
New life starting from Marvel

[Before] MC dies Gets shoved in Marvel by accident Finds shit he didn't want Gets thrown into random schemes by pure coincidence Has enemies that he doesn't even know existed And peace was never an option How will he survive when the entirety of Gods are trying to get him killed one way or another ? *All the Marvel work belongs to their original writers Names, Places and Events are not related to anyone they are totally fictional* And it's gonna be slow-paced for most of the time so you've been warned and is kinda slice of life P.s this is before I decided to take it seriously Afterwards this happened - [Consider this as true synopsis....kind of] What happens when you pick someone who knows certain things and how thing work And give them a chance and open a new door to the Infinite realities ? Let's find out P.S - I rewrote the synopsis and it may change cause why not P.P.S - It really is slow paced and updates will be slow....hopefully they won't but no promises (This was supposed to be a Fanfic but I f'ed up and here we are)

Luci_Hellsblade · Action
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57 Chs

A Bad day and The Movie

*The day Leo died*

ROB3012 was having a good day

As usual he woke up

Did some regular exercise, hey even gods need to stay healthy right ? (That was a joke )

After reading ROB newspaper he got to his daily activities

Catching up with other ROBs at ROB's Eat and Drink

Playing pranks on Minor Gods

Flirting with Goddess

Messing around with mortals with their wish fulfillment things and watching them cause chaos

Today too was a good day

He found a mortal to mess with and immediately contacted his contract Truck-kun and commissioned the hit

Paid a Writer of Fate to cut his destiny to cause a fated demise

Bribed the local Reaper who had the authority in that region and voila we have perfect entertainment

But his good day turned bad

The moral was supposed to die

Yet he dogged the truck not like it didn't happen first time but he couldn't just ignore this

So he did what anyone would do and reversed time a little and locked the space around him so he won't move and caused a causality effect, now normally he wouldn't care, but because of the disturbance The Association got interested in this mortal and caught him the moment he died

The day turned worse when he went to negotiate for the mortal

It was Light, that hateful bitch who got hold of the mortal

It was better to just look for another than to try and getting that mortal from her clutches

But his pride didn't allow it

So they had heated arguments for almost 3 hours before coming to a conclusion

They'll bet how long the mortal will survive with random rewards got from the draw and to add to the twist light will put restrictions on him to make it more entertaining

So they agreed

Light did the usual drill, met the guy told him the script but the mortal was a little weird

He asked to watch his death

Not the first time that happened but it was weird nonetheless

They all knew that the mortal figured out something but chose to ignore it

They all had the same thought 'What can he do even if he knows ?'

And that got God of death and another God of Fate were interested in him and they marked him too

Love wanted the mortal to atleast have a happy love life so she gave him a soulmate, well more entertaining for them

Tyche was bored so she too decided to play, who would want to argue with her

Then Light decided to play a prank, by showing her divine form a little, but the Bitch tried to charm the guy, which he shrugged off like it was nothing

At that moment alarms started going off in ROB3012's head

One time was a accident

Two time was a coincidence

But the third that's just confirming things

He knew it was weird

How can someone dodge a truck at almost point blank range ?

And the guy wasn't even someone who played sports

He was just a regular human

Even Light felt something was off and cast more seals and self destruction bombs on him

Even if he somehow managed to become powerful he will die

Something was weird

The mortal who dodged his fated demise

The weird way he shrugged off the charm

The glitch in the draw which gave that absurd power

And the moment Light casted seals on him which she covered by the hug, he felt as if knives where placed on his neck

He knew he had to stop the mortal from going through the portal

But before he could stop the process Light pushed him in the portal

And now they could do nothing but place their bets and watch his struggles

*Movie begins*

They started watching the screen from his POV and switched to 3rd POV from time to time for better experience

Then they watched as he fell down into the rift and darkness covered him

The thought he'll wake up after birth but their thought wrong

'Something' caught the camera or mortal in this case

The image shook for a while before stabilizing only to show a giant 'thing' holding it

"A-AZ-AZATHOTH!!!!" We all screamed

Those Minor Gods watching the show just fainted

Those who bet on the mortal were horrified cause the marks can be used to trace them back here and that would be it

'We did not see that coming ' would be an understatement for this

ROB3012 wanted nothing more than to skin the bitch alive


Oh they were screwed alright

The mortal was a jinx

He had just said about Outer Gods finding this world and he just had to be caught by their King

(AN:- They're seeing the scenes from the movie the above events did not happen....or did they ?)

Even the Primordial was alerted by this and he was not happy

They watched as Azathoth's hair caught the mortal

He didn't do anything just spinned him around a little and threw him in random direction

At that they sighed in relief

"We're just in time " Leo spoke in hushed tone

"Why are we sneaking in ?" Mistress Death mirroring him spoke

"We don't wanna miss the show do we ?" He said pointing at the screen in the hall

"What are they watching ?"

"My life"

"Aren't you supposed to be like 2 days old?"

"Yeah, that's the fake life I made while waiting till my birth, I knew they what they were planning so Uno reversed them " he smirked

And so the hall had two uninvited guests watching the show

It continued with him traveling through darkness when suddenly being pulled in what looked like a stream of white light

It continued dragging him and in the process making cuts and tearing small parts of him

The moment he was thrown out, he had cracks all over him, it looked like even slight breeze would break him to pieces

Then the screen went black when he closed his eyes

Nothing happened for few minutes before they heard a cry of a baby and the screen started brightening like someone was opening their eyes

Sounds of people running and screaming could be heard with gunshots fired once in a while

"Sir what should we do with his parents ?" A man asked from left of him (leo)

"Kill them and destroy all evidence of his birth, we'll make him into the perfect weapon for our cause " The voice holding him said

He didn't know what was going on

So he moved his gaze to his left and saw a man holding a gun to a woman lying on a bed, crying while hew lower body was covered in blood


The man shot her without blinking and shot the man besides her

"Burn this place down " the voice said before turning away

"All for our rise again " the voice carrying him said raising him up in the air

For the first time the audience (gods) saw the man's face

Covered in scars and wearing a military suite

The thing that caught their attention the most was the badge

A skull with tentacles coming out

"Hail Hydra!!" He said before raising the child in air for others to see

....To be continued

Finally the movie

And I already have a plan what I'm about to do next

Few chaps may get confusing as I left some plot holes for a reason

5D chess is Back

Luci_Hellsbladecreators' thoughts