
New life starting from Marvel

[Before] MC dies Gets shoved in Marvel by accident Finds shit he didn't want Gets thrown into random schemes by pure coincidence Has enemies that he doesn't even know existed And peace was never an option How will he survive when the entirety of Gods are trying to get him killed one way or another ? *All the Marvel work belongs to their original writers Names, Places and Events are not related to anyone they are totally fictional* And it's gonna be slow-paced for most of the time so you've been warned and is kinda slice of life P.s this is before I decided to take it seriously Afterwards this happened - [Consider this as true synopsis....kind of] What happens when you pick someone who knows certain things and how thing work And give them a chance and open a new door to the Infinite realities ? Let's find out P.S - I rewrote the synopsis and it may change cause why not P.P.S - It really is slow paced and updates will be slow....hopefully they won't but no promises (This was supposed to be a Fanfic but I f'ed up and here we are)

Luci_Hellsblade · Action
Not enough ratings
57 Chs


"Kingo! Dodge!!" Sprite shouted to Kingo who barely managed to dodge the claw of a deviant

Right now they were surrounded by dozens of deviants with Kingo being the argo and Sprite helping from from the sidelines

"Where the hell is Ikaris!?" He screamed while charing his finger gun and shot the deviant at point blank range

"Something happened to Ajak! He's helping her!" she created illusions to confuse them which thankfully worked

"Sprite! Duck when I say it!" He quickly gained some distance from the confused group

"Hope this works.....Now!! " Kingo gathered cosmic energy on each of fingers before shooting it out like lasers killing every deviant around them.

Sprite just looked around amazed at this, "I didn't know you could do that!" She exclaimed to a tired Kingo who flopped on the ground and just gave her a thumbs up

"Even I didn't know I could do that" he answered weakly with white eyes making Sprite pause her steps

"Um....Kingo? Are you okay?" She slowly stepped towards him

He blinked his eyes few times before they went back to normal "Yeah.....Never been better...." he was dazed for a few seconds before he got up

"Never thought I would be in the front lines" Sprite kicked a dead deviant in anger "You learn new things everyday Sprite. Let's go, we need to find a way to regroup with others" he ruffled her hair and ran away before she could punch him

It's been around 3 months since Leo dissapeared, the weird part is Maya aslo vanished at the same time. When they asked Liana and Eli about it, they said they couldn't remember anything from that day.

The first week was quite, the enemy the wolf talked about never appeared. Although the Deviants were putting up quite a fight, it was still manageable. The trouble started at the 3rd week

Some Unknown beings started showing up. They had horns, wings, various other body parts, some looked inhumane with weird mix of humanoid animals and they reeked of malice and evil. Now those said beings themselves weren't a problem, the problem was that the deviants started to gain their traits by devouring them. It made them stronger and they able to emit energy blast and they had weird powers to back it up.

Fighting these powered deviants was not easy, Gilgamesh, Thena and Druig almost died if it wasn't for Fen who joined on right time.

On 4th week people with robes appeared dealing with the unknown beings which they called Demons. Their leader the Sorcerer Supreme separated the demons from humans who they possessed which were making it impossible for the Eternals to fight them. With that the fight became easy.....is what everyone thought until something else happened

Fen was injured by something and the wolf died without a corpse. His death shocked everyone especially Leo's family. Liana and Eli wanted revenge so they joined the sorcerer group and joined the war.

It took 2 months to finally end it with the sorcerer group casting world wide spells and sealing Earth from prying eyes

Right now the Eternals were busy taking down deviants as the magic group went incognito after that, although there was a slight problem

They were ambushed and got separated during the chaos, Kingo with Sprite, Ajak and Ikaris; Gilgamesh, Thena and Druig; Sersi, Phastos and Makkari.

The last group wasn't the strongest so the others had to hurry and find them before anything else happened.....that may have raised a flag as something did

•Inside the Base of Sorcerers•

"Come out come out where ever you are~"

"What the hell is that?" Liana whispered to Eli while hiding from a maniac who just bombed the place

"How am I supposed to know !? And where is Master when you need her? " She quickly looked over and changed places with Liana following behind

They slowly moved towards the exit and just when they got out


*High pitched screech*x2

The manic popped right in front of them scaring the hell out of them

"Hello there!" He greeted them with a small gentleman bow

Eli and Liana glanced at him for a second before running away

"Now that's not nice is it?" The man asked playfully before vanishing and chasing them while firing magical blast at them

Eli dogged a fireball before throwing a energy arrow while running

"What should we do now ?!" She asked Liana who was conjuring a random spell

"I don't know !? We weren't trained for this !" Liana screamed as she completed her spell which created several traps that activated the moment he stepped on it

The spell created bindings that held the man and launching many explosions, resulting in shockwaves

The bindings seemed to do their jobs as they held him in place, giving them enough time to run away as far as possible

After running for several kilometers they both stopped and turned back to the site of the Scantum in ruins with Deviants feasting on their fellow students amd teachers

The carnage was followed by many rifts opening with otherworldly monsters walking the earth only to be devoured by Deviants

"Master..." Eli muttered with tears rolling from her eyes while Liana patted om her shoulder

"Eli, let's go. We have to find Nira or Maya to get brother back....That's our only chance" She said solemnly

Eli wiped her eyes and nodded in affirmation "Yes, let's go"

Both of their eyes were shining with determination when they heard someone clap

"Wow, just wow" the man clapped from their side "That was some Oscar worthy stuff" he wiped a fake tear from the corner of his eyes

The girls stared at him with fear and calculating glint in their eyes. They were already trying to find best possible escape routes

As if reading their mind, he replied

"You won't find any"

Seeing no choice they sighed and gave up on running away

"What do you want?" Eli asked with steel in her voice

"From you? Nothing at all. But a little birde told me you know someone who might have what I want" he showed them a sincere smile that looked creepy in their eyes

'What does he want from him?' Laian questioned in her mind

"I suppose you know who that is ?" He turned towards Liana who looked spooked

'Is he reading my mind !?' She panicked and screamed internally

"Yes, I am" The man looked amused and played along totally ignoring Eli who was giving him death glares while still trying to find any openings

'Crap! Uh...think about something else....what did brother say? Something like think of something totally random? but what !? Damn it all! Why is it so difficult to do it manually !?'

Liana's little internal monologue earned her a chuckle from the man

"Okay, I've decided. You are gonna be a part of my collection" he nodded while staring at her with a lecherous gaze that earned him disgusted looks from the girls

"Like hell I am !" Liana punched his face only for him to catch her fist

"Hmm...Good strength, nice tits with curvy hips and thicc thighs, definitely breeding material" he nodded in satisfaction as a warm current travelled through Liana's body

<<■< p>

"Ahh~" She accidentally let out a aroused moan before jumping away

Liana stumbled and fell down while panting. Eli quickly tried to help her up but her touch just made her moan once more

"Wha-*huff* What have y-you done to me!?" She huffed while taking in deep breaths trying to calm down the heat she was feeling but it just got more and more intense with each passing moment

The man smirked as he made his way towards her "Just upped you sensitivity by 100 times....I think? With a little bit of estrogen release. Now you can't escape even if you want to"

Eli kept her guard up and tried to protect Liana but before she knew it, she was on the ground with her face held by him

"Hmmm now that I think about it, you will make a fine addition too" he licked his lips with his lustful gaze staring at her body

'No nononono Nooo!'

Eli screamed in her mind feeling her body getting hotter and hotter.... she punched his arm repeatedly...until she lost all defiance as her hands fell down limply

Liana watched with widened eyes as Eli fell down before getting back up with a flushed face and dazed eyes

"Master~" She muttered in a slutry tone and took his hand

"Hahaha it never gets old" the man patted Eli's head like a pet as she purred like a cat

"You are next" He said glancing at Liana who was sitting in a puddle of fluids dripping from her nether regions

She audible gulped with fear and fake anger on her face betrayed by the burning anticipation in her eyes


"How long can you keep this !?"

Sweat poured from Eli's face as she concentrated on keeping up the spell that was binding the man

"I don't know ! He's strong and I'm at my limit with how much shit he's thinking about me !!"

Liana had magic circles in front of her eyes which displayed the images of the man having his way with them

The thing that happened above was just a illusion she conjured to trap him

It happened the moment she made contact with him as it was one of the conditions to activate the spell

This was the unique magic designed by Liana after getting some magic lessons from Wanda and few tips from Sprite on illusions

The trick was to confuse all senses of the traget in believing what the caster wanted them to belive which included sight,smell,touch,taste,hearing and a little bit mind control which was a additional advice from Leo to make the illusion more believable

If the illusion is what the traget thinks then there's more of a chance it will work as the mind believes that it is the truth

"Arghh! I'm gonna kill him !!" Liana hissed angrily as she watched her perverted ahegao face cover in fluids

Eli stiffened a laugh as she watched from the side but soon noticed something frightening

The man was trembling with his eyes twitching until Liana saw him stare at her

His eyes had tunrned red iris with three tomes rotating clockwise


Blood dripped from Laina's eyes, her skin turned pale and her hair lost their color as she fell down


Eli hurridely caught her before she noticed her own hands turning wrinkly

"Can't believe someone had mastered illusions to such degree other than Loki and Sprite" he chuckled while breaking free from the restraints as if it was paper

They both tried but failed and now they were suffering from the spells side effects

"You did give me a good fight and almost won. Unfortunately, I am a cheat through and throught" He got closer to the girls before he noticed something strange

"Now that's definitely weird" he muttered while rubbing his chin

"I'm pretty sure that I activated that pheromone long ago and it should have affected you by now....how strange"

"Hmmm...let's see, Observe" his eyes glowed in light blue as he saw something and started laughing like a maniac

"Hahahahaha! Oh this is hilarious! "

He continued laughing much to their confusion

He glanced at their faces with a amused grin "Oh You don't know, Do you? That just makes it better"

Liana and Eli were growing tired and irritated by his behaviour "We don't know what?"

The man waved his hand and a transparent screen appeared in front of their eyes


Name:- Liana

Species:- Human Type:- Clone03

Body:- 100

Mind:- 78


[Average peak human stats:- 10 for all]


Name:- Eliana

Species :- Human Type:- Clone05

Body:- 70

Mind:- 150

Soul:- 60

[Average peak human stats:- 10 for all]

The girls stared at it with dumbfounded looks and said at the same time

"What the Fuc-"



Luci_Hellsbladecreators' thoughts