
Newborn King

A aduchas wakes up in a dark place hueco mundo he has no memories of his past this is the beginning of one of the strongest beings in the living world and soul society

TheDragonKing32 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Garden of eden

I hear footsteps coming behind me as I eat my latest meal I turn and see a salamander looking thing ( an axolotol ) with pink frills and scales with hints of pink throughout and what seemed to be slime all over its body it begins to speak in a female voice " you gonna share " I think and say "sure " she then comes and eats from my kill I don't mind I already ate half and had another meal not long before this so I'm gonna be alright for a bit when she finished she says " awww so refreshing to find someone willing to share and someone that seems kind " she then sees a cut I got from the kill who was quite tricky for a bit and then says " oh let me help you with that "

She brings her hands over my cut as her frills glow I feel like I was back at those springs when I first awoke and then I look over my cut and see it's gone I just look over at her and say " thanks my names Raijin what's yours " she smiles and says " it's really nothing but my name is Minnie " I look around and say " hey what to wander around with me it gets lonely and I don't meet the people I know that often " she thinks for a moment and says " sure why not you seem to be a good person " then we wander

After a long while I have gained 9 tails and Minnie has gotten longer and was able to change her slime into different things from healing deep wounds to burning straight through hollows in seconds we also had met old bones and iki a few times with Minnie not really wanting to fight as she said " I'm not a big fan of fighting those a lot stronger than myself and those 2 are stronger then me " I laughed at this and said " what about me " she said " I'd run the other way if I was gonna have to fight you the way you are now "

Then we bother stopped in our tracks as what seemed to be a shinigami appears but this shinigami had a bit of a hollow mask on his face with white clothing different from the usual with greenish looking hair he looked at us with a smile as he said " more fools to the slaughter " then he walks towards us but disappears for a split second but for that second I was able to see him move towards Minnie so I summoned a sword gripped it in my mouth and blocked his blade then Minnie sends some of her slime at him but he backs off frowning I then drop the sword but just as it was going to hit the floor it changed directions and went straight for him and in a blink of an eye it was in front of him cutting into his leg

He grit his teeth then looked back towards me then Minnie and kicked up dust with made me lose sight of him then I heard a scream from my side I turned and saw him stabbing into Minnie which caused my blood to boil as I begun to stand on my back legs my paws Turing into hands with claws ( he turns into something very similar to the cover of the book )then I roared causing the skies to darken and up huge parts of the ground to rise a spew out blue flames and my nine tails all lit up in blue fire and thunder as I said " you have a death wish hurting my friend like that bastard " and the edge of my mouth blue fire and electricity erupts then he looks at me with something that I connected with fear as I send one of my claws at him

He tried to defend but I still cut deep into him making him scream in pain he lifts his other arm up and shot out a beam of green but when it hit I felt a little pain it didn't feel serious at all so I ask " is that the best you can do to me " then I send thunder from the clouds and fire spears at him which just barely miss him but he laughs and says " soon your friend will die then I shall grow stronger for I am Arturo plateado and my zanpaktuo Fenix it has the ability to take the reastu of those I kill and add it to my own " I just look down on him as a huge thunderbolt hits him as he finished monologuing then he looks at me again with singed clothes and simply says " I'll return and when I do I'll add your power to my own " then runs away I then return back to my normal self as I check up on Minnie and find she's bleeding badly but healing so I but her on my back as she says " just eat me when I die rai-san " I look at her and say " don't talk like that or else when you heal I'm gonna hit you over the head I promise " I wander and find a pool of water that I recognized it was the same pool as when if first awakened except there's a cave behind it now I thought for a moment a decided to see if there was something that could heal Minnie in there

After travelling down the cave I found what could only be described as paradise fruits vegetables and a beautiful tree with fruits that seemed almost crystal I don't know why but I just instinctively knew that those fruits would help Minnie but I did so I took one and but it by her mouth saying " eat this it'll help heal you " she then began to eat the fruit and all her wounds healed but she screamed in pain and begun to change cracks appeared all over her body then a she stopped as she went almost lifeless then her body bursted and what was inside was Minnie but a vasto lorde with a humanoid body with her frills and long tail and slime covering her body which seemed quite mature the she asked " I'm super hungry can you pass another " I realized what that fruit did it helped her evolve and I was also slightly worried that if I didn't give her one she would try to eat me so I gave her another one

Then yet again her body had begun to crack and split apart but she didn't feel pain instead she felt more power as her new body showed its self the remains of her mask was just her frills which blended in with her naturally pink hair her hole was right above her beasts and it was quite small then she said " I am still hungry can I just have one more please " smiling at her I said " sure but after this I think I'm gonna have some as well " then handed her one last fruit and she gobbled it down and a bright white light filled paradise when the light died down I saw her Minnie without a hole anywhere no frills or tails or slime could be seen but she did seem to be sweating she then said in a sleepy voice " I'm going to sleep hope you enjoy those fruits cause they where yummy in my tummy " patting her stomach before laying down before sleeping her chest rising and falling in a rhythms but I turned away and looked an a fruit that I had and decided to bite into it once I finished I didn't feel anything so I continued to eat after 3 I evolved in to a vasto lorde I seemed to still have my mouth and all my tails shown then I continued to eat after eating 6 more fruits I evolved into something with little to no mask my mask parts was just my fox mouth my hole in the middle of my chest then I ate 3 more and evolved into something more my but I felt super sleepy so I rested beside Minnie and decided I would see my changes when I woke up again

" whoah is that you Rai-san " I woke up I saw Minnie awake and looking at me with her jaw on the ground I asks " what's wrong I got a piece of a mask in my teeth " she shakes her head and says "look into the water "I then head over a look at my reflection in the water my body was chiseled with muscle all over it but it was all quite compact and the only reason she could see it was the fact that I had some weird looking pants on ( like ashuras from ashuras wrath just all black ) I didn't see any tails or ears or paws but my nails where long I guess I could also be called handsome I guess but I wasn't really sure on that one my eyes where also still blue like before and my hair was jet black with hints of blue here and there

I looked back at Minnie and saw her sweating again so I ask her " why you still sweating " she thinks than says " I think it's because of my slime and since I changed into this I've been producing sweat as a substitute for my slime which I was always producing before " I nod in understanding and decided to try my powers when I did I felt my tails and ears pop out as I summon a electric spear and a fire spear I felt stronger then I had ever felt before then I noticed something coming towards me in the grass a ball it rose up and then directly entered my chest without causing me any damage I began it clutch my head in pain as a flood of information came into my head then my eyelids got heavy and I said to Minnie who was quite scarred that I might be hurt " I'm going to take a nap " then just as I was going to face plant on the floor I felt Minnie hold me slowly putting me down on her lap

My mind was finished getting blasted with information and what I found was interesting I had now had a name for this paradise eden and the thing that went into me was a key to eden and it's treasury which held just about anything from any world within a multiverse from knowledge to weapons and the key transformed into a weapon it had a trident on one end with a scythe head on one side of one of the outer heads and an axe head on the other side of the outer trident head then on the opposite end of the was a lion head with its mouth open and a katana like blade coming out from it I decided to name it the [ guardian of eden ]

Then I opened my eyes to find my self on minnies lap with an upward angle of her upper body she had also fallen asleep waiting so I carefully get up as not to wake her up but she felt it and her eyes fluttered open as she said " morning rai-san " I reply " morning Minnie " then I look around for some fruits and find some apples so I grab some for me and some more for Minnie when I return I see her stretching the she looked at me and asked" you ok " I nod and said " yeah that thing sort of works like a key to a treasure " I then hand her some apples and continue " I'm able to get anything from anywhere including " I then bring out a hammer called molnir ( it's design is the record of ragnarok one ) it was huge but it felt like I could swing it with little to no problem "this " she looked at it in awe and said " sooooo cooool " then she bit into an apple After eating the apples we decided on trying to Create more friends as we wanted to socialize with others that where kind and not just mindless monsters looking for a meal so when we left I turned back to the cave of eden and summoned [ edens guardian ] and closed the cave we then began to wander