"....And so that's the reason he can talk" Lia said playing with wolf pups while explaining to a dizzy Litta
Litta still can't believe that her son would just give a animal the ability to speak just because he got bored 'just wait till you get back you little brat' she thought but just became sad and worried about him
"....Sorry for the trouble my son has caused " as weird as the situation seemed she still apologized to Fen
"Don't be, the cub actually helped a lot with few things, speaking of, where is he ?" Fen tried to sniff his scent but didn't find anything
"He.....dissapeared" Litta said with a sad tone while Liana brought the knife to Fen
"He said to bring this to you " Fen sniffed it, "Follow me" He said while walking in deeper into the jungle
They walked for a while before stopping in front of a mountain
Before anyone could ask, Fen tapped the surface and rocks crumbled showing the hollow cave inside
"A cave ?"
"The cub said this is some kind of retirement plan ....don't know what it means " Fen tapped the ground again revealing some stairs
"....." Lia and Litta stared at this scene dumbfounded
"If you think this is surprising, then wait till you see what the pup did " Fen snickered and started going down the stairs with Lia and Litta following
They reached the bottom
"We're here " he said and sat down near a round rock which almost looked like a egg
Both mother and daughter just stared at Fen asking for explanation
"Just take the knife near it, he said it was some kind of backup just in case"
Liana wanted to walk closer to it but Litta took the knife from her daughter and went towards the egg shaped rock
As if sensing it's arrival the egg started shaking before the knife flew right to it startling everyone
Flames started spreading from the knife towards the egg as the cave became hotter and hotter by the second
"Um....can we go out now ?" Liana asked her mother who was slowly moving towards her as Fen stood up
"Go now!!" Fen shouted and ran towards the entrance while carrying Liana on his back followed by Litta
The cave started rumbling and they increased their speed and jumped out
"We should be safe right?" And Liana just raised a flag as purple light started shining from the cave
Fen didn't say anything and he picked Litta by his paws and placed her on his back and sprinted away from the mountain
He ran fast leaving small bursts of winds and cracks on the ground everytime he stepped on it
"Fennnnnn slowwww dowwwnnnnn!" Liana's screams were heard as they zoomed past few other animals who were taking a stroll only to be blown by a grey blur passing by
He ran for couple of miles before he stopped and dropped the pair of mother-daughter who experienced the first ever motion sickness of their lives throwing up whatever they had since morning
"You.....could've warned us " Liana tried speaking but her throat was sore from all the vomiting. Fen just patted her with his tail staring in the direction of the mountain
"Mom....look at the sky" the sky was getting darker and darker as it started raining. The rain got heavier as time passed while lightning started striking the mountain as if trying to stop something from emerging from it
They didn't have to wait as a purple light went through the clouds painting the sky in its color
If someone were to see it from the outer space they would see a purple cloud forming and spinning at fast speeds
The show didn't last long and everything went back to normal like it never happened
•At the same Time in TVA•
"Is it supposed to happen?" a man questioned his partner while looking at the screen
"I guess not " his partner said while calling someone. They stared at the screen for a while when a hand tapped their shoulders
"What is it ?" The new man asked the startled men
"Sir there was a glitch on the screen right now " The man on the right pointed at the screen showing a straight line
"I don't see it Charlie " he said
"That's the weird part sir, there was branch timeline that appeared and almost caused a minor Nexus event only to dissapear in few seconds "
The man stared at the screen seriously "Are you sure it's gone "
"100% " both answered
"Okay...keep me posted on the changes, I will ask someone to scan it for any variables "
"Got it, sir" they got back to staring at the screen while filing some papers
The man walked away "Miss minutes " he said on his watch
"Heya Mobius ~ How can I help~?" a holographic clock appeared asking in a cheerful tone
"What are the chances of a Nexus event correcting itself ?" He asked
"Well~ It is rare for something like that to happen but sometimes the timeline corrects itself in case of minor events or someone just did our work for us~"
"A Time traveler? Should we send in the minutemen ?" He almost called them
" Oh that's your call~ If he had caused a big event then sure~ But by the looks of it whoever it is likes to play if safe "
He thought for a while "Thank you miss minutes, I'll go and make a report of this" and closed the connection
"See ya ~" Miss Minutes jumped and disappeared into lights
Mobius went to his desk and filed the event before going back to his work while sending the report to his supervisor just in case
•Back on Earth•
"Did it ...fail?" Litta said in a sad voice wondering if her son really died somewhere
"It didn't " a familiar voice spoke gaining attention of a wolf and two humans
"Brother!!!!" Liana shouted happily while jumping like a rocket towards him
Leo smiled and spinned her around while laughing "I'm back sis !" He said happily ignoring the looks he was getting from a confused wolf and his stunned mother
"Did you get taller or something?" She asked her now grown up brother who looked like he aged at least few years
"Yes" he smiled a little at her before he went to his teared eyed mother hugging her
"I missed you mom" he whispered in relief as Litta hugged him back.
She didn't know what happened but she could feel it, something happened to him, she didn't know what but she was just glad he was safe
After a while she broke the hug "Let's go home " she said while holding her daughter and son's hand with her
"You go ahead with Sis, I have something to talk to with Fen " Leo pulled his hand back while reassuring her he'll be back by night
After making promises they left leaving Leo and Fen alone
Both didn't say anything for a while
".....So, who are you ?" Fen growled at a nonchalant Leo breaking the silence and entering combat mode
"I'm me" He said slowly moving away from the growling wolf rasing his hands in surrender
Fen didn't say anything as his claws emerged and wild aura started spreading from him
"Fen, it's really me" He tried to assure the wolf but didn't work.
"Prove it" Fen didn't drop his guard as the air became more tense.
Leo kept quite and he sighed
"Remember the time when you got attacked by those blue creatures and you went into a killing frenzy, you ripped my arm off " he said while showing a scar on his left arm and a claw mark around his ribs
They both stared at each other for some time, Fen narrowed his eyes but gave up and retracted his claws.
" Good to know you won't fall for something like that Fen" He said while patting the wolf on his back
"Where have you been little cub...no I should call you big cub now " Leo sighed at this "A weird place and fought for sometime and got out" he gave a quick summary and left it at that
"So, what now ?" Fen asked looking at the burned clean part of the forest
"Now, I'll take a long nice bath, eat something and sleep "
They sat with each other for a while when Fen stood up
"Well, that's it for me cub. Come by next time, the pups miss you " after saying that Fen walked back home leaving Leo alone
He stared at the departing Fen for some time then looked at the clean patch
"Good luck Main, hopefully no one will know ....except the pervert and perhaps some other beings....well I'll deal with them when the time comes" He mumbled and started walking back home
•Relam of Love• (Mistress Love's Home)
"Come on sis, I said I was sorry didn't I?" Death knocked on Love's door after she got kicked out
"Bring the kid back, then I'll forgive you"
"I already did " She lied
"Really?" She asked while opening the door a little
Death answered "Yup" with a pop
"Love you sis " she hugged her cheerfully
Death waved her goodbye with a smile
"I'll go and play with him " she said before turning into light particles
The moment Love vanished, Death's face changed from smiling to a frown while putting her hand down
She took a step and was already near her throne
"What have you done ?" She said while looking at the brat chased by girls of his tribe
"Well, whatever.....not my problem" she shrugged and ignored it
*Leo POV*
After thinking and planning for a while I went back home and Chaos would be the right term to describe the situation I'm facing right now
The people were spooked, I mean who wouldn't be. A five year old child dissapeared in the morning and came back looking 5 years older.
They tried asking me questions especially the chief but before they could I was kidnapped by the excited Ana who for some reason is looking at me with twinkling eyes ....scary
'Why do I keep getting into situations like this ?'
I think while being picked up by the giantess simba style
"Wow! How did you grow so big!?"
I tried making a innocent puppy eyed face
"Ana, I know you're excited and all but can you put me down....please?"
She didn't, just continued spinning me around in front of a bewildered crowd until mother stopped her
"So....Litta what happened to him ?" chief asked while pointing at me
"I ...don't know ?" She tried acting innocent
When I met her after that little show I told her to keep my powers secret.
"I was blessed by the Gods " and I leave it that and head home leaving a disappointment Ana and a calculating chief with a stunned crowd
"Brother why did you lie ?" Liana asked as she followed me
"I'll tell you later for now, tell me exactly what happened when I vanished or how I vanished" I need info
"Oh and tell me what I did from last week till now " she just looks at me confused but before she could ask anything "Power problems, I can't remember anything from last week " I lied
She stared at me suspiciously for a moment and retold me everything that happened so the summary is:- I fought with deviants which was a surprising as I had killed every last one of them in about 5000km range and did some stuff which I will tell later.
Moving on
Granny Gula is contracted with spirits which 'I' discovered last night, warned sis about it,
I woke up this morning, ran out, jumped and vanished, Granny came by and tried to do something but my flames got her and then they found me with help of Fen
That's a lot to think about
I knew I should've made memory transfer a daily thing instead of a monthly thing
Now what am I you ask ?
A clone, I know it wasn't that big reveal but it is what it is. The knife was the trigger required to wake 'me' which I added last year cause I felt something wrong, a sense of danger which kind of turned out to be ture.
I made this as a backup in case anything happens to my main body. After messing around with deviants when I first found them (that was around 2 years ago) I just experimented on them cause why not ? Fuckers were related to Celestials so it could help....nah, I was just bored and curious about them or their ability to evolve after eating stuff, I didn't need that but still got curious about the process
I messed around with their bodies by using biokinesis and how did I get that power? Well I just went 'Hey I have Telekinesis and Telepathy why not just unlock the rest of the psychic abilities' I did
It's really easy to do that when you can control energy, I just had to tweak my brain a little, unlock some parts of it like removing some restrictions it had to stop the brain from frying itself ....well turns out they didn't exists so wasted effort
Just had to get the right frequency or brain waves to work in specific patterns and voila psychic powers, turns out growth and adaptability can be used on non physical things too (that's the reason behind Planetary level stuff he pulled, passive growth to everything)
Good news is that I was not foolish enough to use deviant parts to make this body just used my original's parts and made it, aslo the reason why high regeneration became a thing
And another good news, unlike the original where I couldn't assimilate energy absorbed by flames, this body can. I just used deviants as a reference and made it possible after going through lot of experiments and finally succeeded
The next problem was my mind or consciousness which was the most easy part. Remember the empty domain I created by accident? Well, I applied the same process here the only difference is that I put a part of me or a exact replica of my mind in this body; telepathy is pretty useful when you know how to use it properly but unlike others who gained their own personality and got influenced by their powers this was a true copy of me just without the op powers ....except the devouring flames.
So yes, still pretty OP but not that much
Now if I had a system my stats would be like
HP:- 500/500 (9000)
MP/EP:- 500/500 (9000)
SP:- 10/10(9000)
STR:- 10/10 (9000)
AGI:-10/10 (9000)
DEX:-10/10 (9000)
DEVOURING FLAMES:- Flames that can devour any type of energy be it physical or spiritual in nature except the energy related to aspects like time,space,death,luck,fate etc
EMPOWERMENT :- Host can use the devoured energy to empower either his body or objects.
Current Body limit :- 9000 (After that the hosts body will break down )
ENERGY REINFORCEMENT:- Can use Energy to boost all stats (except LUC and WIS) gradually either permanently or temporarily increasing the base limit of empowerment
ENERGY CONSTRUCTS :- Host can create anything he can imagine limited by the MP available with each constructs using more MP depending on details
ENERGY CIRCULATION:- Created after studying deviants closely. Can circulate energy like blood inside body for passive growth
ELEMENTAL MANIPULATION (Beginner):- Host can manipulate elements in nature to a small margin using SP.
[Note:- SP can be gained by devouring beings who use spiritual energy or meditating or just passively absorbing it from nature]
PSYCHOKINESIS :- Gained by Unlocked brain. Can use telepathy, pyrokinesis, hydorkinesis , telekinesis, biokinesis. Power depends on SP used and proficiency in skills related to it.
ACCELERATED THOUGHT PROCESS:- Accelerate thoughts slowing down the perception of time for the user and fast thinking to avoid cliché scenarios
PARALLEL MIND:- Gained by having high INT stat with Editic Memory
AWARENESS:- Due to unlocked brain and energy sensitivity, host is always aware of his surroundings 24/7 creating a small field around himself where he can react in a instant
I may gone a little overboard with it the abilities
But hey you can't blame me, there are beings out there who eat planets for breakfast and I didn't think I would be up this early in the game so couldn't replicate the original (Saitama's) powers and this body is weak af....well not really, cause I used base stats of a normal human as1 for reference and I'm at 10 so 10 times stronger than a average person which may change depending on things I may find in future
I have high INT and WIS cause knowledge about things and a lot of it so there's that
But that doesn't mean I'm a genius....I am but I can't know something which I never read(red), my basic understanding of everything is pretty good so high WIS stat
And INT is on hold until people can come up with some stuff like space-time equations or any other dimension breaking stuff and having telepathy means I can just learn whatever the fuck I want so no limits on that.
Well....this is OP just need shit ton of eating and time and lot of practice
I need to train in combat too, new body so gonna have to work on getting used to it
That's the work for later, for now imma need some sleep
The next day is pretty much the same only one thing that I kinda forgot, the spirits
That little shit tried to control mum, probably sensed my absence and took the chance to get a hostage ....probably
So the backup aka the knife had my imprint on it, the moment it tried to do something the defense mechanism activated and burned the thing that tried to harm them
The flames absorbed it which helped in my awakening but the results are in front of me
"She'll be fine, just a little tried. Old age is probably catching up to her" I give a quick fake report to the worried crowd
They found Gula yesterday passed out and she hasn't woken up since then
That thing caused some damage to Gula, a fractured soul, burned nerves and some brain damage probably from the fall
I heal whatever physical injuries she had leaving the soul untouched
That was probably from the contract being broken by my flames when they devoured it.
After that I walk out and go to meet Fen
Mother knew him and my powers which was good cause now I don't have to sneak out to hunt or play
And as for what I told Fen?
Yeah I lied
Cause if this body was activated then there are only two scenarios responsible
First:- Someone killed the original, in which case I was pretty much fucked
And second more likely:- I was off world
It's the later seeing how no one is dead... well that or someone just one shot my original in which case it's hopeless to even be here
Welp, nothing I can do but get stronger for the time being
After I deal with the golden airbag who just came outta nowhere and kidnapped me
The day just keeps getting more and more chaotic
"Kingo can't you just shoot the thing and be done with it ?" Sprite looking at Kingo who was playing with small deviant
"I'm trying.... *stabs it but misses*
"to learn.. *stabs again but still missed it*
"...how to fight without shooting stuff *stabs it sucessessfully after 20 tries*
"Well done...." Thena clapped her hands "Now....fight this one " she said throwing a six legged giant deviant towards a tried Kingo
Kingo just looks deadpan at her before he point his finger at it and blasts it to bits
"Whatever happened to learning new things ?" Asked a amused Gilgamesh joining them
"Ever heard of starting small before taking a big leap ?" Kingo tried to act sagely
"Sometimes all you have to do is take a leap of faith " Ikaris joked
"Really? Says the guy who can literally fly and also bad advice" Kingo just gave up after that
"Guys, Makkari says this was the last one" Druig came with a head and threw it in the air which Kingo and Ikaris blasted with energy beams
"Sirsi where is Ajak?"
"She's on the ship talking with Arishem" Sirsi joined the rest as they started talking about the years they spent on this planet
They talked for sometime when Ajak called them
"So Ajak, have we finally finished our mission ?" Sirsi asked Ajak and a tired looking Phastos after returning to the ship
"Phastos, any good news ?"
"Yes, I just scanned the entire planet and ...we did it "
"Yes!!" Sprite jumped while celebrating with Kingo
Ajak smiled while looking at everyone "Now then," she said gaining attention of everyone
"Let's go home"
Everyone went towards their stations leaving Ajak alone
She looked down towards the ground and then at the alien civilization with a sad look 'Forgive me'
Moments later, a giant hand tore through the surface like paper destroying the group they had just saved and slowly a Celestial emerged from the dying world as Ajak cried silently