
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasy
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77 Chs

[2.20] Who are they?

"Where is this?" said Radit, who woke up to a very black world around him.

Radit woke up and started to stand up slowly. He looked around him. There was nothing there. Everything just looked black. But when he looked at his own hands and body it was still visible. That meant, it wasn't in the shadows but only the ceiling and ground were black.

Radit continued to shout, calling out the names of his friends. But no one answered his cries. It was a completely silent and desolate world.

Radit kept walking and walking and soon the world turned white.

Instantly several people began to appear one by one. He began to approach Radit slowly.

These people appeared and continued to appear around Radit. After some time, there were already quite a number of people who came suddenly and surrounded Radit.

Radit was confused and very wary, especially since he couldn't see their faces.

Their faces are covered by a light, some are covered by graffiti, clouds, faceless and so on.

"Who are you!" said a very alert Radit.

The people just looked at each other, then looked back at Radit.

"You don't know us anymore?" said one of them.

"How do I know you? Even your faces are covered by something strange," said Radit.

The mysterious creatures then looked at each other, then they looked back at Radit.

"But we, can we see each other?" said one of them.

"How do I know?" said Radit.

The mysterious creature looked confused, then a moment later one of them seemed to realize it.

One of the mysterious creatures who noticed it approached Radit.

However, because Radit was very wary, he slowly backed away when the mysterious female-bodied creature was very close to Radit.

The mysterious female creature who approached Radit seemed a bit surprised to see Radit so alert and she stopped approaching Radit.

"Radit, you make me sad. That's how scared you are of me." said the female creature who approached Radit.

"How do I know if you're sad or happy, I can't even see your face." Radit said staring at the creature warily.

The creature was silent when Radit spoke. After Radit spoke, one of the creatures approached Radit. This time it was a man. Radit is still in an alert and vigilant position.

"Calm down my friend, no need to panic like that." said one of the mysterious male creatures who approached Radit standing next to the mysterious female creature.

Radit was still wary of them. "Well, if you are alert it means you don't recognize us. But please don't say rude things, for pity's sake he's sad." said the mysterious male-bodied creature.

Radit looked at the mysterious female-bodied creature, Radit couldn't tell if she was happy or sad because her face was covered by mystical things, but Radit realized that she was sad because she bowed her head according to Radit's feelings.

"Well, I don't want to create unnecessary hostility, I apologize for what I said earlier." Radit said and began to reduce his guard. The mysterious male-bodied creature was quite surprised at Radit's response and it made him happy and smile, but the smile could not be seen by Radit.

"I'm glad, Radit, that you're not wary anymore. Well, I can also understand that you would be wary. If I were you in this situation, I would probably be like you, so I understand," said the mysterious being in the form of a man.

"So, who are you?" asked Radit.

"Us? We are the people closest to you," replied the mysterious being in the form of a man.

"Huh?" Radit looked confused.

"That's a normal response because your power makes you forget past memories. Well, it's normal for you to be special, but I'm worried," said the mysterious being in the form of a man.

"What do you mean?" Radit was increasingly unable to understand what the mysterious male creature was saying.

"Hm... well... hm... how to explain... Hey, can anyone explain?" the mysterious creature in the form of a man then asked the other mysterious creatures.

After these words, the other mysterious creatures just stared at each other and talked to each other. However, it seemed that none of them could solve this problem. However, there was one mysterious creature in the form of a man who moved to the front.

"Oh, can you explain?" asked the mysterious being in the form of a man.

"Radit," said the mysterious creature who had just moved. Radit looked at the creature and prepared to listen.

"Try, do you remember, my name is ******. Do you remember?" asked the mysterious being in the form of a man.

"Uh, who was that? Repeat," Radit asked.

"Listen carefully, my name is ------. Do you remember?" asked the mysterious being in the shape of a man.

"Ah, hm, huh? What, I didn't hear your name part," Radit said, a little annoyed at not being able to hear his name.

"My name is ######, listen now!" asked the mysterious being in the form of a man in a slightly raised tone.

"Huh? What, don't lower your voice in the name part!" Radit protested.

"Huh? My name is #$%#$#," said the mysterious being in the form of a man starting to get a bit annoyed.

"Hey, you did it on purpose," said an annoyed Radit.

"Huh? You're the one who pissed me off. I told you four times but you didn't listen. You're deaf," replied the mysterious creature in the form of a man, looking annoyed because he had repeated it many times but was not heard.

Then they mocked each other. After a while, the mysterious female creature who was near Radit said, "Stop already. What's wrong with you two, you're just like children," she said, somewhat annoyed at their childish behavior.

"Sorry..." said the two of them, mocking each other.

"Hahaha... in any life, you are indeed a fun person," said the mysterious male-shaped creature who was nearby. Radit was a little confused by his words.

Instantly, just above and below where Radit was standing, a black dot appeared and began to expand slowly.

"You seem to have completely lost your guard against us," said the mysterious male-shaped creature near Radit with a smile.

"Looks like we don't have much time. Okay, Radit, listen to this," said the mysterious creature in the form of a man near Radit who began to look serious. Radit responded seriously too.

"My name is *****," said the mysterious male-bodied being.

"Huh, what?" said Radit, who didn't seem to hear. The mysterious male-bodied creature seemed to understand what was happening.

"Radit, try to repeat what you heard me say earlier," said the mysterious male-bodied creature.

"You just said 'my name is...', that's all." Radit said.

All the mysterious creatures seemed to understand what was happening, but only Radit did not know.

"Hey, what's up?" Radit asked the mysterious male-bodied creature.

"Radit, it seems that you can't hear our name because it is blocked by ******* in your world," said the mysterious female-bodied creature who was near Radit.

"Huh? By whom?" asked Radit.

"It seems like his name can't be pronounced either," said the mysterious male-bodied being.

The world Radit has come to is almost completely covered in black again.

The mysterious male-bodied creature approached Radit, but Radit himself was no longer alert.

"This is advice from all the people closest to you, this time remember and take care of the people closest to you. Don't let your emotions disappear or everything about you will be lost forever," said the mysterious being with a male body.

"Huh, what do you mean?" asked Radit, then looked around and saw that one by one the creatures were disappearing.

The mysterious female-bodied creature approached Radit once again. "Remember, take care of those closest to you. We don't want you to suffer anymore. It's enough for us to suffer, don't let others suffer too," said the mysterious female creature, then stroked Radit's cheek.

Radit felt the warmth in her hand as if they had met and like a lover who was left far away by the man she loved.

"Radit, puff out your chest," said the mysterious male creature.

"Like this?" asked Radit.

"Good, wait a minute," said the mysterious male-bodied creature, then his hand touched Radit's chest.

Instantly, a fire-shaped red light appeared and entered Radit's body.

"Akh... it's hot! It's hot! What are you doing to me?" asked Radit while panting and falling down.

"It was a favor from me, to activate your powers that were blocked by yourself," said the mysterious male-bodied being.

"Everything is gone, it's time. See you again," said the mysterious male-bodied creature.

"Remember, don't forget what I and the others said," said the mysterious female-bodied creature.

"Hey, wait!" said Radit trying to stand up to hold one of them, but when everything was covered in black, a blinding light appeared and enveloped the world.
















Radit woke up from his sleep.

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