
New World: Beginning Saga

Kamio, according to himself, lives a boring life with little to no excitement, but that changes when he meets Yuu Sakimoto and decides to join her on her mission.

Brwnies · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
63 Chs


"I don't understand! Why do I need to be handcuffed?!" Kamio yelled at the men that asked him to come to the tower.

"You are an untrusted person. We can't take any chances with those damn terrorists on the loose." One of the men told him.

They walked into a room in a secluded part of the tower. "Wait a minute, did you say terrorists?!" Kamio yelled at the man.

"Yes, terrorists. The girl you were talking to earlier, Yuu, we have reason to believe she is in league with the terrorists." The man explained to Kamio.

Yuu was crouched down walking by a wall approaching a corner. 'Hm, I wonder what floor I'm on now.' Yuu thought to herself as she rounded the corner that led to a set of stairs.

The stairs led Yuu to a floor that was littered with security. 'Hm, I hate all this sneaking around!' Yuu was thinking while sneaking around the floor.

"Hey, do you think those terrorists will ever be caught?" Yuu heard one of the guards ask another.

"I don't know man, I mean eventually, maybe. They can't hide forever." The man replied.

Another guard walked up to the men, "I heard we had someone who knew the terrorists on the elite floor."

'Hm, someone who knows us? Who could that be?' Yuu thought, confused.

Yuu ran around the corner next to her hiding place and continued to go upstairs for about 10 minutes.

"I told you, I don't know any terrorists!" Kamio yelled at the men questioning him.

"We heard you the first time, but we saw you talking to one of the terrorists." The man told Kamio.

Kamio was about to say something, but a knock on the door interrupted them. One of the men walked to the door and opened it to see a young woman that looked to be in her mid-twenties. "Um, I'm looking for the person with information on the terrorists." The woman told the man that answered the door.

"Who gave you authorization to come back here."

A scowl appeared on the woman's face. After a moment of silence, she punched the man in the face, knocking him out, and proceeded to knock the other two men out as they came at her. The woman turned towards Kamio, "so you're the one I keep hearing the guard's talk about. My name is Yuuki. Nice to finally meet you."

Kamio started at Yuuki, scared for his life. "Um, m-my n-name is Kamio." Kamio stammered out.

"Hm, Kamio eh? So, Kamio" Yuuki started, "what do you know about the terrorists?" She asked him with a smile on her face and in a threatening tone.

"Um, I-I know n-n-nothing," Kamio told her.

"Really now?"

"All I know is that I apparently talked to one of them earlier today." Kamio confessed, Yuuki stood up and started towards the exit of the room, "is that so? Ok then, sorry for disrupting your conversation with these men."

Yuuki was about to leave the room, when she stopped in her tracks, "hey, what did Yuu talk to you about?"

'This should be the fifteenth floor, the rendezvous point should be around here.' Yuu thought to herself.

Yuu ran around a corner and saw Yuuki walking out of a room with Kamio behind her. Yuu ran over to Yuuki and hugged her, "hey sis!"

Yuuki hugged Yuu back. "Hey, Yuu."

Yuu looked to the side and saw Kamio standing there, "why is sky-boy here?" Yuu asked, facing Yuuki now.

"Sky-boy?!" Kamio said at Yuu, sounding offended.

"I have decided to make Kamio here, an honorary member of our group." Yuuki explained to Yuu.

"So, sky-boy is a member now. Ok then, what's the plan, sis?" Yuu asked Yuuki.

"The plan? It's simple-"

Yuu and Kamio were crawling through a ventilation shaft that, to Kamio, seemed to be endless, "How much further until we get to the main power room?" Kamio asked Yuu.

"I don't know! I've never been here before today." Yuu yelled at him in anger.

"No need to be some mean about it," Kamio whispered to himself.

They continued crawling in silence until they hit a dead end. "Hm, where to now?" Kamio asked, Yuu turned her head back to face him, "I'm gonna need you to back up a little. Ok?"

Kamio went back the way they came as Yuu had asked. After Kamio was far enough back, a purple aura started to surround Yuu's body. Yuu punched the dead end, blowing up the wall and clearing a path for them to continue. "That's where," Yuu said, cockily, to Kamio.

"Shut up," Kamio said as he crawled back to where Yuu was.

"So, this is the main power room?" Kamio asked as they walked into a room filled with electrical circuits running throughout the room and out of the room.

"All we need to do now is blow it all up," Yuu said to Kamio as she started to walk through the room.

"And, how do you plan we do that?" Kamio asked, confused.

"Simple, the same way I blew up the wall there. Stand back!"

Kamio went back into the vent while Yuu surrounded herself in a purple aura once again. After a moment the aura exploded, destroying the room around Yuu.

To Be Continued