
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasy
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77 Chs

[2.21] Built

Radit woke up from his sleep. He opened his eyes and looked around. He realized that he was now in his hotel room. Radit also saw Raka sitting at the table, who was reading a book.

"It's rare to see you reading a book," Radit said as he got up.

Raka was a little surprised to hear Radit's voice because he was quite serious reading a book.

"Uh, Radit, you're awake." Raka stood up from his seat and approached Radit's bed.

"Are you okay?" said Raka.

"It's okay," Radit said with a smile.

"I'll get you some water," said Raka.

"Thank you," said Radit.

"What are you reading?" said Radit.

"I'm reading a guidebook on the use of elemental powers," said Raka.

"Oh, that's strange, why?" said Radit.

"Nothing. I'm just curious. The power of my element can make anything," said Raka, then brought water and gave it to Radit.

"Here, drink this first," Raka said, handing over the water.

"Thank you," Radit said, taking his water and drinking it.

"How long was I asleep?" said Radit.

Raka looked around the room, he forgot that there was no clock in this room, "Cih, this room is strange, why is there no wall clock. So, you've been asleep for about 8 hours if I'm not mistaken," said Raka.

"It's been a long time," Radit said as he stared out the window.

"Yes, it looks like you had a beautiful dream," said Raka.

"...Dream.....dream...yeah...hah....," Radit started to remember something as he fell asleep.

However, the more he remembers the more his head hurts. However, Radit tried to remember it, he felt that it was important.

Raka had just sat down and stood up again because he felt something was wrong with Radit.

"Hey... Radit, what's wrong?" said Raka who was worried to see Radit holding his head.

Radit remembers what was said in his dream. He remembers that he gained strength in his dream.

An anxious Raka held Radit's hand, then he felt something strange.

Radit's body seemed to heat up, and Raka himself looked increasingly anxious.

The pain in her head had gone, but now she had shortness of breath, her heart was beating very fast and she felt very hot.

Radit held his chest and squeezed his shirt on his chest. Raka who was nearby sensed that Radit was experiencing shortness of breath.

Since Radit didn't respond to his words, Raka stood up and then walked out of the hotel room to find help.

However, when Raka was about to leave the room, Radit called out to him. "Raka..... wait..." he said under his breath and sweaty body.

Raka was silent for a moment, not coming out because he felt Radit was getting calmer.

Radit tried to calm down, inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly. His breathing was getting calmer, his body temperature was starting to normalize and his heartbeat was also starting to beat normally.

Raka took the initiative to get some more water.

After a while, Radit's condition returned to normal.

"Are you feeling better? Here, drink this first," said Raka, handing her some water.

"Thank you," Radit said and immediately drank it all.

"So, what happened?" said Raka curiously.

"I took a shower first, see I'm very sweaty," Radit said.

Raka looked at Radit's body which was very sweaty and his clothes were wet from the incident earlier. "Yes, take a shower already, cool down," Raka said.

Raka didn't want to ask further because he felt Radit didn't want to say it yet and Radit took a shower to cool down.

Time passed, Radit had finished showering and he sat on his bed and looked at Raka who was playing his smartphone.

"Do you have something to ask?" said Radit.

He stopped playing with his smartphone and placed it on the table. "Do you have any questions?" she asked.

"Well... hm... not really." Raka said a little awkwardly.

"If I ask, can you really answer?" asked Raka.

"Well....it's true, I don't know either," said Radit, who was confused.

"That's right, so it's useless for me to ask about it." Raka said.

"Uh, but look Raka, I have a surprise. Look at this." Radit said while opening his palm.

"What are you doing?" asked Raka.

"Look at this." said Radit who was opening the palm of his right hand, then suddenly fire appeared from his hand.

Raka saw it was very surprised that Radit managed to awaken his element.

"Well, how come you can already!" said a surprised Raka.

"Yes." said Radit.

"You had an epiphany while you were sleeping?" asked Raka.

"That's right, I had a strange dream but I don't really remember everything. But I remember I met someone and he gave me strength," said Radit.

Raka was a little confused by Radit's explanation, but he ignored it and remained happy.

"Whatever that dream is, whatever, the important thing is that you now have elemental power." Raka said.

"Amazingly, I can raise the fire again, you know." Radit said, starting to raise the fire. Seeing that, Raka immediately panicked.

"Oi, oi, turn it off! turn it off! the fire." said a panicked Raka. Hearing this, Radit immediately turned off the fire element.

"What's wrong? Why?" asked a confused Radit.

"I'm glad you're getting your strength back and you should be too, but don't lower your IQ." Raka said.

"Huh, what do you mean?" asked Radit.

"Bro, we are in the building, look up! There is a small hole, and there is a fire detector. If it's active, we're immediately doused with water." said Raka.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot that we're in the building." Radit said.

"You little shit. Go to bed." said Raka.

"Yes, sleep fast so you can show off tomorrow." Radit said with a mischievous smile.

"Yes, yes, yes... please show off tomorrow, there is bread and milk on the table, eat it before bed. You haven't eaten since noon and dinner is already over." Raka said as he walked to his bed.

"Oh, yes, ok, thank you Raka." Radit said.

"Thank Hana, she brought the food to this room." said Raka.

"Oh, Hana was here earlier?" asked Radit.

"Yes, she is very worried about you." said Raka.

"Oh hm... I'll tell you later." Radit said blushing.

"Oh, you're so shy now...you're single," said Raka, teasing Radit.

"Hm....it's okay, it's better for me to have someone looking at me. What about you?" said Radit attacking Raka.

"Heh...now you're being insolent," said Raka. When he finished saying that, Radit threw a mattress pillow at Raka.

Raka was surprised by the impromptu throw that was aimed at his face. Radit grinned at Raka and irritated her.

"You.... have no heart, even though you keep losing when you duel with me." said Raka.

"Huh...? Don't twist the facts. You just beat me up a lot but I always win in the end, even my teacher told me that." said Radit.

"Nonsense, you probably remember wrong." Raka said.

"Want to prove it?" asked Radit. "Come on!" said Raka.

And they both attacked each other using pillows. They did that until they were exhausted and fell asleep. In the end, Radit didn't eat the bread and milk Hana brought him because he was too excited to eat.

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