
New Game+

An alien race invaded the Earth on June 6, 2128. At the midst of this war, many nations allied with the alien threat and the war nearly wiped out the rebelling humans of the planet. At the edge of mankind's survival, the United Nations Army launched its forces to eliminate the immediate stellar threats that loomed over Earth. General Seeker Carlean, commander and leader of the mission, risked and gave his life to destroy the immediate stellar threat. The battle was won though Earth lay in ruins. Perhaps mankind will live to see a few years of peace before the alien threat returns to wipe out their existence. At the immediate aftermath of the stellar battle, the fallen Seeker Carlean awakens and finds himself at aged 17, living the peaceful life he lived 16 years before he died. So begins a new game in the battle for humanity's survival. ---- Cover art by Jayps. http://www.behance.net/Jayps

Rapture_Tales · Sci-fi
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663 Chs

No Longer Ichabod, No Longer Lo-Ammi

On the other side of the world, a short and bespectacled man had finally arrived at a tall building.

Several tall and black men who guarded the door greeted him respectfully.

The short bespectacled man simply smiled and waved as he strode by.

"Now that, Raffias, is Shark Umberton. He is one of the most influential people who reside in this tower. He actually purchased the rooftop of this very tower so be sure to treat him with the utmost respect!" The black man with a more distinguished uniform spoke.

Raffias, the guard-in-training nodded and imprinted the figure of the man who just passed by.

"I know that man! I've seen him on the news! Isn't he that business guru and professor? He is fighting for the human rights of his people." The other guard nodded.