
New Start: Pokémon World

A recently deceased Soul, protected by the harsh environment of the void, comes across a powerful entity who in exchange for his abundant amount of positive karmic energy proposes a deal for a new start in a world of his dreams. Presented with such a choice the lost soul decides to travel into a world resembling his most favorite childhood media franchise, a dream he never thought possible. ______________________________ Note: I do not own the rights to pokemon or various other parts of this story. Also, story wise, I might make use of various pokemon fan games in the future. I don't own the Cover.

Sero4K · Video Games
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44 Chs

Time's up


Species: Feebas 

Gender: Female 

Age: 1+ 

Type: Water, Fairy 

Rank: Iron(high) 

Abilities: Swift Swim, Torrent 

Traits: Type Variant, Natural Charm 

Affinities: Water, Fairy 

Bond: Lukas Emerald(new) 


Stats: (Iron) 

Vitality: High 

Strength: Mid 

Constitution: High 

Agility: High 

Energy Strength: Mid 

Energy Constitution: High 




Dazzling Gleam 


Life Dew 


Splash, Tackle, Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Charm 


Draining Kiss, Water Gun 


Rank-up req.: Charm 15 Pokemon 

Evolution req.: (high)Bronze-Rank, (silver)Fairy Gem, Prism Scale 


Aside from her move set that is geared towards Fairy moves a bit, the only other special thing about Feebas is its req. for evolution, which is quite different compared to others of her species. 

Feebas have two ways to evolve normally, either they grow their own Prism Scales or they use the trade-machine while holding a foreign scale. Prism Scales grow on Feebas once they feel confident in their own beauty. The Feebas Lukas caught already formed a bunch of Prism Scales around the gem on her forehead, so he won't have to worry about that in the future. 

About the Fairy Gem, Lukas feels he is right to assume it's there as a requirement because of Feebas Type Variation. 

Turning away from his Pokemon enthusiastically greeting their newcomer, Lukas looks at the darkening sky and ponders, 'I still have time until noon the day after tomorrow, should I just skip sleep for two nights to spend more time searching?' 

In the end, he decided to skip sleep tomorrow if he hasn't been able to find the Pokemon he has been looking for. 


Early the next morning Lukas made his way toward one of the mountains, Pidgey told him she spotted some Dragon-types there, so Lukas hopes the Gibble-line will be among them. 

His Pokemon also expressed their intention to help him search and have gone to scout the way ahead of him, well all except Lucario and Feebas with the former preferring to train his Aura at the campsite while the latter started training to overcome her dependence on a water source as quickly as possible. 

While traversing the area of the mountain, Lukas meets many Pokemon you'd expect to find on a mountain such as Onix, Rhyhorn and he even saw a few Aron peeking out of small caves. Unfortunately, among the Dragons he saw after hours of search, none belonged to the Gible-line. 

After finding seemingly every Dragon-type native to the northern continent, he continued to search even as the sun went down and it began getting dark. Yet all he managed to accomplish was running into a few Noibat and getting the scare of his life when he bumped into a Diamond-Rank Salamence. 

Luckily for him, the Salamence only spared him a glance before flying off. 'Ah, maybe I could've asked it whether it knows of any Gible-line members living nearby.' That was what he thought after he remembered that even bad-tempered Pokemon living in the NNPR aren't usually hostile unless you attack them first. 

When the sun slowly started rising again, Lukas finally became a little anxious. Yet, after meeting back up with most of the Pokemon that helped him search and getting negative answers from all of them, he started to resign himself thinking that he'll have to hope for a better result next time. 

Looking around at the disappointed expressions of his Pokemon Lukas suddenly realized something. 

"By the way, where is Larvitar?" 

Unanimously, all of them pointed in the direction of the camp, leading Lukas to believe that Larvitar probably got bored sometime during the search and left. 

"Well, alright then let's head back too, I guess we just weren't lucky enough this time." 

While the group slowly made their way back to camp, all of his Pokemon started excitably chattering about the things they saw and discovered during their search, with Charmeleon proudly stating that he sparred and won against a bunch of Dragon Pokemon and Kadabra telling about how she messed with a lot of Pokemon in passing. 

"Lu!,Lucario!" "Lar,Lar,Larvitar" 

Shortly before they reached the camp the group heard Lucario's and Larvitar's voices, hearing Lucario's annoyed and Larvitar's very much amused voice Lukas and the rest picked up their pace and reached the camp a few seconds later. 

What greeted them was an angry Lucario shaking his tail back and forth in an attempt to get rid of the Pokemon clinging onto it with its mouth. Lukas felt happy seeing the Gible biting onto Lucario's tail, and he slowly made his way over to Larvitar to ask about the situation. 

After a lengthy explanation Larvitar explained to Lukas that he found Gible fighting against a small group of Nidoran, when it beat them all it turned to Larvitar and challenged him to a fight as well, yet Larvitar told it he will only accept if Gible followed him back to their camp. 

In the end Gible agreed yet when they reached the camp, and it saw the strong looking Lucario it got excited and immediately challenged him. Without waiting for Lucario's answer, Gible started by biting his tail, taking him by surprise, and until now Lucario has been trying to get it off of him. 

Hearing Larvitar's explanation, Lukas already thought of a way to get Gible to join him. 

"Hey, Lucario, stop that and come here for a second." 

Reluctantly, Lucario stopped trying to get the Pokemon to stop biting his tail and walk in front of his trainer. 

"Nice to meet you Gible I'm Lukas." 

Gibles answer was muffled by the tail it still had in its mouth. 

"So, it seems you like fighting strong opponents, am I right?" 

Seeing Gible nod enthusiastically, Lukas continued. 

"Well, you see, I'm a Pokemon Trainer, so my job is battling other trainers and their Pokemon on a regular basis." 

Higher ranked trainers also have other responsibilities, but Lukas thought it's unnecessary to say them right now. 

"How about you follow me, then I promise you'll have plenty of strong opponents to fight against in the future." 

Taking in his words, Gible finally spat out Lucario's tail, much to his relive, and pondered over Lukas proposal for a bit. 


After a short while, it expressed it willingness, but only if Lucario fought it in a battle and won. 


There was no, then, the Silver-ranked Lucario only needed a single Ice Punch to knock out the Iron-Rank Gible. 

So, only a few hours before his time was up, Lukas achieved all his goals at the NNPR. As for the third Pokemon he is allowed to catch, he decided to leave that for another time, at least as long as he manages to get his hands on another entry ticket. 

Even though he would have caught it regardless, Gible's summary also managed to impress Lukas quite a bit. 


Species: Gible 

Gender: Male 

Age: 2+ 

Type: Dragon, Ground 

Rank: Iron(high) 

Abilities: Sand Veil, Moxie 

Traits: Pure Blood(dragon), Extreme Fighting Spirit 

Affinities: Dragon, Ground 

Bond: Lukas Emerald(new) 


Stats: (Iron) 

Vitality: High 

Strength: Peak 

Constitution: High 

Agility: High 

Energy Strength: Mid 

Energy Constitution: High 





Slash, Sandstorm 


Bulldoze, Dragon Dance(egg) 


Sand Tomb, Tackle, Sand Attack, Dragon Breath, Bite 


Rank-up req.: defeat 1 Pokemon of a higher Rank 

Evolution req.: (high)Bronze-Rank, defeat 50 Pokemon with physical attacks 


Gible only had one previously unknown trait, namely the Extreme Fighting Spirit, its effect is, 

1. Doubling all boosts to Attack. 

2. Prevent Attack from being lowered. 

3. Doubling the effect of physical Defense lowering moves. 

Coupled with his Moxie ability, this trait evolves into a deadly combo in Lukas opinion despite the third effect. 

After he recovered from his fight against Lucario Gible made one last request, so Lukas spend his remaining time at the NNPR by packing all his stuff and then following Gible to meet his parents. 

Lukas was once again surprised seeing Gible's parents, since his father turned out to be a Master-Rank Salamence and also one of, if not the strongest Pokemon in the entire NNPR. Their meeting went by pretty quick, since apparently Gible wasn't the first of their descendants that left with a trainer, which makes sense considering their strength. 

Two hours later, while Lukas and his Pokemon were playing around, Gardevoir appeared and to send him back to the same outpost Lukas and Cindy entered the NNPR from. 

There will be one last Arena battle where Lukas will take the hard challenge and then there will a big time skip.

Sero4Kcreators' thoughts