
New Game+

An alien race invaded the Earth on June 6, 2128. At the midst of this war, many nations allied with the alien threat and the war nearly wiped out the rebelling humans of the planet. At the edge of mankind's survival, the United Nations Army launched its forces to eliminate the immediate stellar threats that loomed over Earth. General Seeker Carlean, commander and leader of the mission, risked and gave his life to destroy the immediate stellar threat. The battle was won though Earth lay in ruins. Perhaps mankind will live to see a few years of peace before the alien threat returns to wipe out their existence. At the immediate aftermath of the stellar battle, the fallen Seeker Carlean awakens and finds himself at aged 17, living the peaceful life he lived 16 years before he died. So begins a new game in the battle for humanity's survival. ---- Cover art by Jayps. http://www.behance.net/Jayps

Rapture_Tales · Sci-fi
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663 Chs

Lourca Oviili

The name Lourca Oviili did not register in Seeker's memories.

"I do not know of that name. I am the Leader of the Progenitor's Seeds. I'm not sure if you know of me, as I am somewhat of a celebrity up there,"

"We know much about you, Seeker. Even though we are down here, we're pretty much connected with the world through various means given by the Progenitor."

"Hmmm... You're a Pioneer, right? Arthur theorized that one high-ranking officer within the Aragarian should have been taken, imprisoned, or forced by the Progenitor to work for him. Which one are you?'

"None of them." Lourca smiled.

"None? Then what are you?"

"The best way to put it is to call us sleeper agents. Seeds of the Progenitor within Aragar itself."

"Seeds in Aragar, your home planet? Are there more of you?"

"We don't know. If there are, they don't know it yet."