
New Student in a Werewolf School

Aitana Palacio's family just moved from their small lost village in Spain to Whitewood Lucktown! A isn't special but she doesn't fit the criteria as commun either! Although that might have something to do with her not quite grasping the concept of embarrassment or even just growing up mentally... She will be okay!!! I mean what could possibly go wrong?! It's not like she's going to find herself entangled with werewolf packs and alpha's along with VERY sexy boys in her new rugby team! Not like she's going to discover her best friends actual nature along with a few hidden secrets along the way... That's completely ridiculous and impossible... right? She's just gonna move there and start school, meet new people, get new friends, starts training with the local team and ideally have fun. She doesn't need anything else apart from maybe her Spanish best friends arriving and turning EVERYTHING upside down!

Nutria_Nerei · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


My brother was always taller than me Wich made him almost hit 1.80, he has my mom's dark brown straight hair and is hellbent on keeping his cool tupé!

Unlike me his eyes are soft brown close to honey colored.

I believe I forgot to properly describe, if you take away my weird monologue about my body!

As I said I'm slightly taller than average, around 1.70, I have my dad's clearer brown curly hair and I had got used to keeping it short slightly below my ear.

I've got soft grey eyes, and if you saw a picture of my family you may have thought I was adopted. It's actually a inheritance from my grandpa, he had 9 grandchildren yet I'm the only one to get them!

Though one of my little cousin does have really clear blue eyes, but not quite that same shade as me and grandpa's.

Somehow as I grip one of the backpack handles I feel calmer yet more nervous, is that even a thing?!

At some point I manage to block out everything else and just concentrate on my love song playlist I was listening to.

I don't really know why but I felt like chasing after that giddy bubbly feeling I could only reach by listening to this songs, I've never actually been in love so to me it's all just imagining and listening to other's talk about.

My idea of love was way too idealised and so where my expectations, which didn't help, but how could it be my fault?! All I've known from love comes either from series, books, movies and what the old grandma's at my village would tell of their young day's romance.

And at to it all those situations I've imagined thanks to all this, never was I the will-I-marry-my-prince-charming kind of little girl, to me it was more like will-I-find-crazy-and-amazing-as-me...

Let's just say I didn't lack of confidence as a child!

My ideas where clear at that time, I did want a prince charming but one that would take me traveling around the world fighting dragons by my side. I didn't even care if he'd be a prince I wanted a boy that would understand my crazy ideas, someone that would run headfirst into danger and adventure with me

I was a weird child, but that's just what happens when you let 7 year old village boys to care for a 5 year old!

By the time I grew up talking and befriending girls wasn't horrific or boring it was just weird. I'd gotten used to the boy's way of working with things and although with the girls I'd get to be more understood in some ways to me hanging out with boys was life!

But time went by and of course we all grew up, the girls started to act weird around boys and would sometimes come ask me what X would do after school. It took the boys a little longer to start acting weird, but they where worst!

Some of the boy from the village next door started looking at me weirdly, but unlike the girls they didn't giggle around and blush. They would get way too close and annoy you talking only about their parts or related subjects.