
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasy
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77 Chs

[1.4] Déjà vu & New Club Member

The door to the club room opened, and a man and a person were seen behind it. They appeared to have a mysterious aura and there seemed to be smoke coming out of them.

"Bro....," Leonardo said to Raka. "What?" said Raka.

"What the hell is this scene? It's not in a movie," Leonardo said. Then the figure at the door stepped forward.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you guys so tense?" Steven said with a straight face.

They club members were still looking at the door without batting an eye, then Leonardo spoke while banging on the table.

"Woi...wake up, why are you guys so pensive! It's just Steven," Leonardo said while shouting, and those in the room were shocked because of Leonardo's behavior.

"Ah...yes...we didn't think that Radit's dream was Steven," Hana said.

"Hahaha...it's very nerve-wracking, I've been thinking about it since before. I thought the person was interesting, it turned out that only Steven came, it was a bit disappointing," Raka said with a laugh.

"Huh...what are you guys talking about? What nonsense?" said Steven in confusion.

"What's wrong, Steven? You didn't come here as usual, have you given up on being active in the club?" Amelia said.

"I don't intend to be active in this club anymore, perhaps?" said Steven.

"Maybe? What a load!" said Amelia.

"What did you say!" Steven was a little annoyed, then he tried to hold back his emotions, "Whatever you say, Mel, the important thing is, here's someone who seems to want to get into this club, he's been following me around these past few days, it's a little scary," Steven said. The club members turned to the door and a man appeared from there.

"I'm sorry, Steven, I'm not sure how to talk to you. You're so busy, I'm reluctant to talk to you," said the man.

"Hah...he's such a busy man, he likes to make weird things," Leonardo said.

"Well, at least say hello, don't just follow along silently like that. And what do you mean weird, Leo, huh? That's what I call modern art!" said Steven.

"Strange?" said the man.

"You talk all you want. They're rare things that only exist in this world and only I can make them," Steven said smugly.

"Well, obviously, useless stuff is something only you can make," Leonardo said.

"Huh? You never change, let's go to the back of the school now," Steven said.

"Come on, who's scared? Let's gelud now," Leonardo said, and they both walked out of the room.

"Ignore those two, they always do when they meet, so introduce yourself. You want to join this club, don't you?" said Laras.

"Ah... I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself," while bowing his head and bowing, then he stood up straight again and continued his words, "My name is Fauzan Sabian Mayesa, grade 1, please guide me," Fauzan said firmly and began shaking hands with the others.

"Wow...it turns out you're in first grade. Wow, now we have a little brother in our club, how happy my heart is," Hana said happily.

"Do we accept it right away?" said Leonardo.

"Of course, we always accept new members," Hana said.

Raka whispered to Radit, "Hey, Dit, you said there were men and women coming, but there was only him. Your dream wasn't wrong, was it?" Raka said in a very low voice.

"No mistake, I really dreamed it. I told you that my dream felt like it was real," Radit said in a low voice.

"Then why did only men come?" said Raka in a whisper.

"I don't know, how would I know, I don't know either," Radit said with a flat face. Raka responded to Radit's flat face with a flat face too.

"Once again everyone, greetings. Please help." Fauzan said respectfully. "Hah, yes, greetings too." Raka said.

"Hey, you two, there are new members, instead of being entertained, you're just chatting together." Amelia said. Raka and Radit just smiled.

"Come on, sit down. Don't just stand there, fill out the form to join our club." Laras said. Steven sat on a chair and followed Laras' instructions.

Leonardo looked at Radit and Raka, then he approached the two of them. "Hey hey, you guys have been whispering alone. Is there anything exciting?" Leonardo said.

"Huh, this is it. That dream problem." Raka said in a low tone.

"Oh, that. What is it?" Leonardo said.

"That, in Radit's dream, one man and one woman were supposed to join the club today. But what we saw was only a man." Raka said in surprise.

"Oh, that. Come on, it was just a dream. Maybe it was just a coincidence." Leonardo said.

"Hah, yes." Raka said.

"Huh, already. There's no need to think too much about it. Leo's right, it was just a dream. No need to think about it." Radit said.

"Leo, since when are you here? Weren't you having a boxing match with Steven?" Raka said.

"Hah, I was going to do that. But it didn't happen. The PE teacher suddenly walked by and talked to us with a scary face, and told us to lift the mat. So, we didn't wrestle." Leonardo said.

Radit then stood up and looked at Amelia, Laras, and Hana who were helping Steven who was filling out the club membership form. Suddenly Radit's view changed, and he suddenly saw a different scene.

On the bench, which had only seen Amelia, Hana, Laras, and Fauzan, there were now two more people. Radit looked at the person standing behind Fauzan, and it turned out to be Steven. Then he tried to see the person next to Fauzan. Because Fauzan's head was blocked, he couldn't see him. Then he stepped forward, and suddenly things were as they were before. There were now only Amelia, Laras, Hana, and Fauzan in the chair. It happened so fast, Radit was confused for a moment. He seemed to have experienced the same thing, but a little differently.

Seeing Radit silent, Leonardo then called Radit while patting his back. "Hey, Dit, what are you doing all pensive?" Leonardo said.

"Hah, it's okay." Radit said and walked towards Fauzan. Leonardo looked at Radit's face like he was surprised and confused.

"Hey, Fauzan, what makes you want to join this club?" Radit said. Amelia, Laras, and Hana also looked at Fauzan because they were also curious.

"I joined this club for a reason." Fauzan said.

"Reason? What reason?" Hana said.

"Maybe you came here because you like me, well, naturally. Beautiful people like me, there are many who look." Amelia said proudly.

"Well, what Amel said is probably true. The reason I came here was because I wanted to see Amel." Fauzan said with a little embarrassment. Amel, who heard it, immediately fell silent in embarrassment.

"Wow... That hard code." Leonardo said shouting at Amelia.

"But that's not the only reason I came here. There's another reason, it's because you're so happy when you're doing activities. You help people. To me, that looks like fun. Maybe if I come here, I might also make a lot of friends." Fauzan said.

"Hahaha... You have a good view." Radit said laughing while patting Fauzan's shoulder.

"Hey, Zan, helping people is fun and you might even make some new acquaintances from helping people. If your goal is to make friends, then you're not wrong to join this club." Radit said while giving Fauzan a thumbs up.

"Hey, Zan, do you know what's more interesting if you join this club?" Leonardo said.

"What is it, brother?" said Fauzan in confusion.

"Hm... let me tell you. We're a helping club, so we'll help any club that's in trouble or needs help. So, when the girls' swim club is in need of help, you can also see..." Leonardo didn't have time to finish his sentence.

With a natural reflex, Laras threw the thick book on the table at Leonardo, and it hit Leonardo's head perfectly. Leonardo, who was sitting in a chair, was immediately bounced backward until he fell from his seat.

"Akh... shit, why are you throwing a thick book at my face, nerd?" Leonardo said as he stood up.

"You pervert! I know what you're trying to say," Laras said.

"Come on, at least let me finish my sentence first," Leonardo said. Laras made an annoyed face.

After Fauzan finished his form, the class bell suddenly rang. They all returned to their respective classes. At the second break, they gathered again. As usual, they still had nothing to do.

They continued to laze around in the club room, until an hour later when the bell rang for class. Then after school hours, they gathered again in the club room, except for Raka.

"Amel, do we not have any activities this week?" said Fauzan.

"No, Fauzan. This week we have no requests," Amelia said.

In the silence of the club room, the door suddenly opened and Raka appeared. "Raka, where have you been?" said Radit.

"I just came from the martial arts club room," Raka said.

"What are you doing there? Do you want to learn how to fight?" said Leonardo.

"Of course not. But their club is in need of help. Their martial arts training room is being renovated and their coach is sick. So, Leo, you have a big martial arts training room in your building, right? What if we agree and they all come to your place for a week?" Raka said.

"Hey... hey... you come and tell me to give them a nice room for free? Seriously," Leonardo said.

"Oh, come on. This is for club activities. You're very calculating," Raka said in a negotiating voice.

"Yes, of course it's a calculation. How could I give them the full martial arts facilities for free," Leonardo said.

"Come on, just this once. This is the same time you teach me martial arts again," Raka pleaded.

"I won't," Leonardo replied immediately.

"Come on, Leo. Don't be like that. Just for once," Radit said.

"NO WAY!" said Leonardo quickly in reply.

"Hm... how about this? They pay at least 25% of the usual price to your martial arts room. Then, while you haven't found any more students to teach wrestling to, how about you become their trainer for a week? And lastly, I'll bring Steven, plus you get to see the women sweat, hehehe..." Radit said in a businesslike tone.

Leonardo looked thoughtful. "Hm... your idea is interesting," he said with a businesslike smile. "But it's true, I haven't trained anyone in a long time," Leonardo said with an evil face. Radit looked happy that his negotiation was successful.

The female members looked puzzled as the offer seemed to be planning evil intentions.

"Hey, Radit. You're really good at negotiating. How do you do it?" said Raka curiously.

"Ah... I don't really know. But I feel like I've experienced something similar like this," said Radit.

"Similar things?" said Raka in confusion.

"Well, if people say so, it's probably déjà vu. However, this is strange. Before déjà vu, I experienced something strange first," said Radit.

"Strange things?" said Raka curiously.

"The world suddenly slowed down as I fell silent. Then, after I started walking, suddenly several images of the present and the next few minutes appeared in my memory. After I finished walking, things suddenly returned to normal. Because I was curious about that, I tried it on Leonardo whether the picture was true or not," said Radit.

"Then, is it true or not?" said Raka curiously.

"Yes, that's right. The memory image is true. I was also surprised," said Radit.

"Wow, that's cool, you can see future events even if it's brief. And that's a little proof that your dream is not a coincidence," Raka said with bright eyes.

"But there are a few strange things about his vision," Radit said.

"Strange thing? What is it?" said Raka again confused.

"In that picture and when the world slowed down, I saw a woman!" said Radit.

"Women? Amel? Hana? Laras?" said Raka in confusion.

"He's not a member of our club," Radit said seriously.

"What do you mean, who is she? From another club? Another class?" said Raka.

"No, no. She's more like the dream I told you about this morning," Radit said.

"Hm... strange. In your dream there were two people who came to our club to join. It was a girl and a boy. But we only saw two men, Fauzan and Steven. By the way, was Steven also there in your dream to escort them?" said Raka.

"No, it's just the two of them. However, when I experienced something like this, the world seemed to slow down for a moment. In the club room there was Steven who seemed to be helping the two new kids fill out the forms," said Radit.

"Hm... strange. The events you recounted in your case and what happened this time are a bit different. But I seem to believe what you said because you managed to negotiate with Leo earlier. Even though he's the hardest to get if we enter his martial arts room for free. But I'm curious about that girl, who is she?" said Raka.

"I don't really know. I didn't see his face in my dream. His face was covered like darkness. When the world seemed to slow down for a moment, I couldn't see her face because it was covered by Fauzan's head. Then earlier, the woman's face was not facing me. This makes me curious too," said Radit.

"I'm curious myself. Okay, let's end this story. If we keep speculating, we won't find the truth. Let's just wait, who knows, that woman will show up in the future," Raka said, ending the story.

"Hah, that's right. Let's just wait. I'm curious too. But, do you believe my stories, Raka?" said Radit.

"Yes, of course I do. Your incident was very interesting and you winning the negotiation made me believe it even more. Take it easy, buddy," Raka said with a smile.

"Thank you, Raka, for believing in this strange incident," Radit said with a smile.

"Take it easy, we've been friends since we were kids," said Raka. Radit smiled because his true friend was always there when he was in trouble.

It was already late afternoon, and they all went back to their respective homes.

On the way home, he tried to recall the woman in his mind.

"Who is that woman? I wonder how her face will look like. But why if I remember, I feel like I want to meet her. Like a sense of longing," Radit said to himself, suddenly shedding a few tears.

He became more and more curious and he hoped to meet that woman soon.

Save the story to the library, because it's going to be a very long story!

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