, "You ready?"

"No, the true question is, are you ready?" Vincent's tone had a dignified aspect as he spoke.

"For the first bout—we have Ethan Grant against Vincent Padock," a tone of silence fell upon the vicinity, "Let the battle commence."

The silver platform in the heart of the colossal arena gleamed under a radiant aura, surrounded by a roaring crowd hungry for a spectacle.

The air was charged with palpable excitement as Vincent, the renowned trained assassin, silently stepped onto the stage.

His steely gaze, accentuated by piercing blue eyes, surveyed the surroundings, every nerve in his body alert and focused. Draped in an obsidian-hued attire that seemingly absorbed the shadows, he exuded an aura of danger that sent shivers down the spines of those who dared to look upon him.

On the opposite end of the platform stood Ethan, an ambitious young man with unruly electric hair that seemed to mirror the wildness in his eyes.

Magnetic energy pulsed around him, fueled by a determination to prove his worth in this ultimate contest of powers. His muscles tensed, ready to unleash the gift that set him apart – the power of power projection.

Vincent allowed himself a wry smile, knowing the challenge that lay before him. He extended a gloved hand, and with an elegant flick of his wrist, an iridescent portal spiraled into existence.

"How am I going to beat that," Libert uttered in shock and awe as he witnessed the inconceivable.

The crowd gasped in awe as they witnessed his supernatural abilities. It was a power coveted by many, but mastered by few.

Vincent's portals were not merely gateways; they were strategic tools, weapons forged in the fires of his relentless training.

With a confident flourish, Vincent sent his portal whip streaking forward, seeking to ensnare Ethan and leave him vulnerable. But Ethan, undeterred, summoned his power of portal projection; creating an impenetrable forcefield that crackled with untamed energy.

The portal whip collided with the forcefield, causing a dazzling display of sparks and ripples, but the barrier held firm, unyielding.

Seizing the moment, Ethan retaliated, projecting a torrent of pulsating bolts of portals toward Vincent. The young assassin, however, was no stranger to such perilous situations.

His lithe frame weaved and dodged like a shadow in the night, evading the oncoming onslaught with preternatural reflexes.

Libert's eyes shimmer with astonishment as watched the magnificent and intense battle.

In the midst of his graceful dance, Vincent deftly planted several small devices on the platform.

Unbeknownst to his opponent, these devices were a deadly surprise – potent traps awaiting activation through the portals.

Ethan's attacks intensified, and he unleashed a tempest of portals, trying to engulf Vincent from all angles.

But Vincent was quick to respond, opening a portal beneath him, and vanishing into the ether just as the devastating energy waves collided, causing a cataclysmic explosion that threatened to engulf the entire arena.

Vincent reappeared behind Ethan in the blink of an eye through another portal, but he had more than just a strategic advantage up his sleeve.

With an almost sadistic grin, he triggered the concealed traps he had set earlier. Instantly, chains erupted from the platform, snaking toward Ethan like vengeful serpents aiming to entrap their prey.

Yet, Ethan's determination burned fiercer than the chains themselves. He projected a concentrated chasm of portals, shattering the chains and freeing himself from Vincent's clutches.

The battle raged on with an intensity that left the crowd breathless, "You can just give up…" Vincent taunted Ethan, his voice dripping with venom, attempting to provoke him into a reckless charge.

Sensing the assassin's cunning, Ethan resisted the temptation and instead focused on channeling his portal projection with utmost precision.

Vincent's prowess with portals was an awe-inspiring spectacle. He created openings, closing them with impeccable timing, seemingly toying with Ethan's attempts to strike.

The crowd was on the edge of their seats, swept up in the adrenaline-fueled frenzy that unfolded before them.

However, Ethan's determination was unwavering. He unleashed a torrent of concentrated portals, each more potent than the last, trying to force Vincent into submission.

"Wow," Libert uttered under his breath as he witnessed the spectacular fiasco.

The assassin's movements became more fluid, seamlessly transitioning from evasive maneuvers to offensive strikes. Portals appeared like flickering stars, and he manipulated them with mesmerizing grace, using them to block, redirect, and counter Ethan's power.

But as the battle reached its crescendo, Vincent found himself pushed to the brink. Ethan projected a barrage of energy projectiles with newfound ferocity, their intensity making it increasingly challenging for the assassin to find respite within the portals.

Vincent's mind raced, and he took a calculated risk. In a daring move, he opened a gargantuan portal, attempting to engulf Ethan entirely.

However, the young man summoned every ounce of his power projection, his veins bulging with effort, and projected a colossal forcefield that expanded outward, pushing back against the portal's pull. The platform quaked under the titanic clash of power.

The two adversaries locked eyes, each refusing to back down, their wills colliding in a contest of sheer determination and prowess. The crowd watched in stupefied silence, captivated by the epic display unfolding before them.

In a final burst of determination, Ethan projected a dazzling wave of portals that shattered Vincent's portal, leaving the assassin momentarily disoriented. Sensing the opportunity, Ethan summoned his energy with absolute focus, and with a roar that echoed through the arena, unleashed an indomitable torrent of power that engulfed Vincent.

The silver platform trembled as a maelstrom of energy spiraled around them, engulfing Vincent like a tempest. The crowd held its collective breath, unsure of what the outcome would be.

When the dust settled and the energy dissipated, Vincent lay on the platform, defeated but not broken. He gazed up at Ethan, a mixture of admiration and acknowledgment in his eyes.

"Wow, your one hell of an opponent," Vincent said in defeat with a tinge of admiration.

"You too," Ethan responded as his eyes glimmered with excitement.

The crowd erupted into thunderous applause, honoring both participants for their unparalleled display of skill and tenacity.

Vincent had met his match in Ethan, and the young man had proven that ambition, determination, and power projection could overcome even the most seasoned assassin.

As the two opponents stood, battered but unbowed, they shared a nod of respect, knowing that their paths might cross again one day.