

Everyone was startled at the insane man who declared that he was the father of everyone.

"What?! Who are you, and how is it that we have not known of your existence?" A middle-aged man that looked like Andronze challenged.

"Who are we? Andronze used her cells to create you! I'm sure you have noticed this! Look around you! All of you look the same! Can't you tell that you are brothers and sisters?"

"Of course, we know that!"

"Really? Then who do you think your father is?" Lowengren smiled.

"My... father? It can't be you! Presider Andronze would never have sex with a mere Pioneer!"

"Pioneer? Of course, she wouldn't! But her cells were extracted, and it was our sperm that was used to give birth to all of you! And to prove it, our very faces will even spur you to have emotions over us!" Lowengren declared as he slowly opened and quickly shut a small vial that contained one of the most terrifying powers that the Unlocked had.