
New Start: Pokémon World

A recently deceased Soul, protected by the harsh environment of the void, comes across a powerful entity who in exchange for his abundant amount of positive karmic energy proposes a deal for a new start in a world of his dreams. Presented with such a choice the lost soul decides to travel into a world resembling his most favorite childhood media franchise, a dream he never thought possible. ______________________________ Note: I do not own the rights to pokemon or various other parts of this story. Also, story wise, I might make use of various pokemon fan games in the future. I don't own the Cover.

Sero4K · Video Games
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44 Chs

Getting ready for the final Gym-battle

It took only a few minutes for Lukas gym-challenge to resume with the second match. 

Lukas started off with Abra again while his opponent send in a Golbat. 

Considering her type advantage, Lukas had no doubt Abra would win this battle even easier than her last one. 

Golbat began the fight by firing off a Shadow Ball, meanwhile making use of her high mastery in both moves, Abra retaliated by first dodging and then quickly linking a Confusion. 

Thanks to all her abilities/traits, Abras psychic-type moves deal unusually high damage. Added to that, the fact that her e.str is increased permanently as well because of Full Buff lets her deal devastating attacks. 

Lukas was therefore not very surprised after he saw Golbat very hurt, not giving it any time to recover he ordered Abra to continue with another Confusion. 

Golbat barely managed to get rid of Confusion by utilizing the energy of Bite, yet before it could breathe a sigh of relief, Abras Shock Wave hit it and finally pushed it over the edge. 

Abras luck seemed to have run out however when her next opponent turned out to be a Ninjask. 

Hearing Lukas orders, Abra started off with a Calm Mind, while Ninjask used Agility, seemingly getting ready for a hunt. 

Although it wanted to use a second Agility as well, it couldn't do so, seeing the Shock Wave headed its way. 

Instead, it used Mud-Slap to counter Abras move before closing the distance between both Pokemon. 

As Ninjask came closer and closer, Abra used her next move Encore, putting her opponent in a tight spot. 

Because Ninjask had the ability Speed Boost, thereby getting faster and faster as the match progressed, Lukas needed it to come close for the upcoming combo. 

Just like in her fight against Pidgeotto, Abra utilized a Hypnosis saved by Spell Slot putting Ninjask, who couldn't use a Dark-type move to counter, to sleep. 

Ninjask woke up after receiving two Shock Waves, before it could even think about retaliating or evading however the third Shock Wave arrived, putting it out of commission. 

Since Abra didn't receive any direct hits during both matches and just exhausted some stamina, Lukas didn't return to the Poke center after the match, instead opting to take a regular rest. 

Honestly he was a bit surprised by how easy the last battle seemed, yet thinking about the fact that he was able to save Abras usage of Spell Slot until the second fight because of her type advantage against Golbat it didn't seem so unusual. 

Since the trainers he fought until now were Junior-ranks affiliated with the gym, it also wasn't surprising that they couldn't properly react to his usage of Abras trait. 

Lukas can imagine however that the Gym-leader or his deputies, whoever he has to fight to get his first badge, will not be caught off guard as easily. 

"Abra." Lukas is pulled out of his thoughts by Abras voice, 

"Hmm? What's up?" 

"Abra" "Oh, well next match I was thinking of starting with Charmander anyway so let me think about which move you should save next a little bit longer, alright?" 

"Abra!" Seeing her nod, Lukas thinks about the various other combinations to use in conjunction with Spell Slot he came up with ever since she got the trait. 

There is the Encore into Disable combo that would force any affected Pokemon to either jump around dodging everything for a while or to fight just using its physical body. 

Unfortunately, moves like Encore that are effective for a certain amount of time tend to wear off quicker if other similar moves are applied simultaneously. This strategy is also already well known in this world, though more often than not it is utilized during double battles. 

Finally, deciding to leave that problem to future him to solve, Lukas calls out Charmander to talk with him about the upcoming match. 

To be honest, Charmander is neither good nor bad when put against a flying opponent. Although he learned Flamethrower during his advancement to Bronze, adding to his long range capabilities, those will be hard to use effectively against a fast, agile and flying target. 

Despite that, however, Lukas still started his third match of the day with Charmander. 

His opponent send in another Pidgeotto first, so Lukas basically copied his strategy from a few months ago when he had his first fight against Allen. 

As long as Pidgeotto kept its distance Charmander attacked it with one long range move after the other, whenever it came close Charmander would obscure his whereabouts using Smoke Screen looking for the opportunity to strike. 

Although this trainer reacted much better than Allen and had Pidgeotto use Gust to blow away the Smoke Screen, because it had to be somewhat stationary while doing so however it became hard to dodge Charmanders next long range attack. 

In the end, the fight ended in Charmanders favor even though he was exhausted afterward, which made his battle against the opponent's next Pokemon Spearow much more difficult. 

Charmander first used a Growl taking advantage of the fact that Spearows are known for their long range weakness, afterward the fight pretty much evolved into a melee with both Pokemon utilizing one physical move after the other. 

Thanks to the fact that Charmander hadn't taken much damage in the previous battle, the result turned out to be a double K.O., thereby crowning Lukas the winner of his third match as well, making him eligible for the final Gym-battle. 

After asking the attendant when that match is going to be held, he is told that it will have to be scheduled and that he will get a notification of the exact time and date probably sometime this evening. 

Thanking him for being the referee the whole day and for the info, Lukas makes his way back to the Poke center he booked his room in. 

At 5 pm, he got a notification on his PokeNav from the gym informing him his battle will be held in two days at 1 pm in one of the indoor arenas of the gym. 

Furthermore, his opponent is as expected one of the Gym-leader's deputies called Becky Wright, she is apparently the Gym-leader's niece and a Junior Elite-rank trainer. 

After reading the message, Lukas begins looking up if he can find out what Pokemon she is known to use during an easy Challenge. 

During the final battle of an easy Junior Gym-challenge, a challenger has to fight against 3 Bronze Pokemon and depending on how many badges one has, the strength of those 3 can vary. 

Lukas, having no badge to his name yet, expects to be going up against two (mid) and one (high)Bronze-rank Pokemon. 

Looking through an online forum about the Honey City Gym for almost an hour, Lukas learned that her most favorite Pokemon to use during an easy Challenge are a (mid)Bronze-rank Pidgeotto, Spearrow, Golbat, Wingull, Tailow and Farfetch'd. Her (high)Bronze-rank roster consists of Scyther, Fearow, Pelipper and Skarmory. 

Of course, those aren't actually her own Pokemon, but ones belonging to the Gym itself that were approved of by the Alliance to be used during an easy Challenge. 

Musing over this roster of possible opponents Lukas starts formulating strategies for every possible matchup, while doing that he also secretly prays to all the Legendary Pokemon that Becky will choose Golbat, Wingull and Pelipper to give him, considering two of his Pokemon know electric-type moves, as much of an advantage as possible. 

The next day, Lukas and his Pokemon spend with a light training and going over different strategies. Unexpectedly, Abras e.con rose to (mid) during the training, making her enter the (mid)Bronze-rank only two weeks after Charmander. 

Eventually the day of his match arrived and five minutes before 1 pm Lukas arrived at his designated arena, both the referee and opponent already waiting for him there.