
New Life; Fun Life

Author Heroes are not born... They are made. Liam tran... Liam Cut!... I'm no fucking hero, correct that now. Author *Ahem* it seems there is confusion somewhere, sorry for the inconvenience. Liam, a boy who dreamt of Eternal Peace, transmigrated into a fantasy world. Having no other option... He decides to pursue the other form of Eternal peace... Eternal Happiness. But with evil lurking at all corners of his new world... It would be a difficult dream to archive. Join us, on our journey to... Eternal Peace/Happiness. Liam. Cut!... Not us... only me. Author I thought we are in this together. Partners... Till the end. Liam It seems the author is suffering from... An unknown disease. Join me, on my journey to... Eternal Peace or Happiness. Either would be good for me. And for those looking down on us... I'm watching you. And for those thinking; it's interesting... You're my best pal. Thanks, Fam. Watch out for this epic tale... One that you only see in... Don't know the length. Just enjoy. {Disclaimer} The cover isn't mine, so if you know the artist or you are the artist. I'll be glad if you contact me, I'll do my best to appreciate your wonderful work. https://discord.gg/5jRzj65WbV Discord link. Do join if you're interested. Thanks.

Believer_X · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
75 Chs

Yelling. Not edited yet.

Red Light District. 


"Fuck! That coward, of an Emperor!" Yelled Raymond, scattering the table, and other things around.

"Yelling won't solve anything," said Cuckoo, in his human form. He seemed calm as usual… I'm talking about his human form.

"How do I stay calm!" Yelled Raymond, transferring his grievances to Cuckoo.

"Quarreling won't solve anything," said a female, looking through a map. If one looks closely, one'll discover that she's Liam's geography teacher.

"Can you find any pathway, Avani?" Asked Cuckoo, looking at her curiously. 

"It seems they know a lot about me," she said in a solemn tone. "I can't find any, or rather… they blocked all pathways," she continued with a depressed filled voice.

"Damn!" Yelled Raymond, about to break other things.


"Bastard! What is wrong with you!" Cuckoo yelled out, betraying his natural order. He only does this when his patience is worn out.

"Haa, men are annoying," Avani said in a depressed tone, walking toward a chair.


"Where is Liam!?" Yelled the newcomer, glaring at everyone present. I know, you know the person… but I'll still keep you in suspense.

"I know it's you, bitch!" Yelled the newcomer, pointing her finger at Avani. 

'Here is another problem… what's Big Mom doing with a girl like her' Avani thought, rolling her eyes.

"Bitch! I'm talking to you!" The newcomer yelled out loud, walking furiously toward Avani.

"Hey girl, have some manners," said Raymond, veins popping on his chubby head. He finally realized how annoying it was… hearing people yell, causes headaches.

"How dare a fatty as you talk to me!" The newcomer yelled, changing her direction, now facing Raymond.


"Say that… one… more… time," said Raymond, speaking slowly, his eyes squinted, forming a dangerous arch.

"I said… how… dare… a… fatty… like… you… talk… to… me!" She yelled, mimicking his way of speaking.

"I'll kill you!" Raymond yelled, moving toward the newcomer. To which the newcomer reacted in kind, moving toward Raymond.

Now we are going to see an epic battle; a chubby male and an annoying female.

"Stop this charade *Cuckoo*!" Cuckoo yelled, taking on his true form. He looked majestic, something that only gutsy individuals have the will to stand before.

"Chicken!" Yelled the newcomer, not minding Cuckoo's might. "Don't think I'm scared of you," said the newcomer, this time reducing her voice.

"Hey attendant, I'm doing good… I got some training to do, see you when I return," said a voice. 

"Liam!" Yelled the newcomer, moving toward the source.

"It's an audio clip… he's not here," replied Avani, rising from her position. "He's training… hope you can relax?" She continued, giving the newcomer a Stern look.

"Why… why didn't you take my permission?" Asked the newcomer, directing her fingers to Avani. I could smell something fishy, she planned on blaming someone for her mistakes.


"How dare you ignore me!" Cuckoo yelled out, in an infuriated tone. Now he was in his chicken form, which means… his aggressive state.


With the sound of an explosion, everyone in the room went silent, looking at each other for confirmation. They didn't want to believe their ears.

"It seems we are under attack," said Raymond, with a clenched fist. "prepare… we'll fight," he continued, sounding resolved.

"Big Mom, has a lot of enemies, and few friends," said Avani, taking in deep breaths. "I believe it's better to evacuate," she continued in a sad tone.

"We can't leave!" Raymond yelled, moving toward Avani. "We'll call back all our comrades, and remember… we have something to protect," he continued, placing his arms on her shoulder.

"I know!" Avani yelled out, breaking her calm composure. "I don't think it's worth it… it's just some… unknown fact," she said, her body motion showing her current displaced state.

"We worked hard for this Avani… the enemies we have, and… the bond we made, was all for this… giving up now would be cowardly," Cuckoo said, perching on the floor. "The energy food he gave me… can help you too," he continued, sounding like a good Samaritan.

"Ewwww!" They chorused out loud, their motion portraying an urge to throw up.

"It's delicious!" He yelled in a defensive tone. It seems they have forgotten the chaos outside.

"I do…"

Cutting her off, was the attendant AKA Kassandra. "I believe this will help Liam, if so… then I'm in!" She yelled out vibrantly.


'No way I'll let her outshine me' thought Avani, veins bulging from her head. "I guess it's too late to turn back… I'm in," she said, glaring at Kassandra.

'Women are such fickle creatures… I'm proud of my teachings, now Liam will be perfect at handling females' thought Raymond proudly, performing a victory stance.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Believer_Xcreators' thoughts