
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasy
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77 Chs

[1.5] Beginning of Memory Bad

In the afternoon during the first recess, Radit lay on top of the school building. He lay next to the wall to avoid the scorching sun. In the back of his mind, he said as he took a deep breath, "Huh... what a bright, peaceful, and beautiful day. Will days like this continue?" said Radit who was enjoying the view of the sky.

Suddenly there was a door that opened, someone approached Radit, then a girl's gaze appeared in front of Radit who was looking at the sky.

"Hey, Radit, what are you doing here?" Hana said while blocking the view of Radit who was looking at the sky.

"Hana, move aside. You're preventing me from seeing this beautiful and calming view," Radit said while closing his eyes.

"Beautiful? How beautiful is the sky compared to me?" Hana said spontaneously. After hearing that sentence, Radit opened his eyes, then looked directly into Hana's eyes.

Hana, who accidentally said those words, suddenly turned away from Radit's presence with an embarrassed red face. Radit, who saw Hana's behavior, made Radit smile.

"Hana..." Radit called out to her as he patted the floor in the shadow of the wall beside him. Hana turned her head.

"Come here, lying here feels very good," said Radit.

Hana obeyed Radit's words and immediately lay down on the school building while looking at the blue sky and seeing the clouds.

"What do you think, Hana? It's a nice day to lie here, isn't it?" said Radit.

"It's not so bad, the view of the sky is quite soothing. I kind of forgot all about schoolwork," Hana said.

"Hahaha... that's right, I forgot about myself because I was too comfortable. Huh... what a peaceful place. Will this continue?" said Radit.

Hearing these words, Hana immediately turned to Radit who was next to her. "What do you mean?" Hana said.

"I see, when do you think all this peace will end?" Radit said as he continued to stare at the sky.

"This peace will continue, Radit, and will never change," Hana said as she looked at Radit.

"Is that what you think? These days, I always see visions of a very bad future," Radit said with a slightly sad face.

"Radit, it's just your dream," Hana said firmly while looking at Radit who looked sad.

"I haven't told you about the new incident I experienced. The only one who knows is Raka," Radit said. Hana's look at Radit began to get a little serious.

"Listen, Hana. I've recently had a new oddity in my vision and it's happened twice already. The last time was when I was negotiating with Leonardo about our club activities," Radit said once again.

"When that happened, I experienced something strange. If you think about it, it might count as a few seconds or milliseconds, but for me, I felt the world running a little slower," Radit said again.

"That incident was when the world suddenly slowed down and I saw my surroundings change from usual, then after passing through that, suddenly the image of the future a few minutes later entered my brain and that's why I managed to negotiate with him," said Radit continuing the conversation again.

"Very strange, isn't it? Unbelievable, isn't it? I can really see the future," Radit said with an unhappy look on his face.

"Radit...?" Hana said in a low voice.

"Listen, Hana. I had a really bad dream tonight too. In the dream, there was a big explosion in the sky and then after that people had strange powers. It brought new technology and happiness, but it also destroyed the planet. Very sad, isn't it Hana?" said Radit.

Hana closed her eyes and looked at the sky again. After that, Hana sat up and looked at Radit and held his cheek.

"Calm down, Radit. If for example the vision is a clue to your future picture, use your vision that always shows a sad future to turn sad events into happy events," Hana said firmly looking at Radit while both hands held Radit's cheeks.

"You are right. If this vision is a clue for me, then I must make the most of it to change the story. Thank you, Hana, for encouraging me," Radit said, smiling at Hana. Hana returned the smile.

"By the way, Hana, how long are you going to keep holding my cheek?" said Radit. Hana spontaneously moved her hand away from Radit's cheek and immediately turned away from Radit's presence with a red face.

"Hana..." said Radit. Hana turned her head slightly towards Radit.

"You are so cute. Thank you again for entertaining me," Radit said with a smile, teasing her on purpose.

Hana who heard Radit's words made her face redder. Radit also stood up.

"Hana, come on. The entrance bell will ring soon. Let's go to class," Radit said. Hana immediately nodded and stood up, then followed Radit to class.

Second break time. In the room, all the members of the auxiliary club gathered to discuss the martial arts club's auxiliary activities.

"Leonardo, how is it? It will be in the afternoon, right?" said Raka.

"Hm... that's what I wanted to discuss," Leonardo said with a serious look. The club members all suddenly felt tense.

"For this event in my building, we'll be helping the martial arts club and I'll be teaching them. You can also practice too. It is also accompanied by a teacher who is there," Leonardo said more seriously.

"Therefore, I have decided that for seven days, starting from this Tuesday until next Monday, I will book two floors for you. One for training and one for us to sleep on," Leonardo said with a serious look. All the members were suddenly silent, and Fauzan started the conversation.

"Eh, bang? Do you mean we're staying in your building?" Fauzan said uncertainly.

"Yes, of course. What about it?" said Leonardo. Then all the members started staring at each other and after that they shouted with excitement.

"Wow, crazy! That's great. Rich people are different," said Raka.

"Wow, that sounds exciting," Amelia said.

"Staying overnight, huh? It looks like fun," said Laras.

"Pillow war?" said Hana.

"Wow, bang! My first activity will be staying in your building, very good," said Fauzan.

"Leonardo, it's unusual that you want to book a building up to two floors for our club activities," said Raka.

"You're... rude. I'm a good person. Your faces look like you're whining to ask for more from me. That's why I can't bear to see commoners like you. So I'm giving you more service this time," Leonardo said smugly.

"Hey, dregs of tofu, don't get cocky by just giving it away. You're still a lousy man," Amelia said heating up Leonardo.

"Say what you want, but during the activities, it will be me who will train you all," Leonardo said with an evil laugh, giving off a dark aura.

"This is exciting, but it looks like we're going to be half-dead," said Radit. Raka also responded to Radit's words.

"Hahaha, I don't think so," said Raka.

"Okay, guys, I'll inform the martial arts club. Oh yeah, when are we leaving, Leonardo?" said Radit.

"Oh, that. We'll start later at 5pm, maybe around 6pm we'll gather here and leave by city bus," Leonardo said.

"Okay, I'll tell them," Raka said and went to the martial arts club room.

"Apparently, as arrogant as you are, you're still going to take the public bus. I thought we were going to take your private bus," Amelia said to heat up Leonardo.

"I'll leave it up to you, but these seven days are my fun days," Leonardo said with a wicked smile.

Raka suddenly came into the club room again, bringing two representatives of the martial arts club to ask questions, in order to find out what to bring later during the stay.

As time went on, the second entrance bell rang, all the members of the auxiliary club and the two representative members of the martial arts club returned to their respective classes.

Then the last bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. All the members of the auxiliary and martial arts clubs returned to their respective homes to bring their clothes and equipment in preparation for their stay at the Leonardo building.

After that, they all arrived at exactly six o'clock in the afternoon, except for a few latecomers, namely Laras and Hana and some members of the martial arts club.

"Hey Mel, where are your two friends? It's been a long time," said Radit.

"Oh, they told me that they stopped by the convenience store for a while to buy something," Amelia said.

The martial arts club consists of 40 members.

"Sorry, four of our members are late, I contacted them earlier and they said they were on their way," said the man who approached Radit.

"Oh yeah, it's okay, some of our members are late too. By the way, who are you?" said Radit.

"Sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. Let me introduce myself, my name is Gilbert Atasia, you can call me Gil, that's fine too. It's nice to meet you. For these seven days, please help me," said Gilbert as he extended his hand in greeting to Radit.

"My name is Radit Akarim, of course we also ask for help," said Radit while shaking hands with Gilbert.

"But I apologize a little, if the one who trains is our friend, Leonardo, because that is his requirement so that he wants to use his building facilities for a low fee," said Radit.

"Ah, it's okay, we're happy. For a small fee we get free food, lodging, and a nice practice room. In fact, I think it's too much because we have 40 members, which should be very expensive," says Gilbert.

"Oh yeah, what's wrong with your coach, Gilbert?" said Amelia.

"He's sick. All of our coaches are sick and our training hall is also unusable. It's a sad coincidence," said a dejected Gilbert.

"Hahahaha....there's no need to worry. If you're happy with the facilities there, that's a good sign. But, once again I warn you, I expect you to be serious when practicing later. If not, you will fight with him," said Radit while glancing at Leonardo. Leonardo also heard Radit's words a little and then looked back at Radit viciously.

"Oops... shit, he heard it," said Raka.

"Hahaha....it's okay, we are happy to train him because he is a famous person. He can master all the martial arts in the world," Gilbert says.

"It's true, he's very talented, I can't deny that. But please understand her nature when practicing later. Tell your members to be careful too," said Radit.

"Ok Radit," said Gilbert.

After the conversation was over, the four late martial arts members arrived, followed by Laras and Amelia behind them. After that, they gathered to check if there were any important items left behind. After checking their belongings, they headed to the main highway to board a city bus.

"Then why are you sitting next to me?" said Leonardo in annoyance.

"Huh...so what, you're not happy? Want to gelud?" said Steven in annoyance.

They started staring at each other, then suddenly from the front of the bus seat, Laras looked back at them. Leonardo and Steven instantly saw Laras' black aura, which made them both fall silent.

Laras seemed to be saying, 'Don't act up in public'.

"Damn! If Radit hadn't forced me, I wouldn't have come here either, and not because of the offer to try out the high-spec computer," Steven muttered.

During the trip, the members of the Helper Club as well as the members of the Martial Arts Club got to know each other. This is one of the activities of the Helper Club to get closer to each other.

An hour passed, and they stopped right opposite Leonardo's building. All the Martial Arts Club members and Relief Club members looked up at the 30-story building.

"Wow, crazy! Is this an apartment or a hotel?" said one of the male members of Martial Arts.

"No, this is not an apartment. How can an apartment have a mall underneath it?" said one of the female members of Martial Arts.

"It's like a one-stop shop. It has malls, hotels, apartments, gyms, etc," said Raka. "Whahaha... it's crazy, even though I've seen it many times, it's still very cool," said Radit.

"Come on, follow me. We'll go to the 28th floor. That's where your room is," Leonardo said as he started walking.

They all followed Leonardo from behind and crossed over. They entered through the back door of the building, it turned out that the back of this ground floor building also served as a hotel and apartment registration place.

The staff all bowed in welcome, then one of the male receptionists came over to him.

"Welcome back sir, it looks like you've also brought a lot of friends who will be staying here," said the Receptionist.

"Yes, so how is the room? Is it ready to use?" said Leonardo.

"Already, sir. The rooms and practice rooms have been prepared. Now you and your friends can use them," the receptionist said.

"Ok, good. Come on guys, let's take the elevator. Every 10 floors we have to change elevators and because there are so many of us, we will take turns taking the elevator. The second and third part of the elevator will be assisted by this employee," Leonardo said. All the members were silent as they watched Leonardo.

"This rich?" said one of the female members of the Martial Arts Club.

"You better not think about it. You'll be joking if you keep hearing about it," Raka told her.

"I want to marry him," said several women from the Martial Arts Club complimenting Leonardo. It seemed that Amelia was not happy with the compliments to Leonardo.

They took the elevator in turn. After reaching the 28th floor, the receptionists told them the locations of their rooms. Each room accommodated 4 to 6 people and was reserved for the Martial Arts Club. The rooms for the Helper Club were slightly different.

The room contents for the Helper Club were a little special. The room was divided into several people: Fauzan with Raka, Radit with Steven, Leonardo on his own, Amelia, Laras and Hana in the same room.

Training starts the next day, tonight to brief them on the training schedule and meals. After dinner, which finished at 9.30pm, they all went back to their rooms.

At 10pm sharp, Radit came out of his room to see the sky from inside the building. While heading to the edge of the building covered with glass, Radit met Raka.

"What's wrong, Radit? Can't sleep?" said Raka.

"Ah, not really. I was still chatting with Steven. He used the high-spec computer as soon as he got to the room. I only went out to see the sky," said Radit.

Then suddenly Leonardo appeared from behind, "Want to see the stars? I don't think this is a good enough place. Come on, follow me," Leonardo said, and they followed him.

From behind, Hana saw them. Out of curiosity, Hana followed them.

Radit, Raka, and Leonardo took the elevator. Hana, who didn't know the floor they were going to, waited for the elevator floor indicator and found out they got off on the 30th floor.

Radit, Raka, and Leonardo had arrived at the 30th floor, which was the working floor of the Amarta family. The three of them headed to the end of the door to the right of the elevator and through the door to the stairs that led to the top of the building.

Hana arrived at the 30th floor, but she lost track of them so she didn't know where to go. She looked around and found a door slightly ajar. Behind the door was a staircase that led to the top of the building. She climbed it and saw the three of them looking up at the sky above the helicopter pad.

From the stairs, Hana looked up at the beautiful night sky, with the cool night breeze blowing. She looked at Radit who seemed to be smiling at the sky, and she smiled too. Seeing Radit like that made her feel like seeing a prince shining under the city lights.

"Wow, what a cool place to see the sky," said Radit.

"Hahaha, of course, but it's a little windy," Leonardo said.

"Hm, wait if I'm not mistaken... in a minute...." Raka checked her cell phone. She seemed to have opened an astronomy website.

"Aah, right. Later at the peak of this week, around 11pm, there will be an extraordinary phenomenon. There will be a strange large asteroid that will pass by Earth. This asteroid is very strange, it has been studied but it is not yet known why it can emit light occasionally. Even as it approaches the Sun, it is said to give off a comet-like glow. Wouldn't it be great if we saw it here and rolled out the carpet to watch together?" said Raka.

"Wow, that's great. We'll hold it here. Seeing it together will be fun, right?" said Leonardo.

"Yes, of course. Make a place here immediately, Leo," Raka said.

"Leave it to me," Leonardo said.

"A big rock? And glowing? An asteroid?" said Radit with a surprised look on his face.

"Hey, Radit. What's wrong?" asked Raka.

"Rock... asteroid...." said Radit.

Hana, who was watching from a distance, began to panic herself seeing Radit's condition. "Hey, Radit! Radit!" Leonardo said.

Radit's eyes were glued to the sky, his gaze starting to go blank. Leonardo, who had seen such a stare, began to shake Radit's body. "Wake up, oi, wake up!" Leonardo said.

In Radit's mind, there are various images: happiness, good memories, meetings, separation, destruction, power struggles, high social inequality, greed, selfishness, and others.

Radit suddenly felt a pain in his chest, followed by a severe headache.

"Radit... Radit, why?" asked Raka frantically.

Suddenly Radit grabbed Raka with his left hand that had been holding his chest and shook him.

"Raka, how is this? How is the world going?" said Radit. Raka looked confused and couldn't answer.

"Calm down, Dit," Leonardo said while holding Raka's right shoulder. Then, Raka let go of Leonardo's hand and Radit said, "How is this, soon the incident will repeat itself. I.... I will change it," he said while looking at Leonardo.

Leonardo and Raka also looked confused by his words. Then, suddenly Radit fainted.

Hana, who had been frightened by Radit's condition, ran straight to them. "Radit!" she shouted.

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