
New Guy In Marvel

Thrown somewhere unknown, Malcolm takes this chance to figure out a way to live on even if his family is gone and he knows he will never see them again I own nothing but OC and my Ideas....

Cold_Phantom19 · Movies
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[2] Travel and Help

------Malcolm POV

I got away from those people and luckily they didn't find me, it took awhile before I actually found a civilization and I was glad that I wasn't in some world without humans. The first one I found I didn't understand a word he said to me it took three days for me to fully learn his language, I am also glad that I scanned him since it seemed he didn't have magic in him. Most back on my world didn't have it either but it was always good to check and make sure, everyone else I scanned was the same.

Finally after learning some information I was on a continent named Africa in a country called Egypt, no clue what any of those words meant besides country though. After learning what I could from him I went to find the nearest library that he sent me towards, the place was small since this was a little village and the knowledge they did have was limited.

Sighing I walked out the library and decided to go find something to eat, although I had control over my mothers necklace now there was no food inside it would all spoil. Since I had no money I stole some food from a stall while also hunting what little I could find, I was trained by the best Sorceress know to ma so of course I could hunt for myself easily.

Some Time Later.....

A week later I thought it was time for me to leave this place, no offense but it couldn't help be anymore and I wanted to see more of this world. The place was more advanced then mine but also at the same time for some reason there was a lit of magic in the air but these normal's couldn't even use it.

I was heading to London well just Europe in general I asked around this week and that was where the only place I heard stories of a doppelganger of my mother was from. Unlike mine though she didn't have kids and she was despised by a lot, well my mom was too, but anyway I wanted to see if I could find anything that was similar from my mom.

She wouldn't replace mine but I was curious to see if she had even a tenth of my mothers power, I caught a boat from a friend of a man who owed me a favor after I saved him from a problem. I also needed to hurry and find a place to set up my mothers workshop, I wasn't in a rush or anything but it wouldn't be helpful if I stayed the same always.

The boat ride was a couple hours long before I got to shore I ended up in Catania, Italy, I saw a map so while I wasn't close I wasn't that far away either it would take maybe another week. Looking around the place was way better than the last that I was at, well it was time to collect funds to get me where I needed to be.

A Week Later.....

It wasn't a fortune but it was enough for me to get a flight to London, thankfully there was an airport to take me where I needed to be. The only problem was when I got to the airport, I had two problems, one I needed an adult to get me the ticket and two I need something with Identification and a Passport. I take back what I said this world is not so great it needs way to much just for me to do one thing.

Sighing I cast a spell that made me invisible to others, well not really but at the same time it did, instead of invisible it made it where others would just ignore my presence. My mom study a lot but she could never get a full invisibility spell that actually worked, the closest she got was this and another that was a camouflage. Following the stream of people who were heading towards the London flight I passed by unnoticed, I waited until it was almost time for the flight to leave before taking an empty seat.

After four hours we landed and none was the wiser about me being there, well this was just another place that was more advanced than the last this time the place was way bigger. They had some amazing structural designs it was like a blend of modern with some things that he was use to like old castles and such, since he got in so late the library was currently closed.

Thinking about that I first went to exchange my money and when that was done I went to find a cheap place to stay that wouldn't need ID, well that was a terrible idea. The place was in the slums and there was women selling themselves all over the place, the was one woman who watched him walk by and she didn't stop staring even when he walked in the motel.

"ID." The man behind the counter said seeing me walk in alone.

"Well I was hoping that maybe I could get a room off the books for say what a hundred pound." though I only had a little over three hundred it was worth it for no questions asked.

"Kid go home and stop messing around before I get mad." the man said picking up a long wooden stick that was a thick as my arm.

I was getting ready to just kill him and take a room when the woman who was watching me earlier walked in, "He's with me Don, just give him a separate room." The woman looked to be in her early thirties with long brown hair, she had a little to much make-up on but she was still beautiful even without it.

I looked at her with a question in my eyes that she caught but she just sent me a smile, "Follow me little cutie." she said after grabbing the key from Don who didn't even charge me for the room.

Although it was a little weird and I was absolutely thinking she was a pedophile I still followed her, "Well as long as you don't try anything indecent with me then fine I guess." I said shrugging and following her down the hall, we walked towards the end and stopped at room 13.

"12 is mine and this one is yours you can stay as long you want, and don't worry I won't go after a kid I am not one of those." She giggled at the end, "Don't worry I could just tell that you needed help, I will let you meet someone tomorrow night to help you with that ID problem." she handed me the key then threw me a wink before going into her own room.

I watched her walked in an smiled a little when the door was closed, although I was rude to everyone and really didn't care for others opinions of me if they were helpful then I would help them. Going into my room I cast a powerful cleaning spell that made the room look like it was bran new, even the giant blood stain that was in the carpet was gone. Huh didn't think that the carpet was originally white, time for a shower.

The Very Next Day....

I woke up to the glaring sun and grunted, a giggle heard in the room though had me sitting up my hair falling into my face standing there was the woman from last night. This time she didn't have all that make-up on and she actually looked beautiful under that, she had a soft face that had a little scar under her eye but with the make-up he didn't even know it was there.

"Well since you are in my room then mind telling me your name?" I asked brushing my hair out my face.

"Cindy. But want to tell me how the room got so clean, I was sure that the last time I was in here this carpet was blue and that there was a giant blood stain from where Lee got shot." she said looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Haha sure let me just tell you all my secrets," I said on an eyeroll, "Is there a reason you are in my room so early in the morning?"

"I brought breakfast!" she said cheerfully while bring from the dresser two white containers, "I didn't know what you liked so I just got you some waffles with a side of bacon, orange juice to wash it all down." Sitting down next to me she handed on the container before opening her own. "I was also thinkin of your situation from last night did you lose your ID or do you not have one?"

Seeing as there was no harm I decided to tell her, "Don't have one, never have in fact."

She nodded taking another bite of her waffles, they were delicious and the fresh fruit on them made them that much better, "Well then how about your parents? are you a runaway?"

My mind went to my mom and seeing her last smile before she knocked me out and sent met here, my eyes dimmed a little at the thought, "Never knew them I just kind of turned up."

I didn't look at her but I could feel her eyes on me as she ate, "Well how about this then, we got to a hospital or the government office and register me as your mother. I can just tell them that it because of my work I never got the chance to have you properly brought into society, this way we can get you all the right papers."

Suddenly the food felt like dried stale bread in my throat, I didn't know what to say this was something that would help me a lot but it would also be disgracing my mom. "WHY!!!? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!!!?" I couldn't help but get angry there was no one else fit enough to be my mother but my original no one was going to replace her.

Cindy smiled and pulled me into a hug, "I know you have your own secrets but last night when I saw you I knew that you would also be destined for great things and I want to ride your coat tails. Don't worry it is only in writing that I will replace your mother, what was her name?"

"Morgan 'Morgana' Le Fay." I say not hiding it. I will never be ashamed for who my mother is or hate her for her deeds no one is every hundred percent good or bad in my eyes, everyone is grey.

Cindy froze hearing that and looked down at me with a raised brow, "Like the Sorceress that is evil and fought with Merlin himself?"

"Not Like, that is my mother..... Since you want to do this then you should know that I am not from here but another world, my mother was in a fight with Merlin and because of me she was weakened. Taking the chance Merlin and Arthur attacked which resulted in me fleeing and her..... well I don't know but I refuse to believe she is dead." I said with my head raised high, though I was still sad she had lost because of me.

Cindy was shocked to hear that but still held me in her embrace thinking it over, "I can see how much you care about your mother, don't worry I will never replace her but while you wait for her let me help you."

The room went silent while I thought it over, my mom taught me to take advantage of everything given to me but at the same time never be in anyone's debt. Thinking it over there was some things I could do to repay Cindy back for helping me so it was going to be a business deal and while I learned more about this world she could help me.

"Fine, let's do it. You will be my 'mother' in this world and for the help I will do something to make you well respected and seen as someone important in the world." I said with conviction.

"Wait you don't---" she tried to say but I held up a hand.

"No if you are going to be apart of the Le Fay family then you have to have prestige that is befitting of us or it is pointless for me to accept." I said looking her dead in the eye, she must have seen how serious I was since she nodded with a smile.

"Fine let's do it your way then."

The Le Fay's shall hold all of the Powerstones, because you aren't worthy.

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