
New Start: Pokémon World

A recently deceased Soul, protected by the harsh environment of the void, comes across a powerful entity who in exchange for his abundant amount of positive karmic energy proposes a deal for a new start in a world of his dreams. Presented with such a choice the lost soul decides to travel into a world resembling his most favorite childhood media franchise, a dream he never thought possible. ______________________________ Note: I do not own the rights to pokemon or various other parts of this story. Also, story wise, I might make use of various pokemon fan games in the future. I don't own the Cover.

Sero4K · Video Games
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44 Chs

Tournament Ends


Species: Elekid 

Gender: Male 

Age: 2+ 

Type: Electric 

Rank: Iron(peak) 

Abilities: Motor Drive 

Traits: Strong Blood(electric) 

Affinities: Electric 


Firstly, this is the highest ranked Pokemon in the competition aside from Riolu, added to that it also has the same trait as his Charmander. Lukas is sure that if it weren't for him this Elekid would hardly have an opponent in this tournament even if up against a type disadvantage. 

The fight starts off with Riolu utilizing Agility and Elekid Charge. 

Afterward, while Riolu is transitioning into Swords Dance, Elekid fires off a boosted Thunder Shock. 

Choosing to evade, Lukas has Riolu forgo Swords Dance for now and close the distance instead. 

Seeing Riolu getting nearer and nearer, Elekid uses Swift to damage him before the fight evolves into another close range slug fest. 

Since the stars fired by Swift have a kind of homing function, Riolu has no other choice than to use Brick Break to break them one by one before they hit him. 

After getting through the Attack, Riolu prepares another Brick Break, whilst Elekid uses the last moment before contact to utilize another Charge. 

As the two Pokemon finally get into striking distance, Riolus Brick Break is met by Elekids swiftly executed Thunder Punch. 



The result sends both Pokemon flying backwards. 

Despite Riolu having the momentum from ruining at Elekid at full speed, both fly a roughly equal distance before coming to a stop. 

Unperturbed, both Pokemon proceed to continue using moves. 

Riolu uses Swords Dance again, this time getting to finish it as well. 

Elekid uses another Charge, seemingly wanting to try going for a long range strike next. 

Different from last time, Riolu, instead of normally dodging and closing the distance again, uses Agility to further increase its speed before narrowly evading the incoming Thunder Shock. 

Alternating between Thunder Shocks and Swifts, Elekid throws one move after another at Riolu, who dodges attack after attack, slowly but surely closing the distance.

Getting close enough to reach Elekid in one swift dash, Riolu readies another Brick Break before stomping off the ground, shooting in Elekids direction. 

Elekid instead of evading or preparing an attack of his own just crosses his arms in front of his chest, taking the full brunt of Riolus move. 

While still in contact, though, Elekid grits his teeth and delivers a Thunder Wave. 

Riolu, having not expected Elekid to just take the hit, is taken by surprise, hit and promptly paralyzed. 

Elekid then strikes with another Thunder Punch while Riolu is still in shock, making him fly back and opening the distance between both Pokemon again. 

Looking at both Pokemon who aren't in the best condition anymore the atmosphere among the small crowd of onlookers, that consists of a few trainers that decided to stay, the staff and some Poke battle enthusiasts, is high with them all sharing one thought. 

'The next exchange is going to decide the winner.' 

Oblivious to the thoughts of the audience, both sets of trainers and Pokemon increase their focus to an all-time high. 

It is Riolu/Lukas who resume the fight first, followed closely by Elekid and his trainer. 

In exchange for receiving a Thunder Shock, Riolu uses his 3rd Agility to offset the slowness effect of paralysis, closing the distance with Elekid one last time. 

Elekid not wanting Riolu to be the only one to have the momentum of movement again opts for a different strategy this time. 

So he uses another Charge to boost the followup Thunder Punch while quickly heading straight for Riolu. 

Riolu not to be left behind seems to be preparing a Brick Break. 

Just as the two Pokemon are about to meet, though, Riolu stops dead in his tracks and releases an ear popping Screech. 

Thanks to that move aside from having his defense lowered, Elekid is also, for a very brief moment, disoriented. 

In this short moment Riolu takes a small step to the side away from the Thunder Punch Elekid is performing and with his tail glowing in the tell-tale sign of an Iron Tail lands a perfect hit much like a veteran baseball player. 

*Crash* *Boom* 

Only after a few short seconds of flying over the battlefield did Elekid finally come to a stop, and with that as well came... 

"Elekid is unable to continue the battle, therefore the winner is Riolu. Since one trainer has no more Pokemon available the match is over, the winner of this match and the 1223rd annual Rookie competition is Lukas Emerald from Rowland Town." 


Amidst a small cheering crowd, Lukas sprints to Riolu before picking him up and embracing him tightly. 

"Haha, great fight, you did it Riolu, we're the winners!" 

"Ri RIO!" Though tired, Riolu releases a jubilant cry at getting his trainer's confirmation and praise. 

Lukas was also very exited, though for a different reason than his Pokemon, sure winning this hard battle and the tournament in extension definitely feels great but isn't the main reason for Lukas good mood. 

Over the last few days he was worried as none of the fights/spars he had until then were particularly challenging or difficult, so although he was pleased with his many victories, that was all. 

He was afraid that he couldn't muster the appropriate amount of passion and excitement for battles in the future if it went on as is. 

After this final battle, though, he realized that his passion was always there, and he just needed a strong enough opponent and some significant stakes to get his passion for battle burning bright. 

Also, speaking of opponent... 



"Honestly, that was the best fight I had until now." 

"The feelings mutual." 

"I'm Paul, by the way." 


"While I'd like to say that ill beat you next time, that day will probably take some time to arrive." 

"Yeah? Why?" 

"I only tagged along my brother this time, I'm originally from Sinnoh." 

"Oh, well, I'm sure our paths will inevitably cross again if we're both reaching for the top." 

"Yes, I'm sure." 

Shaking hands, both trainers said goodbye, but not before following each other on the Poke trainer app. 

After receiving a medal and certificate proving he won this tournament as well as his rewards, Lukas made his way back to his room in the Poke center, which he unfortunately has to pay for now since the room is only provided for free for 2 nights. 

Having left both of his Pokemon in the tender care of the nurse in charge of this Poke center(who also isn't part of the Joy clan) Lukas sat on his bed looking at the 3 rewards he got for his 1st place finish. 

1. A lump sum of 100,000 Poke dollars 

2. A voucher upgrading his buying privileges by one Trainer-Rank in Viridian City for the next 3 months 

3. A Rare Candy sponsored by the Viridian Gym 

The money reward increased Lukas total funds to an impressive 103,125 after deducting the cost for this room these last few days and the food he and his Charmander ate, Riolu luckily still had his specialized food. 

The voucher that increases his buying privileges by one rank is very important for reaching some of his short term goals faster. 

Some of the supplements he wants to create require resources of a Rank he normally wouldn't be able to buy. Unless a trainer has something like this voucher a trainer would only be allowed to by Items one rank above the Pokemon-rank necessary to reach their current trainer-rank, e.g., Rookie and Junior trainers are only allowed Bronze-rank items and below whereas Seniors can buy Silver-rank items and below etc. 

Lastly, Rare Candies are a wonder of human pharmacy, initially lost thousands of years ago but rediscovered by Pokemon professor Augustine Sycamore of the Kalos region while searching for a way to artificially achieve Mega-evolution. 

Just like the games, they are one of if not the easiest way to quickly increase a Pokemons stats without harmful side effects, especially since the concept of EVs doesn't exist here. 

Of course all powerful supplements come with restriction(s), in the case of the Rare Candy there are two if you ignore the expensive and very complicated manufacturing process. 

1. No matter how high ranked the materials you use as ingredients are a Rare Candies rank caps at Gold-Rank thereby having lowered effect on Platinum and no effect on higher ranked Pokemon. 

2. If a Pokemon takes a Rare Candy, future candies will show no effect until the Pokemon in question broke through 3 major ranks, e.g., Iron-Rank Pokemon takes a Rare Candy it will have to wait until Gold-Rank to take the next and also last one. 

I changed the names for item ranks to be the same as the Pokemon ranks btw.

Sero4Kcreators' thoughts