
New Marvel: Aquaman

Follow the story of Jackson Hyde, a unique young man balancing the responsibilities of two worlds and races. Born between the union of the Atlantean King, Namor, and a surface dwelling spy, Jackson is powerful hybrid with a duty to his underwater kingdom and the surface world he grew up on. He has a goal to unify both his worlds and people, come read about his journey of loss, love, discovery, and awakening.

Johnquez_billups · Movies
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History of Atlantis

Atlantis (Earth NM-816)

- 18,000 years ago during the Great Cataclysm, caused by the Second Celestial Host Destroying the Deviant Kingdom of Lemuria, Atlantis and Lemuria sunk beneath the seas.

- During the Great Cataclysm and sinking of Atlantis, King Arion, son of Sersi the Eternal and Poseidon, used his great powers to transform many citizens into the first Atlanteans, able to survive in the depths of the Ocean.

- Some of the newly turned Atlanteans somewhat resented Arion for transforming them into "Monsters" and left him to form their own separate clans.

- 11,000 years later, the separated clans are attacked by a powerful Deviant and its creations

- The Clans are eventually banded together by King Arion to defeat the Deviant

- After the successful battle, in which Arion kills the Deviant, the Clan Heads name him, the High King of New Atlantis and bend the knee to his rule of the Oceans

- The current population is approximately 11.5 billion, spread out between 5 major cities spanning the Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, and Indian Oceans

- These 5 cities are inhabited by the 5 clans of Atlantis (Neptunos, Mers, Lemuria, Nanaue, Talocan)

- The city Lemuria, home to clan Lemuria, is located in the Far Eastern Pacific Ocean off the coast of Asia. Its inhabitants, Clan Lemuria, are the engineers of the Kingdom and produce most of Atlantis' premier technology, along with Clans Talcon and Neptunos. They are a humanoid race of Atlanteans with green, scaly skin. They are known to be very secretive, territorial, and mildly aggressive to intruders/foreigners of any kind, yet produce some of the smartest minds of Atlantis

- The city of Tha-Korr, home to Clan Nanaue, is located in the Arctic Ocean. Its inhabitants, Clan Nanaue, are one of the warrior clans of the Kingdom, and make up a small part of the Royal Army of Atlantis, producing some of the most savage and brutal fighters in Atlantean history. They are a shark/humanoid hybrid race of Atlanteans, known to be the most territorial and aggressive in all of Atlantis.

-The city of Tritonis, home to Clan Mer, is located in the Indian Ocean. Its inhabitants, Clan Mer, are the shepherds of the Kingdom and share a farming role with the Capital City of Atlantis, helping to produce most of the Kingdom's food. They also bred and herd the most terrifying sea creatures used as war stead's by the Royal Army, being the one clan with the strongest connection to all sea creatures. They are one of the most diverse races of Atlanteans, with most Mers having a somewhat humanoid top half with some having webbed hands and oversized gills. And all having the bottom half of some form of sea creature; from fish, to octopus, and crustaceans. They aren't very territorial and are somewhat friendly and welcoming to outsiders.

- The city of Poseidonis, home to Clan Talcon, is located in the Far Western Pacific Ocean off the coast of South America. Its inhabitants, Clan Talcon are the other warrior clan of Atlantis, and are a part of the Royal Army of Atlantis, with the head of the Clan usually of Royal descent. They are essentially the eyes, ears, and mouth of the entire Kingdom, with their city being its technological surveillance hub, able to detect outside threats to Atlantis quickly and inform the rest of the Kingdom in minutes. And as Atlantis' most weaponized city it has a standing armed battalion of over 2 billion ready to deploy at any moment's notice. The Talcons are a blue skinned race of Atlanteans that are slightly territorial, yet mostly welcoming to new visitors and fellow warriors.

- The technologically advanced Capital City of Atlantis; also called Atlantis, is home to Clan Neptunos. It is located in the Atlantic Ocean, in the innovative ruins of the Original Atlantis, and home to the heart of Atlantis, a powerful device embedded into the Throne of Atlantis that lets the King monitor the entire Kingdom and more. It is also home to several million from various clans, yet the majority is Clan Neptunos, a clan with direct relation to the Kings of Atlantis. They are the most human looking race of Atlanteans with non-visible gills and skin tones ranging from tan, brown, and white. They produce the most food for the Kingdom and are a major part of the Royal Army of Atlantis, producing some of its strongest and smartest generals. They are very welcoming to outsiders and encourage foreigners to visit.

- The cities of Atlantis exist within t&£ b06y o7 +h€ ?i*s+ €eL£>t%l, t¥£ @*OG€ñi+0r, and are essentially in their own pocket dimension.