

I walked in the house not really paying attention just wanting to get to my room and take a shower. I get to the stairs and feel like I'm being watched, I turn to the living room and see a group of people looking at me. "OH FUCK ME!" I I yell startled and they all laugh. Jazz comes over to me

"sorry I forgot to tell you I invited people over." she says.

" It's fine I just wasn't prepared." I told her laughing.

"Come and join us." someone yell over to me I look and see it was Anna from the party. I looked around to see that Josh and Mathew were also there. It was late morning and they were drinking mimosas and snacking on a cheese board, it looked like fun.

" Give me a minute I need to shower then I will join you guys. and Jazz make sure you have a mimosa for me." I say with a smile then turn to make my way to my room. I took and nice hot shower then dressed in a pair of comfy high waisted jeans and a light V-neck sweater that came off my shoulders. I brushed my hair out best I could then let it hang loose to air dry.

I went down stairs and grabbed the mimosa that was waiting for me and joined the group, they were laughing and joking with each other, they all seemed vary close. I found out they all have known each other for about 5 years, they all stated working at they company about the same time. None of them were from New York so they helped each other feel comfortable in the city. They were all nice. Anna and Josh told me stories of the actors they have worked with.

" So what does your family think of you moving to the big city?" Anna asked me.

Jazz looked at me and her smile fell a little. "I don't have a family" I told them "I'm and only child and pay parents passed away at the beginning of the year. That's why I come out here nothing left for me there."

" No boyfriend either?" asked Anna

" sadly no."

At that Jazz got angry, " Not sad that guy was a manipulative asshole." she was practically yelling at the end of her sentence. They were all looking from me to her. " Sorry Rosie, but he was a jerk who doesn't deserve anyone's sadness and yours least if all." Jazz said and gave me a smile. I stayed quiet because talking about him hurt me.

They looked at Jazz and she gave them a nod and they all looked like they agreed on something right then.

Changing the subject Josh pointed at the camera I set down one the little table by the front door, "You take pictures when you go on runs?"

" Yeah it's become a hobby of mine."

"Can we see them?"

" Yeah sure." I got up to get the camera, we gathered together around the couch. Jazz and Anna sat on either side of me and Josh and Mathew were behind use. I scrolled through the pictures showing them, the sunrises, the nature growing with the buildings, and the street art that I have seen in the last week. Then we got to the last picture I took today of Sebastian standing in the sunrises this morning. I hadn't gotten a chance to look at it yet and it really looked great.

" Wow that's beautiful. who's the guy?" asked Josh.

" Oh, his name is Sebastian. I actually met him briefly at the party last week then ran in to him today. But I don't know him."

At that Jazz and Anna looked at each other knowingly and Jazz smiled like she had a plan.

" What do you know guys know him."

"Yes" was all Jazz said about it.

After that Anna, Josh and Mathew were getting ready to leave.

" Rose, we are going shopping tomorrow want to come with?" Anna asked

"Yeah sounds like fun." I responded. and then said goodbye to them.