


"Finally" Leo muttered happily after feeling the universal laws he was familiar with

Hectic wouldn't even begin to describe what he had seen in Shuma-Gorath's domain

His Universe was fucked up in so many levels that it was honestly a wonder how he managed to keep it working

That was also the reason why it was so easy to break the rules in that domain

Nozarashi did what it was made to do - Cut

The only problem was the energy consumption which was too much for anyone.

That's why Zaraki was such a perfect match to it

Now Leo could technically use it's Bankai form but he decided not. He figured burning through all his energy reserves for one attack wasn't a good idea

He already had 128,905 (math at the end cause why the fuck not) souls just from the elemental world not to mention the almost tredecillion (10⁴²) number of souls from Shuma-Gorath's army

[No idea if it's cannon cause total population of 100 universes and after a shit ton filtering we get a competent army/servants/slaves/entertainment? So yes just a random number. Take it he has almost uncountable no.of souls....]

Now imagine what a attack powered by the energy of that many beings can do

That's just hitting reset on pretty much everything and besides it turned out to be a good choice seeing how Tribunal was watching everything

Of course it wasn't easy deleting that many beings collective consciousness but he wasn't exactly doing that

During the fight he just burned and used those as a fuel....so yes universal genocide if take you out morals and stuff and they were hardly any innocents in there, so he good....for now

Now he was back to the stable, not so chaotic and beautifully designed structure he called his Universe

His little moment of happiness was cut short by something

"What the..." he made a confused face before patting all over as if searching for something

The crimson ball was missing

"Werid..." he muttered as he tried sensing it throughout the Universe in vain

It had vanished as if it didn't even exist anymore

The ball had disappeared the moment he stepped in and the weird part, he didn't even sense it.

Now for him it was intresting and also horrifying, knowing that something managed to slip past his senses which could even pick the large scale as in Universal destruction type disturbances happing throughout the Multiverse

After contemplating for a while he gave up before he remembered another problem

Problem:- Missing for 2 months

Result:- A really angry mother; few teary girls that won't leave him alone for a while without lots of heatpats; a grumpy wolf who is a weird mix between a Husky and Samoyed; and possible human extinction



"Haaaa...." Lina sighed for the nth time today

"Liana, we are all bored but please stop doing that" Eli groaned from behind her

Liana lazily bumped her head against Eli's back almost causing her to fall from the branch they were sitting on

"I'm bored~ Do something~ " Liana threw a tantrum shaking the branch even more

Eli jumped down and stared at the spoiled brat Liana before shifting her gaze to the side

"Maya! You there?"


Maya didn't reply and just continued staring into the abyss (not the real one)

"....The hecks wrong with her ?"

"She's depleted of her 'Mura energy' so she's down"

"That's kind of...."


"No, worrying but yes also that"

Eli sighed and walked towards Maya

"Hey" *Tap**Tap*

She knocked on her head few times but got no response

"....I miss him" Maya replied in a small voice

Eli paused and sat besides her "Me too Maya, me too" she sighed putting her head on Maya's shoulder

Liana sighed as she saw both depressed girls and got down from the tree before hugging them both. Even boredom was just a pretense to hide the fact that she misses her brother

Ever since Leo vanished, things weren't the same for them

At first they thought, he had gone to stay with Fen for few days. As werid that may sound, it did happen a few times so they were used to it

But everything changed when weeks went by but he still didn't return. At last they went to find Fen for answers, they did find Fen but not Leo

That's when everyone(family) panicked

They searched and searched everywhere but didn't even find any trace of him. It was as if he vashined in thin air.

Just when they were about to consider him dead, Fen came and told them that he's still alive

The adults got used to it quickly. For them it was equivalent to him going on a coming-of-age ceremony....a bit too early perhaps, but it works.

So the adults weren't worried....only a little bit but given how he pretty much played with bears and wolves all the time they stopped caring and just waited for his return

The only depressed gang was the trouble trio.

Liana, Eli and Maya had gotten used to hanging out with him almost daily, so it was pretty hard for them. They practically grew up together

The girls just played with wolves most of the time and sometimes just hung around few places Leo used to take them from time to time

This was one of those spots. A large tree on a hill top with a killer view of sunset and a lookout point that showed the entire view of the forest

Liana got up after a while when she noticed something

Tress where moving on their own as if creating a path for something

She quickly climbed the tree and saw a small figure walking through in a robotic manner as if thinking about something


Her surprised mutter was heard by the two girls who quickly turned their head to where she was looking

"He's back?" Eli muttered

"He's back!" Liana confirmed and quickly ran towards him with Maya and Eli following behind


▪︎Few minutes ago▪︎

Leo was back in his default ten year old body and walking towards his little tribe with light steps

He didn't care about what would happen but hey anything that gives him a reason to exist works so the oncoming whooping was unavoidable

As he was walking he noticed everything was....normal?

"Now that's a surprise. I was half expecting to see everything blown up" he muttered in surprise and relief

Leo had planned few things if things went side ways and he got stuck in some dimension for a long time, thankfully it didn't come to that. Well can't really blame him as his original body was gone the same way and he didn't want to leave everything to luck

Although he was just walking, the trees in his path were moving out of his way as if creating a path

He may have passed through the Veil after lowering his level of existence but it wasn't yet perfect so the trees sensed that were voluntary creating a path as a form of respect

As he was walking he stopped hearing someone yelling, the voice was getting closer as well


He looked around and found no one until he saw something up above and saw Liana, Eli and Maya falling down from the sky


"Why the hell did they jump from there?" He just sighed before making the trio gently float in air

"You're back!" Maya quickly tackled him to ground with additional assist from Liana and Eli

Leo sighed and patted their heads "I'm back" he smiled before picking them up like cats

"Let's go home"


-Audience POV-


The screen showed the image of Leo running happily with Ana chasing him and the girls before it went black

"And after that...." A voice echoed before it started brightening up again with Leo closing the projection screen as he continued

".....there was a lot of crying, a bit of ass whooping and a lot more crying. We had a feast, ate a lot and I mean a lot. Thankfully, alcohol isn't a thing so we managed to survive.....and that's pretty much it" Leo shrugged at the end and put his glasses away

He glanced at Maya who had her hand up

"Yes dear?"

"Okay....What about that time you vanished at that celebration?"

"What celebration?" He feigned ignorance while taking his seat in between Maya and Wanda

She shot him a blank look ".....Really?"

"What, that happened like what 11 years ago or something?"

"Mura, it happened after you came back"

"Really...I don't remember" Leo lied as naturally as breathing

"So I was that red ball?" Wanda asked curiously


"Glad that I found you then" She snuggled in making Leo smile

"Something doesn't add up" Maya muttered from their side

That got his attention and he gestured her to continue

"You said you ate his army right?"


"When did that happen?"

"Oh that....well that was what I call changing prespective"


"Well it's like this...." he put up a paper in front of her eyes "do you know what's behind this ?"


"...okay that's on me, I set the bar too low....let me rephrase. Can you see what's behind this?"


"Exactly, I did just that"

"So what you're saying is...."

"Yup, once I figured out which side they were watching from, I created a fake prespective. The one I just showed you....that's my power...well a part of it"

Wanda looked intrigued and asked "Wait....doesn't it mean that you can pretty much change whatever you want"

"And that's precisely the reason why I don't have reality manipulation"

"How is this any different from that?"

"Hmmm good question..." he smiled at Maya and gave her a small kiss on her head

"Reality Manipulation is permanent. Once someone changes something it stays the same and it happens for everyone. But me? I change the way of how an individual sees something. Ofcourse that not all, if it comes down to it, I can change how someone precieves....everything"

Wanda:- Everything as in everything?

Leo:- Yup

Maya:- ....That's cheating

Leo:- Yup

Maya:- So what happened?

Leo:- You mean behind the illusion ?

Both:- Yes

Leo looked at the metaphorical sky of his mindscape and muttered "Well....nothing much happened really. I just kept that thing you saw and at the same time gathered his army and ate them the moment he activated that Seed"

"So you just needed a reason to fight him?"


"And why are we still here?"

Leo looked at where she was pointing "Looks like I stalled long enough" he muttered as took them back to the real world

As soon as they were back Maya noticed few things

First, they wren't at their tribe anymore but at one of Leo's vacation houses somewhere in China

And second, the sky was weird

It looked like a weird mix of red sky with little shades of blue and black clouds with golden light shining in between after few seconds

"What happened here?" She asked Leo who was staring at something before he shook his head

"The imposter is finally out"

"What imposter? and what did you mean by 'stalled' ?"

Leo replied in a nonchalant manner "We've been in there for few months"


"Cause dear wife, I need you to wait and not interfere in what happenes next" Leo flashed a sad smile making Maya widen her eyes

She quickly spread her senses all over Earth and saw something horrifying

Deviants were causing chaos everywhere and have turned into some frightening beasts and weirdly enough they all had horns and wings

The Eternals were seperated in groups all over Earth fighting for their lives

A group with of humans who using magic were fighting along sides them


Fen lying dead, impaled by spikes

Maya stumbled back in fear of what she had seen

She slowly turned her head towards Leo who was standing besides her

"Mura....What you done ?" She asked

"Nothing at all" he smiled

"Just gave them a choice, that's all" at the end he was smiling eerily with a little bit of predatory aura leaking from him

"And I found something intresting" Leo said as he watched a teenager boy standing in front of Eli and Liana who looked like they were on the verge of death

The boy had just muttered something really intriguing













= 1,28,905

38 Outposts and 20k from the Legion

I really don't want to write the next part and just want to just skip to the Multiverse but need a build up for that...or not?

Luci_Hellsbladecreators' thoughts